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Chapter 526: Yamen Suggestion Box

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly: "Then why don't you let me go now?"

The housekeeper smiled bitterly and pointed to the car in front of him and explained: "Mr. Chang, you misunderstood. It's not that I won't let you go, but you have to follow the rules."

Zhu Yuanzhang felt more and more confused: "Leave half of the road for no one to walk. What kind of rule is this?"

As he was talking, Lao Zhu seemed to suddenly wake up and suddenly said, "These roads are not specially prepared for certain people, right?"

As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Lao Zhu was certainly no stranger to privileges.

Because he is the biggest beneficiary of privilege.

Lao Zhu is not disgusted with these things, after all, they are limited by the times.

In this day and age, these things are inevitable.

Even in order to maintain his rule, Lao Zhu often even inevitably had to take the initiative to implement some privileges.

But at the same time, Lao Zhuyou hated this thing very much.

After all, as an ordinary citizen, he had truly suffered from these oppressions.

Lao Zhu was rude to those officials, but he took great care of ordinary people.

If it's a road with special features, there's nothing wrong with a little privilege.

However, this is just a path taken by ordinary people, and they actually do this?

The housekeeper was speechless. He always felt that Mr. Chang gave people a very strange feeling.

But thinking about the hints given by my master, don't ask too much about things you shouldn't ask, and don't think too much about things you shouldn't think about.

The housekeeper did not think about the reason why Mr. Chang was so strange, and quickly told Zhu Yuanzhang the reason: "Mr. Chang, you have misunderstood."

"Although this regulation was personally set by His Royal Highness, the most fundamental purpose is to facilitate the travel of ordinary people."

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, but he had seen too many new things in Yanjing these days.

Therefore, Lao Zhu is no longer as shocked as before, no matter what he sees.

"How convenient is it to leave half of the road open for people to walk on?"

Although he knew that his brother's move must have deep meaning, Lao Zhu was still a little unconvinced.

I feel that Zhu Han must have done something wrong this time.

The housekeeper suddenly felt that the pressure on him had been relieved a lot.

It was as if two more mountains had been lifted off my shoulders.

I know this must be because Mr. Chang's anger has dissipated a lot.

Although Liu Ji once hinted to him not to think randomly.

But in the housekeeper's heart, he couldn't help but analyze: "Such a powerful momentum, every move and gesture can make people feel extremely frightened."

"What is the origin of this Mr. Chang?"

Although the thoughts in my mind are turbulent, in fact they only happen in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the housekeeper returned home. He laughed and said, "This is because you don't know something."

"There were originally several porcelain workshops on Liuhe Road, but they were just a few small workshops."

"Later, His Royal Highness came to Yanjing, and after the bidding meeting, the patent law was introduced."

"You don't know, just because of this patent law, we have countless rich people in Yanjing overnight."

Anyway, the car couldn't move now, so Zhu Yuanzhang patiently listened to the housekeeper.

Even though what the housekeeper said was far and wide, it was all far and wide.

Zhu Yuanzhang had no intention of stopping the housekeeper.

I just sneered secretly in my heart: "Apart from Qi Wu, we are the only ones in the world who know this patent law best."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think the patent law was a big deal before.

But gradually, as more and more people registered patents, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually discovered the benefits.

The patent law itself may not bring much benefit to Ming Dynasty.

But those who register patents have created too many things that benefit the country and the people.

Although limited by the thinking of the older generation, they still tend to regard the inherited crafts as the capital of their children and grandchildren, and pass them on from generation to generation.

But after all, there are still some people who will be tempted by immediate benefits.

These related industries alone bring a huge amount of tax revenue to Ming Dynasty every year.

Not to mention, many patents can also bring changes to Ming Dynasty in various aspects.

Because of this, Zhu Yuanzhang took time to study this patent law.

He is not one of those old pedants who are too stupid to read, but he will never reject such things that are tempting and profitable.

If the steward talked about patent law in front of him, it would be no different from Guan Gong using a sword in front of him.

"Mr. Chang, you don't know that since the patent law was established, many various workshops have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain because of this patent."

"In the past, those people didn't dare to easily take out the exclusive secret recipe and open a workshop."

"After all, many secret recipes are just like that. Others can learn them at a glance. By then, your own secret recipes will be learned by others without any reason."

"But now with the patent law, as long as you register a patent, others can't use it casually even if they have a secret recipe."

"Once you find that someone else is using your own patented secret recipe, you can directly sue the authorities."

"Those who casually steal other people's patents may be fined as little as confiscation of property, or even expelled from the army."

"So here on Liuhe Road, twelve ceramic workshops were opened in less than a month."

"These workshops all have exclusive secret recipes."

"Now, almost all of our ceramic workshops in Yanjing are near Liuhe Road."

"This also led to many merchants who came to purchase goods gathered near Liuhe Road."

"Originally, the road here is quite spacious, but there are too many cars that can't handle it."

“In the beginning, I often got blocked accidentally.”

"Although people from the Traffic Police Brigade came to clear the way."

"But our place is not the entrance to the city. Many times, traffic jams make it impossible to get out."

"We're often stuck in traffic all day long."

"In the end, there was nothing we could do. Several workshop owners here gathered together and wrote a letter directly to the Yamen."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was patiently listening to the butler's talk about those things, couldn't help but interrupt: "Wait a minute, what did you just say?"

"How many merchants are writing letters to the Yamen?"

Others like Lao Zhu could turn a blind eye, but a group of businessmen had casual access to court officials.

This made Lao Zhu have to be vigilant.

An extremely familiar cold feeling that made the butler's scalp feel numb appeared again: "The butler really doesn't understand that he said something wrong and made this man unhappy again."

"This is also the rule of His Majesty the King of England. As long as I, the people of Yanjing, have any needs or want to sue anyone, they can go to the mailbox near the Yanjing Yamen Building and write their opinions in real name or anonymously.

A letter, or a report letter.”

"The Yamen will regularly collect these letters for processing."

If it were another emperor, he might still be dissatisfied, but Lao Zhu smiled happily.

"Okay, this is a good idea. If it is anonymous, these people will not worry about corrupt officials."

Many people may not know that Lao Zhu encouraged people to go to the capital to complain. If local officials or certain people dared to stop it, Lao Zhu would even directly have those officials investigated.

An emperor who can encourage people to complain will naturally support any method that can strengthen communication between the upper and lower levels.

The reason why Zhu Yuanzhang was angry just now was because he thought that a letter from several workshop owners could influence the officials' decision-making.

This opinion letter is, after all, just an opinion, and it is up to the Yamen to decide what to do.

Realizing that Zhu Yuanzhang's mood had returned to calm, the housekeeper cautiously said: "Originally, everyone thought that this matter would be discussed by the Yamen, but unexpectedly, His Royal Highness even knew the news."

"Since then, there has been an additional rule in Yanjing. All vehicles and pedestrians must try to pass on the right side."

Zhu Yuanzhang raised his eyebrows: "This is just a rule, not a law of the Ming Dynasty. Will everyone consciously abide by it?"

"And it can only pass on the right side, isn't it a little inconvenient?"

The housekeeper smiled and said: "Although it is not a Ming Dynasty law, if you are caught by the traffic brigade and do not follow the rules, you will be fined."

"Basically, most people will learn to behave as long as they are fined twice."

"As for pedestrians, as long as they don't run onto the road, no one will care about them."

"With this rule in place, people going in and people going out take different roads, so traffic jams rarely happen."

"Don't look at the traffic jam now, but as long as the car in front has finished loading the goods, we can get in. It's not like before, as long as the traffic jam is basically blocked, we can't even think about moving for the whole day."

Lao Zhu finally understood what Zhu Han meant, nodded and said: "Many times, it is best to follow the rules."

As he said that, Lao Zhu couldn't help but sigh again: "What a pity, many people in this world always think that because they are superior, they can do things not according to the rules."

Although the current administration of famous officials is still relatively clear, Lao Zhu is very clear that there are still many snakes, insects, rats and ants hidden under the prosperous times.

It's as if you can't kill such a guy cleanly no matter how hard you kill him.

In the past, he even used ruthless methods such as picking off people's skin and pretending to be innocent, but he still couldn't stop this subtlety.

But now, Lao Zhu just learned a trick from his younger brother.

From now on, anyone who dares to commit corruption, accept bribes, or betray the country for glory will definitely not be allowed to take the imperial examination for three generations.

For this era, if the third generation cannot take the imperial examination, this family, or a certain line of a family, will basically fall into decline.

"Wait!" Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered something.

"When I was doing the process before, why were there no left and right roads? They all seemed to be walking on the same road."

Mentioning this matter, Lao Zhu couldn't help but think of the two rickshaw drivers who were especially talkative when there was a traffic jam at the city gate.

Why do I feel like there are traffic jams everywhere in Yanjing?

"Mr. Chang, you said this and that are called one-way streets."

"Just to make it easier for people leaving and entering the city, the two roads are separated, which makes management easier."

The sound of horse hooves sounded outside the carriage, and the carriage shook slowly and began to move forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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