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Chapter 119 Wilderness Gang

 That night, the Conor Gang made a crazy decision - to attack the police station in Black Gold Town!

Augusta was driven by hatred, and after paying a heavy price, he killed all ten peace officers in the police station. Afterwards, he set fire to the small wooden house on the second floor and burned it to the ground.<


"The Black Gold Town Sheriff's Office you see now was rebuilt later." Arthur explained to Victor.

That riot was called the Great Unrest in Black Gold Town by the Misule government. Sheriffs from surrounding settlements rushed over to encircle and suppress Arthur and the others. Only a few people from the gang survived and fled the scene.

Augusta led the old and weak soldiers to escape into the no-man's land of the wilderness, and once again lived a life of living rough and drinking blood. The money they had worked so hard to rob was left in Black Gold Town and could no longer be retrieved.<


I thought I was getting closer to my dream, but I didn’t expect to be knocked back to my original shape in an instant.

Since that day, Augusta's temper became more and more violent, often beating and scolding the gang members, and similarly, many conflicts arose between Arthur and him.

The rift between the two parties gradually widened, but it was only because of Joshua's wish to die that they did not fall apart for the time being.

In order to survive, the Conor Gang began to wander around and rob all travelers they could.

After achieving some results, Augusta National began to recruit people again, and they would not be screened like Joshua. As long as they were ruthless and obedient, they could come, including notorious fugitives.

Without Joshua's restraint, Augusta became more and more cruel, and few people who were robbed by him were lucky enough to survive.

"We all feel that something is missing here..." Arthur pointed to his heart, as if there was an invisible black hole there, "You always need to use exciting things to numb yourself."

Augusta gradually became crazy, and everyone thought he would lose control.

Fortunately, God gave them a second chance.

During a robbery operation, the Conor Gang encountered another gang of criminals.

That group of people was surrounding a convoy, and many escort cars were killed by them. The only remaining woman was dragged out of the car by the vicious gangsters, with the intention of violating her.

That day, Augusta didn't know what he was thinking. He stared at the group of ferocious and brutal robbers for more than ten seconds. Then he immediately opened his mouth and suddenly issued an order to everyone, telling them to immediately

Go and save people...

"Rescue people?" Victor heard this and felt quite embarrassed.

Who can understand the most brutal gang leader suddenly showing kindness?

"But that's the fact." Arthur looked back at Victor, "And as for me, I don't regret my decision at that time, because we saved 'Hannah'..."

"Hannah..." Victor heard another name.

There was sadness in Arthur's eyes again, and he sighed: "Hey~! Yes, she is such a... kind and beautiful woman... She could have been our salvation..."

"Hey! Thinking about it now, that guy was in a daze at that time. Maybe he heard...the persuasion from Joshua's soul..."

This woman named Hannah was the one who was almost assaulted.

Augusta rescued her, knowing that she had lost her husband in the attack.


Augusta became her husband...

"I don't understand!" Victor felt that the story was getting weirder and weirder.

Arthur chuckled twice: "What's so hard to understand? Isn't it natural that men need women?"

"Why would she, a decent woman, be willing to follow you gangsters? Could it be that you forced her?" Victor's eyes were filled with contempt.

"We have never forced her. In fact, she does not have the ability to survive alone in the east. Following us is the best choice." Arthur talked about Hannah, looking sad for a while, and understanding for a while.

A smile.

The arrival of this woman gave the Conor Gang rare vitality. Before Augusta married her, the gang members were restrained by the boss and could not touch anyone without the lady's permission.

This lady not only has a gentle personality, but also cooks well. Of course, she must be provided with all the ingredients.

She was particularly diligent and would take off the men's clothes and wash them herself, especially Augusta's. Every time he put on dry clothes, he could smell a faint fragrance, and she was also very diligent.

I don’t know how Hannah washed it.

"She can also calculate accounts, play the aboriginal pan flute, and sing moving poems, just like the bard in the fairy tale. In short, in addition to surviving in the wilderness, this lady can do many incredible things. We can always

Discover new joys in her."

Arthur looked at the sky and saw the birds flying by. Unknowingly, it was almost sunset, but the story was not over yet.

"At that moment, Hannah seemed to fill Joshua's place, allowing Augusta and I, who had lost friends and relatives, to find the part that filled the holes in our hearts."

After the words fell, Victor could see from Arthur's eyes that this guy must also like that "Hannah".

Sure enough, he admitted it himself.

"If Augusta hadn't taken the lead, I would have proposed to her."

Resentment arose in Arthur's heart, and he became more and more confused. Finally, he simply swore: "Damn, I should have done this long ago. Following that villain in Augusta was the wrong choice... If it were me.

...If I say it, maybe she can still be by my side, and we will now settle in Black Gold Town and live a simple and happy life."

Hearing this, Victor suddenly discovered the clue.

Where did Hannah go?

He looked at Arthur, waiting for the other party's answer.

The story continues...

Augusta and Hannah got married as a matter of course, and the gang rarely stopped for a few days. They squandered the finances they had collected in the past, and enjoyed a rare happy time in their lives.

Then one day last year, a group of Valentines suddenly approached the Conor Gang and directly asked Augusta to interview their leader.

"The Valentines came to you? Why?" Victor suddenly thought of something and couldn't wait to ask, "Have they crossed the line?"

Arthur nodded: "Yes, but it is not far from the reservation, because after we moved the hiding place, we placed the new hiding place near the national border, close to Precia."

Precia is the largest settlement in the reservation, equivalent to Dandelion in Missouri, but only hundreds or thousands of years behind.

"We had already drawn our guns, but Augusta asked us not to conflict with the indigenous people. He went alone to talk to the leader of the other party." Arthur continued.

"What does the other party's leader look like? What did they say?" Victor's heart moved and he immediately asked.

Arthur shook his head: "I don't know, but the aboriginal leader who talked to Augusta is older, and he likes to sign language. I don't know what it means. The strange thing is that Augusta looks like

I can understand."

Sign language!

Victor immediately thought of the old man Valentine named "Crow".

It turns out that they were all contacted. Augusta and Crow are indeed related. They must have reached some kind of cooperation agreement after meeting at that time.

This chapter has been completed!
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