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Chapter 1203 Rosin and Ketchup

 Sunlight shines on the young man's face through the curtains, daisies are fluttering in the wind in the streets and alleys of Pawa Federal Jackdaw City, cattail fans are still whistling, and blue-feathered robins are parked beside the balcony guardrail.

The boy rubbed his eyes, stood up and walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later, the boiling water softened the noodles, and the aroma of beef and tomato sauce filled the kitchen. A new day officially began, starting in this second gathering place for human beings, and starting with the boy's day and night.

Inverted biological clock.

Walking on the gravel road, the boy's unstoppable yawns echoed those of the travelers who were visiting the violin museum. The nougat-like snacks in his hands were steaming. Pedestrians passed by and came and went. The aroma of coffee lingered above his head.

, the long and mottled yellow walls, a few muffled sounds from the bell tower in the distance, and the aroma of wine coming from the flower shop on the corner. The father's figure was looming, and the boy's eyes became clear and bright.

The hooded robe swayed up and down with the footsteps, the tools in the satchel jingled, the familiar smile never changed, the rosin in the store was like honey and sugar. The well-conditioned piano was wiped clean, and the young man was also in the back room

Slowly sitting down, in this closed wooden room, he seemed to be isolated from the world and devoted himself to tuning the handmade piano in front of him.

From the day he can remember, the boy has always been with the violin, and it seems that the food has a hint of pine wood flavor. His father is old, so three years ago, he took over the customization of the shop.

Work. Although I am famous for my craftsmanship, I am lazy by nature, so I still live in the evaluation that I am waiting to die.

The final tuning was coming to an end. The young man wiped his sweat and looked at the three piano cases on the table with a smile. These were the exhibits he wanted to take away. At some point, his father's figure appeared on the porch.

, looking at the direction where the young man was going, the wine glass in his hand was twisted and deformed, but the reading glasses in his pocket were unharmed.

More than ten hours later, the young man stood in front of a bar with a blank look on his face. The fat boss opposite also had the same expression. Between the young man's foreigner's accent and the fat boss' half-hearted lingo, the bar welcomed this man from

Travelers on the ancient continent.

After dinner, the fat boss sat at the front desk with a wry smile, while the girl on duty was busy planning her vacation. The brown paper in hand was filled with the scenery of the coniferous plains. The fat boss, whose face was full of pain, could only smile wryly.

The young man had already fallen asleep, recalling his past in his dream.

Many years ago, as a veteran of the Loser Alliance, he couldn't do any exercise, he couldn't even do pull-ups, and sit-ups were even more delusional. He stayed at home every day, but he didn't even know what a magic system was.

I haven't even opened those dusty magic books.

Living in the Pawa Federation, although I can make a piano, I can't even play a complete piece of music, and my singing skills are even more soul-stirring. In terms of interpersonal communication, it is even more terrible. As a patient with late-stage autism

, he either doesn't speak, or speaks shockingly, which not only makes everyone embarrassed, but also doesn't even take it personally.

His personal life is also in chaos, and the mess is a reflection of his life. Xiaoqiang is surrounded by mosquitoes and flies like a dream. The blankness of his brain dances with the hum of the computer, and his pale skin is exposed on both sides of the fire. A young man in his early twenties,

It's like living a life that only nobles can live after they turn fifty. Everything goes as it should, and it's better not to worry about it.

His former girlfriend couldn't bear it anymore and finally left him. But he could only grieve alone. His friends' words of advice were regarded as ridicule, and his ungrateful delusions were taken for granted. Laziness became his main theme, and escape was the Shura field in his heart.<


When we are young, it is ugly to pursue peace and tranquility in the years, and equally ugly is "pretending to be busy". How many people are resurrected with full blood after drinking some "chicken soup for the soul", and start to point out the country and inspire words. I feel

No matter what in life, we can no longer continue to be content, or maybe we feel that we have wasted our great youth but are still doing nothing, so we start to commit suicide in various ways, but in the end, nothing has changed, and we still live in infinite purgatory every day.

It was like a person falling in a muddy pond, sprained his foot and unable to get up. After a few days, his foot was fine, but he did not choose to stand up. Instead, he whimpered and groaned in the mud, lamenting his bad luck.

In life, we are stuck in the mud but no one comes to help us. Some people see this, take a look or a few glances, and leave in a hurry; some people are kind-hearted and help again and again, but in the end there is no hope.

In the pavilion in the distance, two young magicians were listening to music, sipping tea, and looking at the man in the mire. One thought that he had fallen into the mire, but he was clearly capable of standing up, washing his clothes, and living a happy life.

To live a decent life, but insist on committing oneself to the mud, feeding on maggots and muddy water, is pitiful and hateful, such people may as well die.

Another person believed that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. If you are not a person in the mud pit, how can you know whether it is happy or unhappy in the mud pit? But after a few years, there was no sound in the mud pit, and neither did the people passing by.

Pay more attention. Because that person has always been lying in the mud, doubting life during the day and wasting life at night; dreaming about life in dreams, and repeating life when he wakes up. As time goes by, he gradually merges with the mud, becoming indistinguishable from each other.

Some people initially choose to stay at home because they are lazy or poor. However, after staying at home for a long time, they gradually adapt to that state and start to enjoy it. Eventually they lose the ability to deal with real life and miss out on many potential possibilities. So

The state of laziness and poverty forms a reverse cycle. The more stubborn we become, the less hope we have for change.

The end of laziness is depravity, and life is limited. The more you waste, the more you have to make up for. Many unsatisfactory experiences in life are not due to bad luck, lack of ability, or lack of opportunities, but often because of yourself.<


How much laziness and fear eventually rot into confusion; how much dissatisfaction with the status quo, but still swallow their anger in the end; how many people live as lazy as a pig, but cannot be as lazy as a pig and feel at ease. So don’t say that the life we ​​live now is not what we want.

, just because it was caused by us.

We are intermittently complacent and continue to wait for death. Many times we are like ships with no direction, waiting to land at the airport. We hate ourselves for the worthless and step-by-step work every day, but we don’t even have the courage to resign.

I dare not put into practice my true desires.

Chaos theory believes that even in a certain system, if the equation describing the changes in the system is nonlinear, the smallest change in the initial conditions may cause catastrophic and unpredictable consequences.

The current life may not be what we want, but it is definitely what we asked for. One hundred percent of the complaints in the world can be answered with this sentence. There is not so much time in life that can be wasted in degradation and sadness. Most of

People's emptiness, loneliness and coldness are basically caused by having enough to eat and having nothing to do.

The truly ideal life is not the life we ​​dream of, but the life we ​​can best adapt to. The world is an energy field, and the energy distribution is never absolutely equal. More often, energy is just maintaining a certain balance.

The bard Andre Gide said this in "The Food of the World": Others can never understand how hard we work to make ourselves interested in life.

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