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Chapter 837 Yueru just wants revenge

"The information has been gradually being investigated, but there has been no clue. The current progress of the plan has been very demanding for us."

"No one here can understand the past events in Yingtian Mansion, which is why I lost interest."

Yueru's heart felt sad for a while.

If he had known that things would be like this, he would definitely not give up.

It's just that so many years have passed, and fewer and fewer people know the inside story.

I was afraid that I might accidentally fall into the plot, so I naturally put the investigation on hold.

Zhu Han frowned slightly when he heard what he said.

"The affairs in the court must be inextricably linked to Mr. Wang. Now that I have returned to Yingtian Mansion, I will find a way to help you settle it."

"Don't worry, we will never let this happen."

When Zhu Han was in Jiangnan, he had been secretly ordering people to investigate the affairs of Yueru's family.

But it was so long ago that few people knew about his parents.

"It's been so many years now, but as long as you want to investigate, it's fine. You don't have to worry too much if you can find out the truth."

"It will always make you better and better."

Regarding matters at Yueru's family, Zhu Han didn't want to get involved too much.

Now Yueru has already become Zuihua Pavilion, the person who runs the business.

Many people are also keeping a close eye on Yueru. If he really investigates, someone in the court will definitely start to cause trouble for him.

After hearing Zhu Han's words, Yueru nodded slightly, feeling extremely complicated.

He knew that he had reached this point, so naturally he could not waste his opportunity due to other circumstances.

But it was too early to go beyond his imagination. In these years, in order to avenge his family.

He has put in a lot of effort, but he hasn't gotten any results.

When Zhu Han said this, Yueru's heart became even heavier.

Gao Fei and Zhang Fengnian both saw it and couldn't say anything more.

Zhang Fengnian sat next to Zhu Han and immediately began to ask about their affairs in Jiangnan.

Zhang Fengnian was shocked when he learned that Zhu Han had sold the cement formula to Shen Wansan and immediately stood up from his chair.

He looked at Zhu Han in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, why did you give him the formula so easily? I have been studying the formula for a long time."

"Not only can all the lime be added in to make the cement stronger, but it can also make the business better and better during deployment."

"That's what we can focus on most right now. How could we take advantage of them so easily?"

Zhang Fengnian was very dissatisfied.

He had already put all the business matters entrusted to him by Zhu Yuanzhang on his agenda, so he only wanted to do a good job in business.

In Ying Tian Mansion, he had already taken control of the business.

If it happens at this time, it will make their business difficult.

He also doesn't think too much about plans.

But now, if the business suddenly goes awry, it means that their strength will gradually weaken under the influence.

Shen Wansan already had a sworn hatred against him.

Now that the cement formula was actually sold by Zhu Han, Zhang Fengnian felt very dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, you are really giving them an advantage. Shen Wansan should be allowed to study how much our formula is sold for. It should give me a better idea."

Zhang Fengnian was a little annoyed as he spoke, so he drank it all in one gulp.

Zhu Han looked at his appearance with a smile on his face.

He had already guessed that Zhang Fengnian would definitely be unhappy.

I didn't expect that his reaction would be so big.

Zhu Han suppressed his laughter and told Zhang Fengnian what happened in Jiangnan, so that he could understand how important the cement formula was to Jiangnan.

"At that time, the flood was about to break out. Only the best cement could build the dam. Only this point, we could not change it no matter what."

"So the cement formula will be put to use immediately. Zhang Fengnian has given up all his land for so many years for the people of Jiangnan, just to relieve the people."

Zhu Han looked at Zhang Fengnian and explained to him seriously.

The fact that the business is what it is today is actually inseparable from Shen Wansan's help. Without him to lay the foundation in Jiangnan.

No matter how strong the business of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce is, there is no way it can get on the stage. When the time comes, it will be deliberately resisted by the merchants in Jiangnan.

"It's hard to do business now, but Shen Wansan can do this. The people of Jiangnan are grateful to him."

"As an imperial envoy, how can I turn a blind eye?"

Zhang Fengnian was immediately discouraged when he heard Zhu Han's words.

He and Shen Wansan had become bitter enemies because of things in the mall.

Everyone in Jiangnan knows that Zhang Fengnian's business skills in Yingtian Mansion are inherently better than theirs.

Now that so many situations have suddenly arisen, naturally I will not give up easily.

The impact this business has had on them has become increasingly severe, and it is impossible for them to let it go.

"It turns out that the prince had this idea. I really thought that the prince didn't care about it. If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"As long as he can use the cement formula in the right way, the people's lives will get better and better. The prince has a plan in mind, and Zhang Fengnian will be happy."

Zhang Fengnian said as he picked up the wine glass on the side and toasted Zhu Han with a glass of wine.

During the few months when Zhu Han went to Jiangnan, Zhang Fengnian managed the business of Yingtian Mansion very well, and Zhu Han also looked at him with admiration.

Zhu Han picked up the drink and took a sip.

After listening to Zhang Fengnian's words, Zhu Han already had a plan in mind.

He put the water glass aside, looked at Zhang Fengnian seriously and said his next plan.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to train you to be a businessman comparable to Shen Wanchan."

"Before this, you must be able to withstand some preparations. You won't have too many worries about this. With me here, you don't have to worry."

When Zhu Han said this, Zhang Fengnian's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

He was afraid that if his business did not do well, he would be disliked by Zhu Han.

Now that Zhu Han has said this, Zhang Fengnian no longer has any worries about you.

He immediately began to prepare for this. His business will definitely get better and better. Zhang Fengnian has this confidence.

After leaving Zuihua Pavilion, Zhu Han went to the housekeeper. He had been waiting for a long time. Ge Rong had also returned to the palace from the palace, and it was convenient for him to know that Zhu Han had come.

He and Wang An and others hurried to the palace, wanting to discuss many things with Zhu Han.

In the study room.

Zhu Han sat with Ge Rong and Wang An, whose status in the court gradually began to rise.

He was thorough in everything he did and was deeply favored by Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's just that there are many people in the court who seem to be full of hostility towards Wang An.

This made Wang An a little annoyed, and he also told Zhu Han about his predicament in recent days.

I hope Zhu Han can give him a clear path.

"Your Majesty, the situation in the court seems to be more serious than before you left. Those people in Huaixi are now targeting us everywhere."

"Including cases of corruption and perversion of the law by some officials, which are common. Even the Dali Temple has begun a thorough investigation into the matter."

"Jin Yiwei has been paying attention to the affairs of the DPRK. What should we do now?"

Although Wang An had a certain degree of strength in the court, he still had no way to stand out.

Ge Rong was also a little frightened on the sidelines, as he was the number one scholar in a new subject.

Now in the DPRK, he can get a lot of attention, but the partisanship among officials still has a certain impact on him.

This made it impossible for Wang An to gain a foothold in the government.

Zhu Han frowned slightly when he heard what the two of them said. He didn't expect that these people in the court were becoming more and more courageous.

"Your Majesty will naturally not turn a blind eye. It seems that someone is secretly causing such an impact. Naturally, I will not let it go."

Zhu Han had secretly made up his mind that he must find Zhu Yuanzhang and resolve this matter properly.

All the officials in the DPRK are already deeply under suspicion. If even they themselves cannot bear it, who knows how much impact it will have.

"The prince now has a lot of status in the court. With this arrangement, many people will definitely start to take action against them."

"The prince has finally returned to Yingtian Mansion. The officials are definitely watching him with eager eyes. We still advise the prince not to act rashly, otherwise those people may impeach the prince."

Ge Rong was also very speechless.

The officials used to have an extraordinary position in Yingtian Mansion, but as soon as Zhu Han came, they seemed to be ready to make a move.

Even though Zhu Han has expressed that he will immediately support Zhu Biao, the officials in North Korea and China still look like a bundle of misfortunes.

Zhu Han and everyone else have always been aware of this matter.

Ge Rong and Wang An were both promoted by Zhu Han himself. If others were to disadvantage them, they were completely challenging Zhu Han.

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on its owner. Zhu Han cherishes talents very much.

Ge Rong and Wang An were selected to join the imperial court after many rounds of selection.

They knew this better than anyone else. Zhu Han looked calm, with a faint smile on his face when he looked at Ge Rong.

He already had a solution in mind.

"Officials actually take those things more seriously, but naturally they won't have too many concerns at this time."

The influence is getting bigger and bigger, and more entanglements will inevitably arise.

There is absolutely no chance of any worries arising from this.

"You two don't need to worry. I will tell His Majesty about this matter when I go to court tomorrow."

"Let him have some confidence in his own mind, and let the officials in the DPRK understand that it is not their turn to point fingers at the Ming Dynasty."

After Zhu Han finished speaking, Wang An and Ge Rong looked at each other, and finally relaxed their hearts.

They knew that Zhu Han would not ignore it.

Early the next morning, when the court came to court, officials had already begun to impeach Zhu Han.

In fact, it was just Zhu Han and Zhu Biao. When they were in Jiangnan, Zhu Biao suddenly fell seriously ill.

The officials then discussed that Zhu Han had not taken good care of him, and Zhu Biao wanted to punish Zhu Han.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a rich body, but the prince didn't care about it at all, causing His Highness the Crown Prince to fall seriously ill. How can this kind of thing be spread out?"

"You are right. Although the affairs between the DPRK and China are not a big deal to others, if there is any deviation in this matter."

"They don't even have a good idea. People in the government will definitely not dare to make any mistakes."

The officials looked at Zhu Han eagerly.

He thought that after the impeachment, Zhu Han would lose Zhu Yuanzhang's help, but he did not expect that Zhu Yuanzhang had already seen all these things.

"Officials are all thinking for the sake of the government. I hope your majesty can understand clearly. Your Majesty is indeed very reckless this time. I hope your majesty can punish you."

Several officials suddenly knelt in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

They openly impeached Zhu Han, and even thought that this matter had really come to Zhu Yuanzhang.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to ignore it.

Unexpectedly, after hearing their words, Zhu Yuanzhang looked calm as usual, as if he was already under his control.

Facing the officials' impeachment, Zhu Yuanzhang turned his attention to Zhu Han. His face was calm and unruffled.

"How do you explain this matter to the King of England?"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his attention to Zhu Han.

Zhu Han had already made complete preparations at this time. When he saw the officials impeaching him, he already had a way to deal with it.

Zhu Han stood up slowly, facing the people in front with a smile on his face.

"My lords' impeachment is nothing more than thinking that I failed to take good care of His Highness the Crown Prince. But do you know who is the person who treats His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"That is Dr. Chen, who is famous throughout the Ming Dynasty. His Royal Highness has been cured of his severe physical condition. This is the biggest gain of our trip to Jiangnan."

"If you can't even understand this, then do you want to make His Highness the Crown Prince seriously ill? What are your intentions in saying that I have harmed His Highness? Do you have any evidence?"

Everyone was shocked at the name Dr. Chen.

They looked at each other and started talking.

Dr. Chen is simply a movable sign. He is regarded as a miracle doctor by people in Jiangnan, which shows how good his medical skills are.

"It turns out that it was Dr. Chen who cured His Highness the Crown Prince. That means His Highness the Crown Prince's health is not as good as he thought."

"If this trip to the south of the Yangtze River is really dedicated to treating His Highness the Crown Prince's illness, then the prince has not done anything wrong at all and is extremely stupid."

"Your Majesty has also cured the floods in the south of the Yangtze River. This is a great deed done by celebrities throughout the ages."

Zhu Han heard clearly the discussions of the officials.

His face remained as usual, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang sitting in the highest position, and without any hesitation, he handed the memorial in his hand into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

There is a list of officials above.

Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Han's memorial and looked at it carefully. After reading it, his expression changed drastically.

This chapter has been completed!
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