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Chapter 62 Zhou Dexings blasting hobby!

"No, these large guns are too crudely made, too heavy, inconvenient to transport, difficult to adjust the shooting angle, and not very powerful. With so much gunpowder loaded, they only have so much power."

Zhu Han's words immediately disappointed Zhou Dexing.

At this time, Zhou Dexing had already regarded Zhu Han as an expert in gunpowder tactics. Zhou Dexing regarded everything Zhu Han said as truth.

"Brother, I think these Yuan soldiers' big guns are already very powerful, so how powerful do they need to be?" Zhou Dexing asked.

These large guns, or early artillery pieces, were all captured from the Dingyuan garrison.

During the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, various types of gunpowder weapons were already very popular. An army of tens of thousands of people would often be accompanied by hundreds of artillery pieces of different sizes.

In terms of quantity, it is worthy of the era of queuing and shooting in later generations.

However, when it comes to power, the power of these artillery pieces cast by the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty is far behind.

Anyway, in Zhu Han's opinion, the best outcome for these captured artillery pieces is probably that they have to be retrained and retrained.

"Brother Zhou, a really good artillery must not only be powerful, but also light in weight. At least it must be pulled by four horses, so that ordinary roads can be passed. Now these guys are too heavy, except at the top of the city.

If we are on the defensive, it is difficult to advance quickly with the army, let alone advance and retreat during a battle." Zhu Han shook his head and said.

After hearing Zhu Han's request, Zhou Dexing suddenly felt a little discouraged.

"If I follow your request, all these big guns will have to be recast!" Zhou Dexing said.

"Yes, that's why I've been looking for craftsmen recently to cast new cannons!" Zhu Han said.

Ever since he captured Dingyuan, Zhu Han had brought all the craftsmen under his engineering battalion.

Despite this, there was still a lack of enough craftsmen to experiment with making new artillery.

"Dingyuan is a small place and there are not many craftsmen in the first place. It will be great if we conquer Chuzhou. There are many craftsmen in Chuzhou Prefecture!" Zhou Dexing said.

Zhu Han nodded. Under the current circumstances, this is the only way to go.

"Brother, don't be discouraged yet, I have some good news for you!" Zhou Dexing said mysteriously.

"Brother Zhou, what's the good news?" Zhu Han asked quickly.

In recent days, Zhou Dexing spent more time in the school grounds than Zhu Han. Fatty Wang, who led the engineer battalion, was tinkering with something every day.

"Brother, I already have a new method that can make tunnel digging 30% faster!" Zhou Dexing said with a proud face.

"What, you want 30% faster?"

When Zhu Han heard this, he was immediately surprised and suspicious.

To deal with an ordinary city wall, it only takes three days to dig a tunnel. If it were 30% less, it would only take two days.

This effect is simply equivalent to having another engineering battalion.

"That's right, it's just 30% faster!" After Zhou Dexing said that, he led Zhu Han to the side of the school field.

Fatty Wang and others from the engineering camp have been waiting for a long time.

Under the command of Zhou Dexing, Fatty Wang and others began to demonstrate.

Zhu Han saw nothing different when they started digging the tunnel.

But when the entrance to the tunnel was dug, Fatty Wang and the others stuffed the round wooden barrels into the tunnel.

As the tunnel is excavated forward, circular wooden barrels are gradually added one after another.

With the protection of wooden barrels, the excavated tunnel no longer needs to worry about collapse, and the speed of forward excavation is also greatly improved.

"Brother, how are you!" Zhou Dexing said with a proud smile.

Zhu Han looked at everything in front of him and was simply stunned.

Isn’t this the method used by later generations to dig large tunnels?

However, modern tunnel excavation uses reinforced concrete domes, while this tunnel uses simple wooden barrels.

"Brother Zhou, who came up with this method?" Zhu Han asked quickly.

He even had some doubts as to whether another time traveler had appeared in the engineering camp.

Zhou Dexing happily patted his chest, "Brother, it's me, brother! How about this method?"

"Okay, quite okay, simply great!" Zhu Han praised Zhou Dexing with the simplest praise.

For such a rough man, if Zhu Han praised him in a polite way, he still wouldn't understand.

Sure enough, Zhou Dexing was very happy for Zhu Han's praise.

"Haha, with this method, we will no longer be afraid of losing manpower when attacking city caves in the future, and we can dig faster."

When Zhou Dexing said this, his expression suddenly felt regretful.

"Well, if I had come up with this method earlier, those brothers from the engineer battalion would not have been buried alive and died a few days ago."

Zhu Han nodded silently.

A few days ago, when the engineering battalion was digging a hole for training, it collapsed unexpectedly, killing three soldiers of the engineering battalion on the spot.

Although casualties were inevitable in combat, Zhou Dexing was still very annoyed by the casualties during such training.

In desperation, Zhou Dexing suddenly had an idea and came up with this brilliant idea.

Zhu Han originally thought that Zhou Dexing was an illiterate old man. Not to mention any inventions, even if he learned his own acupuncture blasting, he was already very powerful.

However, I never expected that Zhou Dexing, a big boss, would come up with such a brilliant idea.

It can make the hole attack blasting method safer and faster.

Zhu Han felt at this time that there must be many talents like Zhou Dexing in the world, but due to timing and fate, they missed the opportunity to show themselves.

It's like Zhou Dexing, who just studied with him for such a short period of time, and he is already better than his master.

"Brother Zhou, you did a great job. Our brothers in the rebel army all need to learn from you!" Zhu Han praised sincerely.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Dexing heard Zhu Han's praise, he was not only not happy, but almost became anxious.

He grabbed Zhu Han's sleeve and said with a solemn expression.

"Brother, I treat you as a brother and a master, so I told you this method. You must not tell it to anyone else, let alone let other members of our rebel army learn it! I am planning to treat you as an old Zhou family member.

A unique secret that can be passed down from male to female!"

When Zhu Han heard this, he suddenly had a dark look on his face.

He didn't expect that Zhou Dexing would understand his praise just now.

However, after he thought about it, he understood Zhou Dexing's thoughts.

In ancient times when information was limited, no matter what industry it was, there was always a trick that was popular all over the world and the experience of the master who taught his apprentices to starve to death.

Not to mention Zhou Dexing's point-blasting, a military weapon, even some carpenters keep their own mortise-and-tenon skills well hidden, and they basically keep them secret as they are passed down from male to female.

This chapter has been completed!
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