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Chapter 151 The Fool's Lively

 The area of ​​the venue is large and complex. In addition to the formal evening party in the main hall, there are separate conference rooms, lecture halls, and even a prayer hall for Glow believers to pray.

Abigail and Stephen were among them, and they seemed so out of place compared with these professors and graduates in luxurious clothes.

However, no one has ever doubted their identity, and the waiters will still serve them wonderful drinks and delicious food.

"Everyone, the press conference will be held in fifteen minutes. Please follow me to the venue after dinner..."

While people were chatting and enjoying the food, a staff member from the venue came to guide everyone to the press conference.

Abigail hurriedly pulled Stephen to follow.

She saw that the ladder conference room was full of people, and an old man with a stooped body and white hair was presiding on the podium.

Everyone was looking for a seat. Abigail and Stephen quietly sat down in the corner, waiting for the moment Professor Carmen appeared.

However, things always develop in unexpected directions.

As soon as the old professor on the podium read the opening remarks, a waiter came up and exchanged a few words with him. Then, his expression showed surprise.

The students in the seats began to discuss unbridledly, and the sound became louder and louder. The old professor knocked on the table with a gavel to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, some adjustments will be made to the order of the following speeches. Professor Carmen, who was originally the first to take the stage, will appear as the last lecturer. First of all... we welcome Professor Newman from the Department of Astronomy to take the stage first and give an academic lecture to everyone...

After the old professor finished speaking, a middle-aged lady wearing a big flower hat walked up to the stage with her skirt in hand.

Abigail didn't pay attention to this person. When he heard the old professor announcing Carmen's final appearance, he sensitively sensed something was wrong.

I asked the venue staff next to me and the other person told them the location of the temporary lounge.

So, she dragged Stephen out of the venue and prepared to go directly to Professor Carmen.

However, the strange thing is that there is no sign of Professor Carmen in the rooms in the rest area. He is clearly in the venue, but he is nowhere to be seen, as if he is invisible.

Just when Abigail was surprised, Stephen suddenly pointed to the prayer room behind him.

The bell tower is already ringing, and the colorful glass windows are shining with faint light. There are actually people praying inside at night, but at this moment, everyone in the venue should be concentrated in the venue.

Abigail and Stephen walked over there and quietly looked in through the window. Sure enough, they saw a figure kneeling in front of the church's star-shaped holy icon, with his head slightly lowered.

It's him...

Abigail signaled to Stephen with her eyes, and the two of them gently opened the door from the front of the prayer room and walked in quietly.

Inside is a straight red carpet passage with rows of seats on both sides. There are many cabinets against the wall, displaying church robes and various baptism items.

The man turned his back to the two reporters, buried his head in his chest, curled up into a ball, and kept mumbling.

Stephen and Abigail looked at each other, and then deliberately knocked on the seat, waking up the professor who kept praying.

He felt the two people's intrusion, stood up slowly, and stood in front of Abigail with his tall and straight figure.

"Two reporters, I'm glad to see you, but this is not the place you should be."

Professor Carmen spoke in a very calm tone, and Abigail immediately noticed that what the professor was holding was the missing eight-tooth necklace.

"Professor! I want to ask you, why did you do that to Abigail a few days ago?"

Stephen was a little angry, but he did not get angry immediately and calmly questioned the other party.

"What happened?" Professor Carmen raised his eyebrows and asked innocently.

Stephen's eyes glared, and Abigail pulled him behind him who was about to speak. She stood in front and said to the professor: "Professor, I found some records in your study. What are you planning?"
"Oh..." Professor Carmen said with a slight realization, "It turns out it was you who sneaked in that night. My kind hospitality was not rewarded by the two reporters. Instead, you sneaked into my house with the intention of stealing, so what do you have?

Are you qualified to question me?"

"Blood Vengeance Ritual!" Abigail suddenly interrupted the other party loudly. "Professor! Do you want to perform a Blood Vengeance Ritual?!"

As soon as these words came out, Stephen was stunned, and Professor Carmen was also stunned.

But then, the history scholar who had just finished praying suddenly laughed loudly, as if he had heard a very ridiculous joke.

"My dear lady, so you think so... Haha, I thought you noticed something, but it's a pity... The soul trapped in the material body can often only conceive of superficial logic... I originally

I still have expectations for you, but now, you have disappointed me so much..."

The professor covered his forehead and shook his head helplessly.

But suddenly, he raised his hand suddenly, and the muzzle of a dark gun was instantly pointed at Abigail!

Abigail didn't even notice how he took out the gun!

In a flash of lightning, Stephen suddenly threw the reporter down, and the next second, a bullet whizzed past Abigail's hair.

The two knocked over the seats. Stephen gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and quickly dragged Abigail to hide behind the bunker.

Abigail was completely stunned. She never expected that Professor Carmen would shoot her!

There was no grudge between the two parties at all, so why did the other party want to kill her?

"You don't understand anything... you are such pitiful mortals..."

There were two more gunshots, and Professor Carmen laughed wildly.

The moonlight and lights complement each other, and some mysterious lines have appeared under his feet.

There was warm applause from the conference room, the Samhain festival that never went dark continued to be lively and noisy, and the market and parties outside the venue were still in full swing.

The prosperity of the Harbor District reaches its peak at this moment!

"The excitement of chaos comes from people's superstition, and the comfort of fools is often self-deception... The soul trapped in the body can only perish in the love and hate like playing house, and the ups and downs of entanglements in the world, but

It’s a bunch of incomprehensible jokes, everything that humans regard as treasures or sneer at…everything, my Lord…He never cares!”

After speaking, Carmen shot and shattered the colorful glass of the prayer room.

The bright moon is already hanging at the highest position at this moment, and there, the mysterious moon halo is looming in the clouds...


In the eastern part of Secred, at the bottom of Rose Lake in the Andiwada Mountains, Victor took advantage of Father San to blind Augusta, took a sudden step forward, and rushed towards the opponent quickly.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to subdue Augusta, and then destroy the ceremony they had just arranged.

Behind Augusta, a half-faced coyote statue, an eyeless lion mask, and a serpent's fang necklace are arranged in a certain pattern.

Victor doesn't believe that he can't destroy the rituals, so he wants to destroy them directly!


Just when Victor was halfway through the rush, a distorted and blurry picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The crystals began to squirm, and ferocious hair gradually grew on the walls of the cave. The overlapping changes of the two worlds began to disturb his mind again.


Victor's heart sank, and a bad premonition suddenly struck him.

Damn! It happened at this time! You son of a bitch!

This chapter has been completed!
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