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Chapter 565 Patients with late-stage macroinfant cancer

 On the seventh day of the Thunderstorm Month, Boom and Rikka once again lived a normal life. The former still stayed in his room every day practicing magic, while the latter went out early and came back late, silently observing the lives of ordinary people.

"Only those who are afraid of death can live better." This is a sentence that Boom often talks about, and it is also something that Rikka has never understood.

Because in her opinion, death is a trivial matter. This may be due to the instinct of the contracted beast, or the soul of the ferocious beast is at work.

However, Rikka still chooses to carefully observe human beings, especially ordinary people. This is the basis for her to better integrate into the world, and it is also Boom's expectation.

Rikka stood in a small alley next to a multi-span courtyard. After watching a store clerk enter the courtyard gate, he took out a notebook from the dimensional space and stood there with a strange expression on his face.

The reason why it is weird is that the male owner of this family rarely goes out and seems to ask outsiders for help with many things at home. At first, Rikka thought they were living in a pair of old people, but she realized it during a conversation with the hostess.

Learn the whole story.

This is a young couple who have been married for less than a year. The hostess is the only daughter of a small aristocratic family, while the male host is a "patient". To be precise, he is a patient suffering from "late stage macroinfant cancer".

In today's world, with the rapid development of the economy, people's living standards have been greatly improved. They no longer need to practice everything as they did in the past, and everyone must work very hard to support themselves.

Many people have lived in families with very superior material conditions since childhood. As long as they are willing to pay, they can have almost everything they want. Therefore, lying in the arms of money and material things like this, it is difficult not to become a giant baby.

This is the case for this male owner. If the house is lacking, he can buy it just by talking. If the room is dirty, he will cover it with old clothes. If the toilet is blocked, he will simply solve it in the alley, even if the smell drifts in from the window.


All the clothes and boots were thrown into the bamboo basket. My wife is about to get off work, but dinner hasn’t been cooked yet, so let’s just lose weight together. It can be said that as long as he can lie down, he will never stand up.

He is a person who has no opinion at all until he is twenty-six years old. He always keeps saying "My father said, my mother said" and has no ideas of his own. He is used to relying on his parents and living under their parents' guidance.

In control, since I was little, I have always been able to put my hands on clothes and open my mouth for food. I can buy whatever I want. I am afraid of melting in the sun, and I am afraid of falling to death when I climb a mountain.

Even his current wife was introduced by his parents. His uncle helped with the entire pre-marriage preparations. His friends helped with all the big and small things during the relationship, and his uncle helped with the wedding preparations.

But everyone's behavior didn't make him change anything. In less than a year after his marriage, he still stayed at home and "boiled up" in those passionate novels.

He is a very arrogant person. Most of the time, he feels that he is the center of the entire world. Having been pampered since he was a child, he feels that everything comes easily, and he has never experienced difficulties or setbacks.

But the real world is cruel. After being hit repeatedly, he decisively changed his position and relied on his strong family background to stay at home all day long in order to numb himself and escape from reality.

He is a "happy" person. When he feels neglected, he will act like a child or even make a fuss. But when he cannot solve the problem, he will either hide behind his wife or cry to his parents for help.

Help. Does this scene sound familiar? We did the same thing when we were five years old!

He is a person who enjoys the care of others with peace of mind. He feels that others take care of him for granted. He seems to have forgotten that as a man, he should stand upright.

He doesn't know how to do some small things that normal men can solve in life; when the couple goes to the market to buy things, he will just hide behind his wife and follow her silently; he won't say hello to guests when they come at home, and will just stay in the room and read novels.

.But other parents thought that their children were too young and should not be anxious about everything, so they stuffed the few remaining gold coins into his arms.

He is also an "eloquent" person. He thinks everything is the fault of others and never looks for reasons on himself. He would think that he didn't know how to cook when he was a child, and now that he can, he has grown up. But in his twenties,

People are working hard outside, but he is still cooking at home.

Does he think that everyone in the world is your mother and everyone has to spoil him? But the reality is cruel. Although the gods forgot to inject his mind when he was born, they dumped him into a relatively wealthy family.


In his world, eating and drinking are the main business. It is not a pity to lose a few gold coins, and it is not a pity to spend more. He often said at gatherings with friends: I am grateful to my parents for being so capable and allowing me to do what I do.

A rich man is just waiting to die. Are you angry? It’s useless to be angry. This is fate.

Looking at his wife, why did this woman get together with such a giant baby?

Maybe she has an overflowing Virgin heart and thinks that a waste like him can still be saved. Or maybe she has read too many sad novels and been deceived by the lies of the bards. She foolishly thinks that love is mercy and salvation. She is

Do you consider yourself a saint? Or do you think you have super powers?

Maybe it's just an inferiority complex, feeling that you are humble and that excellent people look down on you, so you find someone who is inferior to you to marry. But usually girls who go forward bravely end up living a good life, and for someone like her,

All we end up with is caring for both people and money.

Perhaps she is deeply influenced by certain values. The pursuit of material life is money worship, enjoying life is idleness, and improving the quality of life is vanity. As a result, she has become an ungrounded person, someone who dares not to spend money.

A person whose own income is not as high as his pocket money.

However, those girls who threatened to "rather cry in a stone tower than laugh in the market area" ended up sitting in the stone tower and laughing. And she, who worked hard to stick to this value, struggled with the trivial matters of daily life.

Spending time in it.

Another possibility is that she is severely lacking in love. Compared to being alone, what does it mean that her husband is a bit of a waste? Compared to being alone, what does it mean that her husband is a giant baby?

What's more, their family backgrounds are about the same, so their life in the future will not be too bad. This fully reflects the benefits of being rich: although people have been high-minded and low-handed since childhood, at least their vision is higher than that of ordinary people, and they will not be fooled by poor people.

The boy was fooled with a piece of candy and a few sweet words.

Or maybe she is the kind of person with a strong female character. As the saying goes, women hold up half the sky even if they are not inferior to men. Moreover, in today's world, women alone support most of the day. Most of these people survive.

She is relatively neutral. She spends a lot of time in the world of men. Sometimes she even feels that men are inferior to herself and that she can’t rely on anyone but herself.

Such women naturally disdain to be attached to men who are stronger than themselves. They will hold a sword like Joan of Arc and fight in the business world. Therefore, they will only choose the man they really like, even if the man is a giant baby.


The last possibility is more real. Maybe she just wants to marry into a wealthy family, and the fact that her partner is a loser will not make her despair, but will actually play into his trap, because fools are always easier to control than smart people.

It is far better for your man to stay at home and be a parasite than to go out and have a good time. There is no need to be afraid of even your own small treasury, because such a man will never have any financial plan.

The setting sun dyed the village a bright orange. The woman gently opened the courtyard door, smiled and nodded to her husband who was lying on the bed reading a novel. Rikka's figure had long since disappeared, but there were a few more lines of small words in the notebook.<


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