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Chapter 476 A refugee camp cleaner than Fucheng

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 Chapter 476 A refugee camp cleaner than Fucheng

Outside the north gate of Datong Prefecture, tens of thousands of victims were sniping at them.

In fact, not only the north gate, but also the four city gates of Datong are now full of disaster victims.

Moreover, thousands of disaster victims gather from various places in Datong Prefecture towards Fucheng every day.

Although these victims also know that the entire Datong area is now covered in red land.

Even if you come to Fucheng, it may not be of any use.

But for them, there is no other choice but to come here.

"Work harder, we'll reach Fucheng in three or four miles." Someone in the crowd said hard.

"As long as we get to Fucheng, we can always get something to eat. Don't worry, it's impossible for the government to just watch us starve to death."

It is estimated that the people who say these words do not believe what they say.

However, if they don't give themselves a little hope at this time, they simply won't be able to survive.

At this time, an old woman in the crowd asked in a trembling voice: "Sir, what should we women do if we can't do those physical jobs?"

Although these words were all about Hong Guoguo's interests, the people finally listened.

In the past, when the Meng Yuan Dynasty ruled, they did a lot of this kind of work.

However, in the past, these were all done as labor for the imperial court. Not only did they have no money, but they might also have to provide their own dry food.

However, if food is tight, they can only drink some rice soup with almost no rice visible.

However, the official's voice was not over yet.

"Common people, the main places where the imperial court recruits people are these."

People who really can't survive can do anything.

"It must be a lie. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Even if the court really wants to provide disaster relief, the food for disaster relief cannot reach the hands of the people at all.

What's more, today's Ming Dynasty has just been founded and is officially prospering.

The recruiter held up a loudspeaker and tried to explain to them.

Now that they have a purpose, they feel relieved.

On a small dirt bag, there was a man holding a trumpet made of iron sheets and shouting at the top of his lungs.

Speaking of which, some of them may not eat better than they do now.

He originally thought that when Zhu Han came to Datong, he would definitely destroy Datong, which was already in a bad state.

The person who stood on the small soil bag to recruit workers was actually an official from Datong.

"No wonder he's so nice to us, he actually wants to eat us!"

Many young people went crazy when they heard that they were responsible for two meals.

When someone asked this question, the Datong official was immediately surprised.

But even so, those things still can't fill their stomachs.

These people were all in ragged clothes, with yellow faces and thin muscles.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, but that this feudal bureaucrat is the limit of what they can do.

"Don't think that the imperial court is doing you a favor. The reason why they give you food is just to build up your strength so that you can work better."

"Although the salary of these jobs is lower, they still provide for a meal."

According to their past experience, the government will indeed provide disaster relief.

On the way to Datong, they had eaten up everything they could eat.

There is actually only one fate waiting for them, and that is starvation.

Just like a beggar, struggling to survive outside the city.

At this time, many people were already standing under the hill.

It was good for them, but it turned out that something went wrong.

"I heard from people of the older generation that when the Mongols conquered the world, they called us Han people two-legged sheep. This means that we are actually similar to sheep. After the sheep are fattened, they have to be killed for meat.


For these people, Datong Prefecture provides them with accommodation in the refugee camp and provides them with one free meal every day.

However, unlike previous disaster relief efforts, the gruel these people drank was also quite thick.

Rather, it is this kind of huge famine that is the most likely to cause riots.

After all, for them, as long as they have enough to eat, everything else is secondary.

In most cases, they, the victims, are absolutely not allowed to step into the city.

Of course, the purpose of Meng Yuan's disaster relief was not to save the people.

At this time, if they still have the strength, they will go to the next place to see if they can find something to eat.

If there was less food, I might not even have rice soup to drink.

However, this is not the first time he has encountered this situation, and he is quite experienced in handling it.

"And, we will also provide you with three meals a day for free."

"You don't have to worry about this. No matter what job you go to, you don't have to do any heavy work two days before the start of the job."

We can't blame these fleeing people for thinking too much.

Just when they were depressed, the recruitment official spoke again.

When the officials said this, the eyes of the common people who had worked as blacksmiths or repaired houses and walls suddenly lit up.

Hearing these words from the common people, I immediately felt dumbfounded.

"Did I hear you right? You don't have to do any heavy work, but you still have to take care of three meals a day?"

He didn’t do anything false, and went straight to the point: “Fellow folks, you don’t have to worry. We are looking for you to work on behalf of the imperial court.”

In the past, when encountering this kind of famine, even if the government provided disaster relief, it would be impossible for the government to do so.

But what about now?

Although the refugee camp outside the city is called a refugee camp, it looks clean, tidy and full of vitality.

Tangtang often did this kind of work before.

It is even stipulated that those refugees are absolutely not allowed to defecate in the open, are not allowed to spit anywhere, and are absolutely not allowed to drink unboiled water.

"Of course ordinary people can apply, but this job has relatively high technical requirements."

Although the people in the capital will give away food, they will also guard against them like thieves.

However, the government's relief is not unlimited.

"It's just that we have been hungry for so many days now, and our hands are too weak to do any work at all."

If you don't even have the strength to walk.

Upon hearing this, there was a buzzing discussion among the fleeing people below.

When there was plenty of food, they could drink some fairly viscous gruel every day.

Originally, even when they arrived in Fucheng, they were just like all refugees, using the sky as their bed and the earth as their bed.

Just when they were about to see the city walls of Datong City, a voice attracted all of their attention.

They know how to farm, but now that there is a drought in Datong, what is the use of farming?

However, as long as you give them a little bit of food, barely enough to keep them alive, the people will become much more honest.

Of course, the reason for this is that the people are at the end of their rope.

Even the brutal Mongolian Yuan Dynasty would provide disaster relief during famine years.

There were some elderly people in the crowd, but their mouths opened in shock.

No matter what, it's better to go to a big city than to be in a village where they eat all the bark and leaves of the surrounding trees and can't find anything to eat, right?

Every day, there is only one bowl of gruel to ensure that they will not starve to death.

Originally, they could only keep the people outside the city, barely provide them with some food, and then let them live or die.

Although Datong's work-for-relief program is quite effective, after all, not all people can find work.

However, some people were happy and some were worried. Those people who did not have any craftsman skills and could only farm the land suddenly became worried.

To put it bluntly, even in Datong Fucheng, apart from the fact that the buildings look better than those tents and wooden houses, it seems that they are not necessarily better than the refugee camps.

That's why there is a stone man with one eye, dancing in the Yellow River and the world reacting.

After a pause, the official added: "This kind of work also has its advantages, because the construction period is tight and the work is harder."

But what they are facing now is an unprecedented drought.

No matter how hard or tired you are, there is nothing as terrible as being hungry.

The common people supported the old and the young, with empty eyes, just walking towards Datong Mansion indifferently.

The official shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "If you want to sign up and find a job, come here."

The welfare package was really so good that they couldn't believe it.

Of course, all of this has a prerequisite.

The official immediately pretended to be enthusiastic and introduced him to everyone excitedly.

The official smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, we also need women to work on our construction site, whether it's washing, cooking, or cleaning the house."

"One is the workers who build railways. Whether you are a carpenter or a blacksmith, you can apply for the job."

And not everything they said was lies.

Under layers of deductions, those at the bottom have no hope of filling their stomachs.

Rebel armies from all walks of life rose up, and Meng Yuan was completely driven out of the Central Plains.

To put it bluntly, they just don't believe that someone would be so kind to them for no reason.

Regardless of whether you believe his words or not, the transformation of these people is a good sign after all.

Of course, it is not free, but requires them to work.

"If you want to eat enough by your own strength, come here!"

No matter what, the people are still very happy to have a way to survive.

After being hungry for so long, they can hardly even stand here, let alone do any physical work.

It was not until the founding of the Ming Dynasty that this situation completely disappeared.

"The second type of workers we recruit are workers for pruning water conservancy projects. Digging canals and building dams. Projects to prevent future floods."

Zhu Han put a lot of effort into managing the refugee camps.

"This kind of worker does not require any professional skills, just a handful of strength. You are only responsible for doing the work, and of course someone will teach you how to do it."

However, their treatment is not as good as that of those who actually work.

There are also many people who are elderly, physically disabled, or unable to work due to illness or other reasons.

Now is the time of famine, and food is simply more precious than gold.

At this time, someone is willing to give them food for free.

"These camps are for temporary housing for people like us who are fleeing. Now that there are more and more people, this kind of work is more difficult and time-consuming."

These rules, at first, allowed many people to secretly greet Zhu Han's eighteen generations of ancestors.

They were already so unlucky, how could they still meet someone like King Zhu Han of England?

I had always heard that Zhu Han was brilliant and mighty, but now it seems that Fufa is the devil who torments their people.

This is the first time I heard that officials even have to poop and pee.

(End of chapter)

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