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Chapter 10 The Bronze Key

After being scolded, Victor quickly retorted: "I'm sorry, although I'm not sure and don't remember, but I didn't kill this person. A guy appeared outside the door before and he shot and attacked us. That guy was

Murderer, and more! A monster jumped out of the window just now, didn't you..."

Victor's explanation was suddenly interrupted rudely: "Shut your stinky mouth! Pervert, when you get to the cell, I will listen to your explanation slowly..."

Regardless of Victor's defense, the two police officers forcibly handcuffed his hands, and while laughing, dragged him out of the male prostitute's house, and then put him in a cage pulled by horses.


Victor felt a strong bad feeling in his heart. He leaned on the iron fence and kept glancing in the direction of the tavern. Henry and the others were probably the only ones who could save him now.

But it's a pity that the three people from the Inspection Bureau are no longer in the tavern.

In less than ten minutes, Victor was taken directly to the police station in Walding Town.

The thin door of the police station was pushed open, the oil lamp was lit, and Victor saw the country and state map hanging on the wall on the right.

But before he could look any further, he was immediately dragged into the inner room by a small policeman with a curly beard and was interrogated by the sheriff.

The sheriff (who can also be called a policeman) sitting directly opposite Victor looked fierce: "Go on! Tell me your motive for killing... Tell me everything you need to say."

"What else can I say if I didn't kill someone? Someone shot us outside the door."

"Really? What does the murderer look like?"

Speaking of the appearance of the murderer, Victor didn't see it clearly at all. He only vaguely remembered that a red thing flashed in front of his eyes the moment the door was kicked open.

"I didn't see clearly..."

These words made the policeman in front of him angry. He stood up and slammed the table hard: "Boy Victor! My tolerance is limited."

Judging from the memories of the past ten years, I don’t know whether they were dreams or real memories.

Before anything happened to the Damon family, the town's sheriff had to endure the violence because of the thugs the family hired.

Now he had found an opportunity to take revenge on Victor, so the guy in front of him didn't look good at all during the interrogation.

The other policeman next to him had a slightly better attitude. He comforted his colleagues and asked Victor in a calm voice: "Do you know the deceased?"

Victor shook his head, he didn't care about the man's name.

The policeman next to him continued: "His name is Little Kitty. Don't look at me like that. I only know his name. There is only one man in town doing that kind of work. This guy receives special guests, just like you."

His cheek twitched, and Victor tried his best to deny it: "Wait a minute, I just happened to be in the same room with him, I didn't do anything, okay?"

The police didn't care what Victor said and continued to interrogate: "So, why did you kill someone after you were happy?"

Victor raised his head and looked at the two people speechlessly. He was doubtful about the ability of the police in this small town to judge the case.

"I said, are you deaf? I didn't kill him at all! And I was also hit by a bullet...or are you blind? There was obviously a monster that jumped out of the window and escaped, and the body of the deceased was covered with bite marks.

, are you turning a blind eye to that thing?”

The policeman next to him blinked slowly and made a conclusion that surprised Victor.

"Wolves scurry in from time to time in this town. We have checked the body and found that the fatal wound on the deceased was a gunshot wound. He was shot once in the chest and once in the neck, and you happened to be holding the gun in your hand at the time.


From what the other party said, they thought the monster was a wolf?

Victor was very close to the creature at the time, and it was obvious that it looked more like a human-shaped hyena, and its appearance was very different from that of a wolf.

First, someone shot him and the male prostitute, and then a monster sneaked in to eat the bodies. Is there any causal connection?

What about the incident where his family was exterminated? Is it also related?

Victor thinks that he does not have any important information that will be silenced by others. Who is chasing him?

There were too many mysteries, and Victor could not help but remain silent.


Half a minute later, he took a deep breath, stood up and said to the two policemen: "Look, there are bullet holes in my clothes. Doesn't this prove that I am also a victim?"

Hearing this argument, the two policemen looked at Victor as if he was crazy.

"So you were shot? Where's the wound?"

"His bullets hit the jewelry in my pocket...and the revolver! It doesn't belong to me, but it was hidden under the bed by the male prostitute named Little Cat for self-defense. You can check the bullets inside,

It should have never been fired, which can completely prove my innocence!"

The two policemen looked at each other again, and the guy opposite burst out laughing.

"Okay, but you will still be hanged."

Victor, who originally thought he had sufficient evidence, was stunned when he heard this: "Huh?"

The policeman opposite smiled slyly: "The people in this town only need one prisoner to bear the consequences, and everyone doesn't need the truth... Besides, if it were you, I believe there are many people who would be happy to see you hanging on the gallows.



Victor wanted to pick up a stool and hit the opponent's dog's head, but his hands were tied and he couldn't do anything.

The two policemen smiled and called the short policeman outside to come in and drag him, and directly sent Victor into one of the three iron cages in the back room.

"If you are hungry, catch a mouse and eat it, because you will be hungry from now until the execution at noon tomorrow."

The little policeman stared with his small eyes, extinguished the oil lamp and walked out of the cell.

Victor stared at each other's back, mentally greeting the eighteen generations of their ancestors.

That's it? What a crap interrogation! Anyway, you're going to die.

Lying on the simple, hard bed, I felt an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

"What the hell happened to me? Why did I wake up like this from a beautiful dream? Damn it! The god of shit will show you the way!"

Victor's hands were still handcuffed, and he squeezed the broken gold finger in his chest pocket with difficulty. This thing was not confiscated by the police outside.

The small town’s sheriff didn’t know what professionalism was. When he caught Victor, he didn’t even search his body except to remove his pistol.

Victor had seen something hidden in Goldfinger before, and now he just took it out to take a look.

The bullet shattered the little fist into pieces. Victor easily peeled off the golden clinker skin and took out the contents. It turned out to be an extremely simple "bronze key"!

No...no, it's not just a key. I'm afraid only Victor can recognize this thing as a key at present, because its appearance is very different from all other keys. To be precise, it is a type of thing called a "tube"

An antique-level key! This kind of thing only existed in ancient China in Victor’s previous hometown!

This chapter has been completed!
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