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Chapter 440: Enemy or Reinforcements?

Zhao Hong was worthy of being a battle-hardened general. Although he was knocked down by Zhao Hong with a single shot, he was stunned for a moment before he rolled around on the ground and got up.

Just when he stood still, the spear in Zhao Da's hand swept towards Zhao Hong's face again with the sound of wind and thunder.

"Well done!" Zhao Hong roared angrily, raised his sword and pointed it at Zhao Da's spear.

In his opinion, no matter how strong this Zhao Da is, he is just a little more powerful than ordinary people.

Compared with her, a real battlefield warrior, he may not be much stronger.

The reason why he suffered a loss just now was because he was unprepared. He was caught off guard and was attacked by Zhao Da, which made him look a little embarrassed.

In a real head-to-head confrontation, he may not be weaker than Zhao Da.

But soon, Zhao Hong discovered that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

The moment Zhao Da's spear hit his chest, Zhao Hong felt a force that was like a giant beast from the wild.

The terrifying power almost shook his sword off his hand.

The whole person was swept away for more than three feet, and then he reluctantly stopped.

Finally blocked Zhao Da's attack.

Zhao Hong only felt that his two arms had lost all feeling and half of his body was numb.

The hand holding the sword suddenly burst open, and blood filled it.

"Is this really a human being?" Zhao Hong was a little in disbelief, looking at Zhao Da who was fighting like a furious King Kong in the battle formation.

When he was learning skills from his master, Zhao Hong once heard his master say that one effort can reduce ten skills.

In the past, Zhao Hong sneered at this statement.

Because he has never seen what real, absolute power looks like.

until today.

Zhao Hongcai was shocked to find that what his master said was true.

With Zhao Da's strength, even Zhao Hong could tell that this guy had never learned any martial arts.

Moreover, he was stupid enough to use a spear as a sword.

But when Zhao Hong felt the terrifying power coming from the spear, the martial arts he relied on were of no use at all.

"Bah!" Zhao Hong spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm with blood.

Then he threw away his sword and picked up a long gun from the ground.

As the saying goes, every inch is long and every inch is strong.

It’s not like Zhao Hong has never practiced the technique of single-handedly entering a spear.

The more he practiced, the clearer Zhao Hong became about how ridiculous this approach was.

When he was a master of martial arts, when he fought with a sword against his junior brother who had practiced martial arts for three months, he could only draw a draw.

If the junior brother who uses a spear has a slightly better martial arts, he can basically win once or twice at a time, which is good.

Zhao Hong knew very well that at this time, if he could not deal with the strong man in front of him, he would have absolutely no chance to kill Zhu Han.

If this extremely ferocious and strong man were allowed to join Zhu Han and the others.

Today, I'm afraid he will completely lose the chance to kill Zhu Han.

Therefore, no matter from which perspective, he must deal with Zhao Da first.

And it must be solved in the shortest possible time.

People who are not familiar with the battlefield may not think anything of it.

But Zhao Hong could feel that the pressure on Ruiqi Camp was almost reaching its limit.

They may collapse at any time and completely lose their combat effectiveness.

"Suffer death!" Zhao Hong roared angrily.

With a flick of the spear, the hard spear was like a swimming dragon in his hand, stabbing Zhao Da extremely quickly.

"Brother Wang Hu, there is a powerful guy here!" Zhao Da is not a fool, so naturally he cannot let Zhao Hong attack him.

He directly raised the spear, like a wooden stick, and hit Zhao Hong's head directly.

The spear above his head was still far away, and Zhao Hong's skin was stung by the strong wind. The thin barrel of the gun felt as if it had been pressed down by a mountain.

It was obvious that he was the last one to take action, but Zhao Hong could really feel that if he didn't stop in time, he would definitely be the one who died.

The assassination mission has not yet been completed, so Zhao Hong naturally refuses to die with Zhao Datong.

With his feet moving together, he quickly dodged the stick that Zhao Da smashed down on his head.

However, Zhao Hong dodged, but a soldier from the Ruiqi Battalion behind him did not dodge.

A loud noise in winter.

The spear hit the soldier's helmet directly.

Zhao Hong watched as the helmet made of steel, like a white face, was smashed into a big hole.

Even the armor stomach of the steel helmet is like this. If it hits the head directly...

Just thinking about it, Zhao Hong swallowed involuntarily.

He now wanted to know where this strong man came from.

After killing a soldier from the Rui Cavalry Battalion, Zhao Dacai just picked up the spear, and the spear and the barrel of the spear were broken into seventeen or eight pieces.

When Zhao Hong saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Although this guy is very strong, he has never been on the battlefield and doesn't know how to protect his weapons.

I'll kill you while you're sick.

Zhao Hong put more force into his hand, and the speed of his gun suddenly increased a lot.

As a result, he was only halfway through handing out the gun when he noticed that Zhao Da flipped his wrist and another long gun appeared out of nowhere.

Then he followed his example and stabbed Zhao Hong directly with one hand.

Although his shot was several times slower than Zhao Hong's, he couldn't stand up to Zhao's long arms.

And holding the gun with one hand, the distance is much longer than that of Zhao Hong.

Therefore, Zhao Hong just felt a whistling sound coming from the tip of the gun, and it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that Zhao Hong even felt as if he had been pierced by a spear.

In desperation, Zhao Hong had to avoid it again.

Just like before, he easily dodged Zhao Da's attack. However, the ordinary soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion were affected in the process, and several of them died on the spot.

Now the situation on the battlefield has become extremely interesting.

Zhao Hong, who was responsible for the assassination, was forced back by Zhao Da.

His martial arts skills are much stronger than Zhao Da's, and his combat experience is definitely many times richer than that of Zhao Da who has never been on the battlefield.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, he was suppressed by Zhao Da and could not breathe. He could not do anything except retreat continuously and use the soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion to gain a breather for himself.

Wang Hu, who was behind Zhao Da, reminded: "Brother, keep an eye on that guy in armor. I just saw him attack the prince. We must not let him run away."

Zhao Da laughed and agreed: "Don't worry, I'm in front of him. This guy will never be able to escape."

While talking, Zhao Da hit Zhao Hong randomly with the spear in his hand.

Zhao Hong was hit so hard that he could only dodge in a panic, not even daring to block.

When he blocked Zhao Da's attack before, he was almost injured internally. At that time, Zhao Da was not serious about taking action.

Now this guy is specifically targeting him. If he blocks like this again, he may not really be dead.

However, although Zhao Hong looked embarrassed when he avoided it, he was not without the ability to fight back.

Facing a monster-level master like Zhao Da, one must not confront him head-on. Otherwise, he might have been smashed into pieces long ago.

He has been working hard, looking for opportunities to take action.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people.

Finally, when he made a move, the spear in Zhao Da's hand could not withstand his terrifying power again and broke into several sections.

"Now!" Zhao Hong has been waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a long time.

Even after Zhao Da's weapon broke, the two people behind him would soon replenish him with another weapon.

But no matter how timely their movements are, there will eventually be an opening.

What Zhao Hong wanted to seize was this fleeting opportunity.


With a roar, Zhao Hong leapt forward, rushed in front of Zhao Da, and stabbed with his spear.

In this attack, Zhao Hong almost used up all his strength and vowed to stab Zhao Da in several holes before he was willing to give up.


The sound of a spear entering flesh was heard.

The somewhat proud and ferocious smile on Zhao Hong's face immediately froze.

He lowered his head in disbelief.

A spear was piercing his chest.

Judging from the length of the penetration, this shot probably pierced his body directly.

Zhao Hong seemed to be able to feel that life was draining away from the wound on his chest.

He raised his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to say something.

But because his lungs were punctured and blood was pouring into them, he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

It was Wang Hu who took action, and he had obviously been waiting for this opportunity.

Zhu Han from a distance had been watching all this. When he saw Zhao Hong, who was wearing armor, falling down, Zhu Han immediately shouted sharply.

"Soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion, listen, you should immediately put down your weapons and surrender. I also know that you are involuntarily. This time, I will only kill the evil leader, and let the rest be forgotten."

Zhu Han's bodyguards and the accompanying Jin Yiwei saw this.

They also shouted: "Zhao Hong has been killed. The others immediately put down their weapons and surrendered. Let's forget about it."

"Lay down your weapons, surrender, and let bygones be bygones."

Zhao Hong was dead, and the soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion naturally did not want to die together with their commander, and were later accused of treason.

Immediately some people dropped their spears to express surrender.

Someone took the lead, and the sound of a large number of weapons falling to the ground immediately sounded around.

When the surrounding people who came to help saw this, they did not leave immediately. Instead, they were all on guard with weapons.

Zhu Han frowned.

He turned around and climbed back into his carriage, stood next to the shaft, and put his hands together to make a trumpet shape.

"All the martyrs sacrificed their lives to save us. I, King Zhu Han, am deeply grateful."

"I swear to God, I will never forget everyone who stepped forward to help me today."

"The promises I made before are all counted. Heaven and earth are proof. If I dare to break my oath, I will be struck by thunder and death."

"But now, all of you, fellow villagers, please step aside and leave this matter to me and my guards."

"I am here. I would like to thank you all."

These people had previously rushed out to help with a moment of bravery. Now they calmed down and found that there were corpses everywhere around them, and many of them felt very upset.

Some people were so happy that they vomited on the spot.

After Zhu Han spoke, the people began to leave Qipan Street one after another.

These people basically live nearby.

Therefore, just like they had descended from the sky just now, they are now like ghosts, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the people left, Zhu Han and others heard a series of chaotic footsteps approaching quickly.

Zhu Han just listened attentively, and his expression suddenly changed.

"No, there are at least three hundred people making these footsteps. Those guys behind the scenes have actually arranged a back-up. Everyone, get in formation immediately!"

The Jin Yiwei and Zhu Han's guards put their Xiuchun knives back into their scabbards, and like Zhao Da, picked up the spears on the ground.

In a real battle formation, it is better to use a spear.

The people in the Ruiqi camp looked at each other, wondering what they should do at this time.

"Your Majesty!" A Baihu from Ruiqi camp said hurriedly: "Can you allow me to wait for my crime and meritorious service?"

"It's not necessary." Zhu Han refused without thinking.

He was not so big-hearted as to let the guys who were assassinating him just now protect him instead.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhu Han is afraid that there are assassins hidden among these people who have not been exposed.

"Now you retreat to both sides, clear the road in the middle, and let my king's soldiers meet the enemy."

Naturally, the soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion did not dare to neglect, and with a crash, they made way for a passage where they could fight.

They had just adjusted their formation when a large group of people rushed out from the corner next to them.

However, everyone was stunned when they saw the appearance of these people.

These people were wearing coarse linen clothes. Although they were not particularly dirty, there were patches everywhere on their bodies.

Their weapons are also of all kinds.

Shovel, hoe, etc...

Just at the front of the team, Zhu Han saw several familiar figures.

Zhang Fengnian, Liu Jiyang, Shen Xiong.

Obviously, these three guys heard that he was stabbed to death in the street, and then directly brought people to rescue him.

Zhang Fengnian and the others couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when they saw the scene.

Although the corpses everywhere told them that a tragic battle did take place here.

But now it seems that this battle is over.

"Everyone, stop! Don't go forward."

Zhang Fengnian immediately stopped the workers from moving forward to avoid any misunderstandings that should not arise.

A guard in Jinyi ran up to Zhao Fengnian and the others, and his eyes swept over the three of them.

"Prince Zhang Fengnian asked you to come over. He has a few words to ask you."

After a pause, he said to the other two people: "The prince has also said that if the two righteous men also want to go, of course you are welcome. If you don't want to go, the prince will not force you."

When Liu Jiyang and Shen Xiong heard this, they immediately shook their heads like rattles.

As businessmen, the two of them really didn't want to have too much contact with Zhu Han.

It’s not like I have any objections to Zhu Han.

But when facing a prince, they always feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

In the end, Zhang Fengnian was the only one left, following Jin Yiwei to see Zhu Han.

This chapter has been completed!
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