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Chapter 66 The invincible magic medicine!


Boom boom!

With three roars, the power of this three-pound cannon made brother Zhu Yuanzhang very happy.

"Damn it, why does this cannon shoot so accurately as if it has eyes?" Zhu Yuanzhang looked surprised.

Just two of the three shots hit, sweeping away the dummy target that was more than a hundred steps away.

For ordinary Mongolian and Yuan era artillery, if you want to hit a dummy target more than a hundred paces away, if you can hit one out of ten shots, it is considered very good.

Therefore, the artillery of this era was not only used for siege, but also for three-shot firing. Once the enemy and we were fighting, in order not to hit our own people, they would fire back indiscriminately.

"It's a pity that the three-pound cannon balls are a bit small and not very powerful." Zhu Yuanzhang said regretfully.

Zhu Han didn't take it seriously, but smiled confidently.

"Brother, this cannon is important for its flexibility. When the time is right, I will show you its decisive power."

After hearing his brother's words, Zhu Yuanzhang also laughed heartily.

"Haha, okay, then if there is a chance, we must take a look!"

A few days later, they were outside Dingyuan City.

When Marshal Zhu Yuanzhang of the East Route of the Red Scarf Army led the army to set off, preparing to conquer Chuzhou.

All the people in Dingyuan City spontaneously marched outside the city to see each other off, and many people even burned incense and prayed devoutly.

They all sincerely hope that Marshal Zhu Yuanzhang will be victorious and triumphant!

"Marshal Du is invincible in every battle!"

"Shuai Zhu, you are winning!"

"Marshal Zhu's swords and spears are easy to dodge, and noble princes will last forever!"

Listening to the heroic speeches one after another, Zhu Han knew that these Dingyuan people were speaking the truth.

Although the rebel army came to Dingyuan for a short time, it abolished the tyranny of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, liquidated the thieves and thieves who exploited the people, exempted the entire county from taxes accumulated over the years, neither killed nor robbed, and distributed magical medicine to save lives and heal the wounded.

All these made the people of Dingyuan sincerely hope that Zhu Yuanzhang would return victorious.

Otherwise, if Marshal Zhu Du fails, the brutal Meng Yuan will definitely come back to kill him.

"Brother, when we saw these people, a word suddenly came to mind!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a proud face.

"Brother, what's the word?" Zhu Han asked.

He was riding on a horse, following his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang, enjoying the heroic march of the people of Dingyuan.

"What the people want! Li Shanchang said, the general trend of the world, whoever the people want will be able to achieve great things. We have done these few things, and the people of Dingyuan are so supportive, maybe our old Zhu family can really be high-ranking for generations.

!" Zhu Yuanzhang said longingly.

The Red Scarf Army had successive victories in Henan, and I heard that Liu Futong had planned to confer kings and marquises on various marshals.

"Brother, if you ask me, I'm still close to becoming a prince. Maybe you can be an emperor in the future!" Zhu Han said with a smile.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately laughed.

"If that's the case, we will divide the dragon chair into two and sit together!" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"I won't sit down." Zhu Han shook his head.

Zhu Yuanzhang was immediately curious, "Why don't you do it? That's the dragon chair!"

"Fuck me!" Zhu Han said without hesitation.

"What the hell, have you ever sat on it?"

"Of course I did. It cost fifty yuan!"

"Where are you sitting?" Zhu Yuanzhang was amused by his younger brother.

"Forbidden City!"

"What the hell is the Forbidden City? Is it something you dreamed about again?"

Chuzhou City.

As an important city close to the Yangtze River, there were 20,000 Mongolian and Yuan officers stationed in Chuzhou City, led by Alu Hui, the provincial governor.

Zhongcheng Alu Hui and Zuo Chengmanzi Hague were known as the two generals of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty in Jiangnan.

Especially Alu Hui, who was promoted from Daru Huachi to provincial minister at a young age, is even more eager to make contributions.

When the news came that the red scarf thief Zhu Yuanzhang from Dingyuan was leading his army to attack Chuzhou, Alu Hui was not only not afraid, but also very happy.

"The red scarf thief actually came to die in person, we must let them taste the power of the Mongolian warriors!"

Aru Hui immediately organized his troops in Chuzhou to prepare for war, preparing to take the initiative. After all, the news that the red scarf thieves used magical methods to successively attack the cities of Haozhou and Dingyuan had already put great pressure on the defenders of Chuzhou City.

Since this was the case, Aluhui simply decided to take the initiative and lead his army to fight against the red scarf thieves in the field.

On the other side, Aruhui asked Hague, the left prime minister of the south of the Yangtze River, to send the navy from the south of the Yangtze River. After defeating Zhu Yuanzhang's red scarf bandit, Aruhui planned to take a warship upstream and march to Hefei to defeat Liu Futong, the leader of the red scarf bandit.

Alu Hui is not worried at all about whether he can defeat the red scarf thief.

However, his staff also reminded him.

"Sir, if you want to conquer the Red Turban Bandits now, you must bring sufficient food and grass and a large number of civilians. Chuzhou is currently short of them. Should we wait a few days to prepare?"

Alu Hui certainly understands the importance of military supplies.

However, this did not trouble him at all.

"Outside the city of Chuzhou, there are villages and towns everywhere, and there are Han people everywhere. Whether it is food, mules, horses, or men and women, you can have as much as you want, but it is so troublesome to use it!"

Alu Hui touched his bald head and said slyly.

When the staff heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then began to flatter him in a sly manner.

"My lord is decisive in killing and is worthy of being the pillar of the country!"

Aluhui laughed proudly. Most of these staff were Semu and Han Chinese. They had no sympathy for the poor people in Chuzhou.

Soon, Aluhui, the prime minister of the Henan Jiangbei Province in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, led an army of more than 20,000 people from Chuzhou to fight the Red Turban Army on the only road leading to Chuzhou.

The Yuan army led by Aruhui had just left Chuzhou City for more than ten miles when they encountered a market community.

A large number of people gathered together, and the market was filled with all kinds of food, fish, meat, melons and fruits.

Aruhui laughed when he saw this, pointed his riding crop at the market in front, and said proudly.

"Look, the army's food and civilians are right in front, waiting for us to get them!"

Then, Aruhui waved his hand, and thousands of cavalry roared forward, surrounding the entire market.

Toot toot!

Saturday Jiu was pushing a chicken bus, and a pair of children were sitting on the car, blowing the bamboo whistles he had made, and playing happily. His mother-in-law followed behind with a load, scolding the two children for their mischief from time to time.

As ordinary people in Chuzhou, in addition to busy farming on Saturdays and Sundays, they also make some bamboo utensils to sell in the market.

To supplement household income.

Although life was hard, the family was finally able to keep their stomachs full, and they were quite content on Saturday and Sunday.

As soon as he entered the market with his mother-in-law, pushing bamboo utensils and a pair of children, his two children started clamoring for candy.

The mother-in-law refused with a tigerish face, but Saturday Nine said with a smile.

"It's just two candy figures. You wait here and I'll buy two of them!"

Amid the joyful cheers of a pair of children and the scolding of the mother-in-law, Saturday and Nine came to the candy seller's stall.

Just after choosing two candy men, I suddenly heard a frightened scream and the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer.

"The officers and soldiers are here to capture the young man!"

This chapter has been completed!
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