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Chapter 155 Everyone will die

 Who says the ceremony has to be held in the same place?

In the harbor area of ​​Yotun City, the bright moon is in the sky, and the Samhain Festival is still going on. Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in this harbor area.

People were immersed in the carnival of sleepless nights and did not notice at all that a mysterious and magical bloody moon halo appeared around the bright moon above their heads...

And the pitch-black night, like splashed black ink, gradually dyed the whiteness of the bright moon into a darker color than the night...

In the center of the square, dancers from other places circled various venues and were surrounded by people dancing enthusiastically.

There were drunken idlers in the corner, and the aristocratic vehicles passed by them in disgust.

There are lanterns upstairs, illuminating the entire area brightly.

Due to the strong lights on the ground, most people ignored the strange black moon above their heads.

Until a playful child did not hold the balloon in his hand. He called out his parents' names and tried his best to reach into the sky. At the same time, his parents rushed over and subconsciously moved their eyes upward, finally seeing it.

Within the bloody halo, the strange moon is darker than the night.

"What is that!"


The family's exclamations gradually attracted the attention of the people around them. More and more people looked up to observe this strange celestial phenomenon. No one knew why this happened, and no one knew what would happen next.

People stood curiously, like a crowd watching the excitement.

The noise continued and the citizens did not disperse.

In the prayer room of the venue, Carmen Hesmos held a pistol in his right hand, lowered it slightly, and relaxed his other hand to wipe it from the roots of his forehead. His dark eyes reflected the strange moon in the sky, excited.

The corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

The necklace with eight teeth was now worn on his chest.

Abigail and Stephen hid behind the bench, not daring to peek their heads.

"Well... it's really like a ladle full of water, look! It's about to overflow..."

As soon as Carmen finished speaking, the strange black color of the moon fell from top to bottom just as he said...

The moon was like a basin, pouring something black down, magically falling in the center of the square, drowning everyone gathered there in an instant...

Before people could react, the darkness of the Fall filled the air instantly, and everything that came into contact with it was turned into decayed bones, as if tens of thousands of years had passed in an instant.

The center of the harbor area was covered by the spreading black curtain, and the rotten atmosphere swept away, leaving only the black human skeletons and the decomposed and melted ruins.

In an instant, the people who were reveling just now were filled with fear and began to run away. The dense passage was blocked with poor bodies. The trampling incident had not yet caused the most serious consequences. The rapidly spreading black fear had already swallowed them up...

The frightened cries indicate that the entire harbor area has turned into a hell of imminent death, and the moon above the head still cannot stop dumping this black rotten thing.

The child who lost the balloon just now was held by his parents and fled desperately, but those who fell in front of him ruthlessly became their stumbling blocks.

However, the god of death had arrived. The moment before he was corroded by the darkness, the father desperately threw the child as far as he could, and the next second, he and his wife turned into a pile of shriveled and charred skeletons.

The child was thrown in great pain. He got up with snot on his face, dragged his broken calf, cried and staggered to the other side of the street, but after only moving a few steps, he was stopped by a carriage of a fleeing noble.

It was knocked and flew out.


"It's meaningless... Do you know that when I accepted the idea of ​​the Supreme Will, I truly felt that everything in this material world is meaningless..."

"Wealth, love, power, freedom, human rights... are all shackles that bind weak flesh and blood. That's why people pursue the extraordinary and there are seers. And seers will definitely pursue understanding and understanding.

I will definitely seek immortality, just like a mortal who is born to pursue glory, just like sparks flying upward..."

"All deaths...are just returning to the secret place..."

Although Professor Carmen's tone was calm, his words showed that some kind of crazy thoughts had completely filled his body and mind.

Of course Abigail could hear the panic shouts of the citizens outside, and she also discovered the moon "dumping" dark matter through the open window.

However, in a narrow environment, the biggest threat she faces is Professor Carmen's gun, and she still doesn't know what is happening in the streets and squares of the Harbor District.

Professor Carmen raised the gun and pointed it at the place where Abigail was hiding.

"You were originally the best container, because I am already old, but it's a pity... But it doesn't matter, you are still here, and you can just participate in this dark moon ceremony and become the one who returns to the world...

One of the grains..."


In the hall, the professors and students of Yotton College were not aware of the chaos and death outside the street at first. They were still listening to the speeches and discussing the party.

Until darkness filled the venue, instantly swallowing up the security guards and several students closest to the door.

Fear quickly infected everyone, and the meeting room instantly became extremely chaotic.

People dragged each other and struggled to move towards a place that was not infected.

In a panic, a professor pushed a student to the ground, stepped on his dying body and jumped to a higher step in an attempt to escape.

In order to fight for the exit, some students dragged back an old female professor who had difficulty walking, causing her to fall down the stairs and fall to death.

Companions infected with fear are more terrifying than fear itself. Everyone does the craziest and most heart-wrenching things in their lives at the moment before death.

But this does not affect the ending, because no matter where they run, they will eventually be surrounded by darkness and turn into decay.

In the prayer room, Professor Carmen raised the corners of his mouth and slowly approached Abigail.

But the next moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side and knocked him down hard.

That was Stephen. Just now, he took advantage of the professor's distraction while staring at the moon, went around to a dark corner and hid, waiting for an opportunity to make a sneak attack.

This blow was very effective. He pressed down on the old professor, kicked the pistol away, and then shouted Abigail's name loudly.

The gun rolled to the window, and Abigail rushed over and quickly picked it up, but before she could take aim, her vision was horrified by the hellish scene outside the window.

Eighty percent of the harbor area was dyed black, and the ground was covered with charred skeletons and decaying buildings. The dark color came from the mysterious moon above the head, and the place where it connected to the ground looked like a waterfall falling into the abyss.
Abigail's eyes moved downwards involuntarily. The dark matter that infected everything was gradually surrounding the building of the prayer room.

"Don't be stunned...kill him!" Stephen kept calling Abigail, but Abigail was already deeply aware of what the biggest danger was.

Her first choice was to close all the windows, then rush to the back and close the door to the prayer room.

I don’t know if there is any use in doing all this, but it is the only way Abigail can think of before death comes.

"Giggle..." Professor Carmen suddenly burst out with an inexplicable force and pushed Stephen away. Then, he rushed towards Abigail with a crazy look on his face.

In panic, Abigail raised her gun and hit him between the eyebrows. The professor at close range suddenly jumped back and fell down instantly.

The blood gradually spread from under his body, and the place where he fell happened to be on the mysterious witchcraft pattern.


While Abigail was staring at the professor's body, Stephen suddenly reminded her frantically.

Abigail looked back and saw that the black color that infected everything had spread through the cracks in the window...


At the same time, under the Rose Lake in the east of Secred, the abyssal gelatinous substance that bound the three seers suddenly accelerated the speed of pulling them, like a slow snail suddenly equipped with an engine...<


Crow observed the state of the dark abyss and said silently: "It seems... the part on the other side of the ocean has echoed with us..."

This chapter has been completed!
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