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Chapter 9 The Careful Retired Navy

 The tile-roofed house in front of him was dilapidated. Mike Campino stood in front of the door, surrounded by the strange scenes around him, and felt restless in his heart.

He is a sergeant who has just retired from the navy. For some strange reasons, he inexplicably entered this mysterious woodland.

Like all ignorant novices, he initially thought this was the real world and was busy looking for a way out. It wasn't until he climbed through several forests that he realized he was lost.

By coincidence, he found this dilapidated house in the forest.

He did not go in at first, but hid at the entrance and watched. It seemed that he could hear someone talking inside, so he waited for a while and then plucked up the courage to ask loudly.

At first, no one in the room responded to him. When he thought he heard wrongly, a strange "thing" covered in yellow shadow suddenly appeared at the door of the room.

Mike had never seen such a thing before. In panic, he subconsciously touched his waist, but there was no pistol there.

"Strange, why am I wearing this white navy officer uniform? Shouldn't it be a shirt?"

Only then did Mike realize that his clothes were different now than before he fell asleep.

This uniform was his military uniform when he was serving. It suddenly brought his mind back to those days at sea, making Mike even doubt whether he was still serving.

His reaction made it easy for Victor to confirm his previous speculation - this was indeed a newly promoted seer.

"You seem very nervous, my friend..."

Victor spoke, and the first sentence made Mike stop in surprise.

At first, he thought the yellow shadow was something strange, and he couldn't help but step back. Who knew the other party could actually speak human language...

"Who are you? Where are you? Am I dead?"

Three questions in a row showed that the other party might be a pure novice, probably similar to Abigail at the beginning.

This is a bit troublesome. If the paper is too blank, then he must not even know what the Knower exists. How should Victor deceive him?

Carefully look at the young man in front of you. He has brown hair and black eyes. He is as handsome as Victor. The white suit has obvious navy features, and his identity is clear at a glance.

Victor thought for a while and came up with his plan——

First trick the other person into entering and let him be recorded by the spirit tablet!

"Don't worry, I know that all newcomers like you will be very nervous after entering the secret hotel for the first time. Come in and sit for a while, and I will tell you the answer in detail."

After Victor finished speaking, he stroked his sleeves, assumed a Taoist posture, and turned around to enter the Taoist temple.

But the young man at the door didn't accept this trick. He stopped where he was and did not follow Victor in.

Seeing him not moving for a long time, Victor frowned, thinking that this guy was really wary.

On the surface, the other party was trembling and hesitant, but his eyes were always observing and sizing up the situation, hiding the true caution in his heart.

"I've disturbed you, I think I'd better leave!"

Seeing that the young man was about to turn around and run away, Victor suddenly shouted loudly: "Even if you become a seer, don't you still understand the truth that Misu has no walls and no boundaries?"

These words frightened Mike.

Most people living in this world know the rumors about the seers and basically believe in their existence.

Mike has indeed had some strange experiences in the past, which may be related to his ability to enter this mysterious woodland.

Thinking of all this, Mike paused, turned and looked back at the door of the mysterious house.

"You just said...I am a seer now?"

"Come in! I will tell you the answer..." The voice of the mysterious existence came from the Taoist temple.

The retired young sergeant stood back in front of the house. He hesitated for a long time, but his vigilance was finally overcome by curiosity, and he cautiously stepped into the Taoist temple.

In the center of the room, a yellow shadow sat there, crossing his knees and straightening his spine. He motioned for Mike to look at a very flat cushion next to him and motioned for him to sit down.

This is a kind of "seat" that Mike has never seen before in his life. It seems to be woven from some kind of grass roots.

There were many things in the room that Mike had never seen, but no mechanism that threatened his life was triggered.

Maybe the yellow shadow in front of me... is a wizard who knows witchcraft. He is deliberately concealing his appearance?

Mike labeled Victor a "weird" in his heart.

Victor still doesn't know what he looks like in the eyes of others when he is dressed in yellow, but after being in contact with Adolf and Abigail for a long time, he can also feel that it must not be what he looks like normally...

Victor motioned Mike to sit down again. This time, the other party sat on the futon obediently. At the same time, on the table behind Victor, an empty spiritual tablet had Mike Campino's name printed on it.

Recording successful!

Victor welcomed this new member in his heart.


"No matter what you think, you are indeed a seer now..." Victor stopped Mike's question, "And here is the spiritual space that only seers can enter, called the secret place...

Secret stay...

Mike recited this word silently, and in shock, he recalled the strange experiences in the past over and over in his mind, trying to figure out how he became a seer.

"That old man in black robe...and that rusty iron box, is that the papyrus inside?"

Victor knew that the other party was pondering and reminiscing, so he naturally interrupted Mike's train of thought: "This place is my realm in the secret place. You can call me Mr. Yi, and I am above the seer."

...The One Who Knows!"

The Knower?

Mike's train of thought was interrupted, but he had no concept of the Knower in his mind.

He began to think about it. Listening to the meaning of the yellow shadow, the other party seemed to be a higher level than the seer?

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What is a higher level? Like the relationship between navy ranks? Or is it the difference in strength between adults and minors?

The young sergeant's expression was uncertain. He was different from Abigail and Adolf at that time. He was not shocked, scared, or confused, but full of doubts.

This reaction disappointed Victor.

If you fail to establish a superior interpersonal relationship, you will lose your advantage in future exchanges.

"So, how should I get out?"

The other party's first concern was how to leave the Secret Home, which also disappointed Victor.

"I see... you are tired of our communication, aren't you curious why I want to invite you in?"

"Want to hear the details..."

The questions and answers were so dry that Victor felt bored, and he said: "As a courtesy, can you tell me your name first?"

"Mike..." Mike simply replied with a name.

"Mr. Mike Campino..." Victor read out the other person's full name without any concealment.

This time, the young man in front of me was finally shocked.

His last name is rarely mentioned to others unless necessary, because this last name is notorious in Renekton and can easily cause him trouble.

But the yellow shadow in front of him directly read his full name!

How did the other party know?

Is this the Knower? Mike's pupils twitched and he subconsciously put on a more vigilant expression.

"Don't panic. Since you can sit in front of me, you are my guest. It is not difficult to know your full name..."

Victor continues to play Mr. Yi, the Riddler.

"You can understand this dilapidated house as a place for exchange of information and materials. Anyone who pursues the extraordinary needs infinite sources of information. We follow the principle of equal exchange and help each other."<


As soon as these words came out, Mike quickly understood the meaning - they were not the only people who had entered this house.

"It turns out that the voice just now was not an auditory hallucination!"

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