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Chapter 53: The Tartars in Dingyuan City prepare for war!

The descendants of the Hengjian Mountain Camp were in awe of the powerful Red Turban Army and did not dare to resist at all.

What's more, there are many men among them who are hot-blooded and dare to fight. They all want to follow the Red Scarf Army to kill the Tartars and fight for wealth.

"With a million red scarves, kill Hu Xinghan!"

"Fight into Dingyuan!"

With loud shouts, Zhu Yuanzhang led tens of thousands of troops to attack Dingyuan City.

Dingyuan City.

Following the sound of bells and drums, Dingyuan City closed its four gates.

The whole city was in panic.

All kinds of rumors are flying around.

Some people say that the 100,000 Red Turban Army in Haozhou, led by a rebel general named Zhu Yuanzhang, came to kill them. The regiment training at Lupai Village and Hengjian Mountain along the way were all killed and blood flowed like rivers. They were about to kill everyone.

Far away, when the red scarf thieves break through the city, they will slaughter the city for three days!

Some people also say that the red-turbaned marshal named Zhu Yuanzhang had the power of heavenly thunder. When he conquered Haozhou City in two days, he attracted the help of heavenly thunder, which made Haozhou City with strong walls helpless.

There are even legends that Zhu Yuanzhang was originally a monk, but the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha. He came to the world to overthrow the Mongolian and Yuan Tartar rule, and only killed Mongolians, not Han people.

Various versions of rumors were flying all over Dingyuan City, and the whole city was filled with panic.

As the commander-in-chief of Haozhou Prefecture, Daruhuachi Timur directly ordered a blockade and martial law. No one was allowed to enter or leave the city, nor was he allowed to walk on the streets. Some Han people in the province collaborated with each other to serve as internal agents for the red scarf thieves.

He clearly remembered that Guo Zixing and others in Haozhou City took the opportunity to rebel.

However, this was only a temporary settlement in the city, and Daruhuachi Timur still had no confidence in how to resist the approaching Red Turban Army.

The previous ambush battle in the sand plain made people fear the Red Turban Army.

"Sir, the red scarf thieves don't have a hundred thousand people at all. I estimate that there are only more than 20,000 people at most. Even if the regiment training from Hengjian Mountain surrenders, they are just a ragtag group. As long as we defend the city, we can't do it."

If we go to war, the red scarf thieves will definitely not be able to do anything to us!"

Zhang Zhiyuan said to Daruhuachi Timur very confidently.

He is the magistrate of Dingyuan County, and his ancestor is a prince of the Han army in the north. He is proficient in military affairs and can be regarded as a veteran traitor in the Mongolian army.

After hearing Zhang Zhiyuan's words, Timur's nervousness eased slightly, but he was still a little worried.

"I heard that those red scarf thieves have the power of thunder and can use the thunder to break through the city. Even if they can't hold on, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it!" Timur said worriedly.

The 5,000 Mongolian cavalry in his hands were all killed in the Haozhou Sand Plain. Now the more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in Dingyuan City are his last capital.

If Dingyuan City was lost again, Timur would lose the capital to settle down and live.

Therefore, in the battle of Dingyuan, Timur could neither lose the city nor lose too many troops.

The best way is to hold on and wait for reinforcements from Chuzhou.

"Sir, those are just rumors of some ignorant people. The red scarf thieves are just a mob. They deserve the help of thunder from the sky. At most, they are just some magic tricks!" Zhang Zhiyuan said loudly.

At this time, a general next to him spoke.

"Master Zhang, even if it is a magic spell, it is very powerful. I was in Haozhou City at that time, and with just a loud noise, the wall of Haozhou City completely collapsed. It was terrible!"

This general was none other than the deputy general Ma Bao who escaped from the battle in Haozhou City.

After experiencing the defeat in Shayuan and trying to ensure Timur's escape, the two Han generals Ma Bao and Han Cunhou became Daruhuachi Timur's right-hand men. After all, all five thousand Mongolian pro-army troops were killed or injured.

Timur could not do anything without relying on the Han army.

"No matter what kind of magic or Taoism, I have a way to restrain it!"

Zhang Zhiyuan heard this and said calmly.

When Timur heard this, he immediately showed an expression of surprise.

"Is this true?"

"Sir, the military orders are like mountains. I don't dare to say anything casually. I really have a way to restrain thieves and monsters!" Zhang Zhiyuan said confidently.

Timur, Ma Bao and others all looked surprised and wanted to know what to do.

If Zhang Zhiyuan really has a way to restrain the Red Scarf Army's demonic magic, then they can rely on Dingyuan City to hold on and wait for reinforcements.

When Chuzhou's reinforcements arrive at Dingyuan, they can arrive in at least ten days, even if they go the same distance as the envoys asking for reinforcements.

Chuzhou reinforcements will arrive at that time.

Under the combined attack from inside and outside, even if the red scarf thieves were not defeated, they would definitely retreat in despair.

"To restrain demonic magic, we naturally have to fight poison with poison. The thunder that broke through the city that day, whether it was demonic magic or Taoist magic, all used the pure Yang Tiangang's sky thunder. In this case, as long as we break their pure Yang Qi, the sky thunder

The law will naturally be defeated without attack!" Zhang Zhiyuan said loudly.

Among the people in this room, Zhang Zhiyuan had the highest level of education. What Chunyang Tiangang made Timur and others puzzled for a while.

"To be honest, I seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder in Haozhou at that time. Did the red scarf thieves use gunpowder to break into the city?" Ma Bao said suddenly.

Zhang Zhiyuan dismissed this statement that was closest to the correct answer.

"Zhang once encountered rebels in Shandong. The rebels piled up thousands of kilograms of gunpowder under the city. Apart from setting off a big firework, it was of no use at all. Even if there was a smell of gunpowder, it must be the magic of thunder. Otherwise, what would happen?

It may be so powerful." Zhang Zhiyuan said confidently.

After hearing this, Timur nodded in agreement frequently.

Since the war between Song and Jin Dynasties, gunpowder has been popularized in the military. By the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, various gunpowder weapons, including fire blunderbuss, were used in the military.

Timur was very confident about the power of gunpowder. If gunpowder could really break the city, it would have been used by the Yuan army long ago.

How come I haven't heard of any successful cases until now?

The red scarf thief worships the White Lotus Sect, he must know some magic.

"What is the way to break the red scarf thief's evil spell? Tell me quickly!" Timur urged.

Zhang Zhiyuan stroked his beard with his hand and smiled slightly.

"Sir, if you want to defeat the pure yang demon method, you must use the pure yin method!"

"What is the pure Yin method?" Timur was already a little impatient with Zhang Zhiyuan's betrayal.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiyuan did not dare to continue pretending to be sophisticated and quickly revealed his plan.

"I am going to find seven or forty-nine women to form a formation of pure yin, which will definitely break the treacherous and demonic laws!"

Zhang Zhiyuan then explained in detail how to set up the Pure Yin Formation.

Even if Timur, Ma Bao and other generals were well-informed, they all took a breath after hearing about this 'Pure Yin Formation'.

"Master Zhang, is this really okay?"

The more than 30,000 former troops led by Zhu Yuanzhang soon approached Dingyuan City.

This chapter has been completed!
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