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Chapter 58: Conquer Dingyuan!

"Great Mongol warrior, vow not to surrender!"

In despair, Timur summoned his last courage.

He drew out his scimitar and rushed toward the west gate, one man and one horse.

The Red Scarf Army specializes in killing Mongols. Timur knew that he had absolutely no reason to surrender. No matter he surrendered or was captured, he would inevitably die.

"Thieves, take your life!"

Timur rode his horse, brandished his sword, and rushed towards the west side of Dingyuan City.

At this time, the west gate of Dingyuan City had already fallen into the hands of the Red Scarf Army.

Zhu Yuanzhang simply led his troops to rush to the city, and the defenders dropped their weapons, opened the city gates, and surrendered.

Under the command of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Red Scarf Army quickly took control of the city gate, and a large number of Red Scarf Army soldiers poured into the city to accept the surrender of these Yuan soldiers.

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang was standing on the city wall, overlooking the civil war in Dingyuan City, he suddenly saw a man and a horse rushing towards him on the streets of the city.

This man brandished a machete, shouted something unknown, and came to kill in a menacing manner.


A voice came from my ear.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a look and saw that it was Han Cunhou, the surrendered general who had just led his troops to surrender.

"Han Cunhou, do you think this is Daru Hua Chi Timur?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked with a look of surprise on his face.

Han Cunhou quickly saluted and replied: "Marshal, it is Tamerlane of the Tatar!"

"Haha, we were planning to put a reward on him, so he came to die himself!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Immediately, he gave an order.

"Catch him alive for us!"

If a high-ranking official like Daruhuachi could be captured alive, it would be more valuable than killing him.

"Marshal, the criminal is willing to go!" Han Cunhou said loudly.

"Okay, go ahead!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a slight smile.

The timing of Han Cunhou's surrender was just right, so that he did not lose any soldiers, so he was naturally given some preferential treatment.


There was a muffled sound, and Timur, with a bruised nose and swollen face, was thrown to the ground.

"Marshal, luckily he lived up to his command and captured Tatar Tamerlane alive!"

Han Cunhou said with his fists clasped.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed when he saw this.

"Haha, Timur, do you know us?"

Facing this imposing Red Turban Army general, Timur no longer had the determination to die just now.

"Kill or behead, don't talk nonsense!" Timur said firmly.

But the trembling in his tone betrayed the panic in his heart.

"General Han, you have done great service in dedicating the city gate and capturing the Tartar Timur. We will reward you heavily!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't like generals like Xu Cunhou who betrayed his old master at all.

But Zhu Han just told him that there are still a large number of Yuan soldiers fighting in Dingyuan City, and they must make good use of Han Cunhou.

"Marshal, the sinner is trying to atone for his crime, so he doesn't dare ask for any heavy reward!" Han Cunhou said happily.

"We appoint you as the deputy general of Dingyuan, and immediately go to recruit those soldiers who are still resisting and make them surrender immediately!" Zhu Yuanzhang said loudly.

"General, I will obey your orders!" Han Cunhou didn't even shirk his words, and immediately agreed happily.

Giving him the title of deputy general of Dingyuan, which is equivalent to his original official position, shows that he has a place in the Red Scarf Army.

With the surrender of General Han Cunhou coming to appease them, except for some stubborn Mongol Tartars, the rest of the soldiers in Dingyuan City quickly threw down their weapons and surrendered.

The entire Dingyuan City, except for two gaps in the city wall, fell into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands almost unscathed.

"Brother, what should we do with Timur?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhu Han.

Mongolians like Timur naturally had no chance of surrendering. Even if they surrendered to the Red Turban Army, Zhu Yuanzhang himself would not dare to use it.

But it would be a pity to kill him.

"It's easy, brother, we won't kill him, but we won't keep him either!" Zhu Han said with a smile.

"What should we do?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked quickly.

"This is a big fish. Let's capture him. His reputation is enough. If we give him to Generalissimo Liu Futong, we can not only spread my mighty military exploits among the Red Scarf Army, but also sell off Liu Futong's face. It's a win-win situation!" Zhu

Han said.

After capturing Dingyuan, Zhu Yuanzhang had tens of thousands of troops and a fixed territory. The only thing missing was his prestige among the Red Scarf Army.

In the future, the Mongols will definitely attack the Red Turban Army in the north. At that time, a large number of Red Turban Army will be defeated and seek refuge. If my brother Zhu Yuanzhang can make a name for himself now, he can naturally accept those Red Turban Army.

"Haha, okay, then I'll listen to you!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Timur watched Dingyuan City fall into the hands of the Red Scarf Army, and his heart was completely filled with fear.

He was very afraid that these Red Scarf troops would torture and kill him. After all, he had held official positions in various places, but often used cruel methods to torture the Han people.

When he heard that he was going to be sent to Yingzhou Red Scarf Thief Commander Liu Futong, he suddenly felt that it would be better to die in Dingyuan City immediately.

When the time comes that I fall into the hands of those red scarf thieves, I don’t know how I will be tortured.

"Zhu Yuanzhang, if you can, kill me!"

Timur cursed loudly and looked like he wanted to die quickly.

"Dog Tartar, what a beautiful thought!"

When Zhu Han saw this, he ordered someone to pick up a rag and block his mouth so that he could neither scream nor commit suicide.

"Timur, you have to make it to Yingzhou alive!" Zhu Yuanzhang also said with a smile.

"Come here, take him down and keep him in custody!"

After some acceptance, the entire Dingyuan City fell into the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Most of the more than 10,000 officers and soldiers in the city are local Han Chinese in Huaixi.

After clearing out all the Mongols and Semu people, these Han surrendered troops were naturally incorporated into Zhu Yuanzhang's command without any hindrance.

"Brother, it's time to issue a notice to calm the people!" Zhu Han reminded from the side.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

Immediately, a notice to calm the people was issued in the name of Marshal Du, the vanguard of the Red Turban Army's East Route Army.

Zhu Yuanzhang, in his notice to calm the people, imposed military laws on the people and ordered everyone to resume their old duties. No soldiers were allowed to disturb the people. Anyone who violated the order would be severely punished.

In just two days, everything in Dingyuan City returned to calm.

In addition to the three thousand Longxing pro-army troops, the rear army led by Tang He and Ma Xiuying also stationed themselves in Dingyuan City.

According to the instructions of the surrendered general Han Cunhou, Zhu Han and others knew that the Yuan army in Chuzhou would not be able to come for at least a month, which gave them some time to rest and recuperate.

After all, when they left Haozhou, the entire army only numbered 20,000 people, and now it has surged to more than 60,000 people.

Triple growth requires some adjustments.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhu Han asked his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang to order to buy back all the spirits, sugar, fire salt, sulfur and other items in Dingyuan City in the name of military procurement.

This time to conquer Dingyuan City, two-way hole attack and blasting were the key to a quick victory.

This chapter has been completed!
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