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Chapter Twelve Heart Secret Biography

 What greeted Mike on the pier were his brothers and sister.

It is a very happy and exciting thing for a family to cultivate a glorious navy who can protect the family and the country.

Especially for the Cambino family, this may be able to change society's negative view of this surname.

The carriage stopped on the side of the road, with sister Yusha jumping ahead holding up her skirt. The two brothers also kept asking about Mike's life and interesting things on the ship.

But at this time, there was a noise among the surrounding crowd.

Immigrants coming across the ocean from the Western Continent clashed with the gangsters on the dock.

"You have to pay before you get off the boat! This is the rule!"

A group of ferocious guys gathered at the intersection, blocking the Sepgi and Nippur people who had just disembarked.

The aisle leading to the road suddenly became crowded, and a guy who was obviously a customs officer followed the group of ruffians and deliberately stopped the immigrants.

Being implicated, Mike's way with his family was also blocked.

The crowd gradually gathered, becoming more and more crowded.

His brother impatiently pushed away a ruffian, which immediately aroused the other person's dissatisfaction.

The guy came up with ill intentions and seemed to want to take action, but the next second, the customs officers on duty recognized Mike's two brothers, their expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly dragged the ruffian back.

"That's a member of the Cambino family. Are you going to die?"

Upon hearing this name, the gangsters blocking the road were immediately frightened and moved out of the way.

"Let's go!"

Mike's brother, Hager Cambino, wiped his sleeves and led his family through the crowd.

When they were approaching the carriage, Mike suddenly stopped.

His thoughts were also on the poor immigrants who were stopped and asked for money.

This is obviously a case of the customs at the dock abusing their powers and colluding with local gangsters to extort money from these outsiders.

Except for the Bain people, the Stedman people and the Lugao people, the other ethnic groups came from all over the western continent. Most of them could not survive on that land and so they crossed the ocean and came to Secred.<


Therefore, they are all poor and miserable people who live in poverty.

Only the most greedy and filthy maggots can extract tolls from such people.

The management agency of the terminal was not surprised by the "robbery" behavior of customs officers colluding with local gangsters, and turned a blind eye, and no one stopped it.

In their view, these subjugated ethnic groups are not qualified to become citizens of the Sai country.

As expected by Mike, most of the people who were stopped had little money, and the amazing thing was that even if they were treated so unfairly, these immigrants did not dare to question or resist, but just stayed where they were.

Don't know what to do.

So, the customs officers began to nod their heads and "introduce jobs" to them.

At this time, Hagrid and Fett saw that Mike had not left, so they approached him and said: "Those guys are taking kickbacks from the factory to recruit cheap labor for them. Some people have even been sent to the east.

Plantation as a slave."


Mike frowned high.

In 1810 of the Third Age, in order to make up for the extreme lack of human resources and support urbanization, the then president proposed the abolition of slavery.

This proposal was opposed by many landlords at first. Although the bill was finally passed, many people found ways to go around and sell slaves to make profits.

Especially those areas that have not broken away from the plantation economy are still a force that cannot be ignored.

Finally, after the Eastward Expansion, the bill underwent inevitable revisions, dividing the east and west parts into slave states and abolition states.

The mountains in the primitive and unexplored east are so high and far away that the federal government cannot reach them. If they need the support of the manor owners there, they can only acquiesce in their behavior of raising and trading serfs. However, the western cities where industrialization is almost completed have completely eliminated the slave trade. This has been written in black and white.

It is illegal to write it down.

As the heirs of the Cambino family, Mike's brothers were not surprised by these dirty things at the dock. However, Mike, who had returned from the army, could not stand such unscrupulous behavior.

He didn't want to meddle in other people's business, he was just very angry as to why hundreds of immigrants were blocked there and they didn't dare to say "no" to the dozen or so ruffians blocking the way.

This emotion is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, a man in a velvet hat in the front row of the blocked crowd was originally very timid and worried, but for some reason, he seemed to be affected by Mike's anger. The fear in his eyes gradually calmed down, and then slowly became sharper.

, until he started to gnash his teeth and walked toward the customs officer after his anger was aroused!

This change of mood was inexplicable, like detonating an angry bomb in the crowd. Not only the man, but also the immigrants around him. They all gradually became angry. The fear in their eyes was completely gone, only the sharp look remained.


"The fight started!"

Fit shouted loudly and quickly dragged his brothers back.

Mike looked at the direction of the crowd in surprise. For just a moment, the originally fearful group seemed to be in sync with his angry emotions, and just as he expected, they resisted the customs and the ruffians.

It’s just that the resistance was too fierce...

Suddenly, he keenly observed that a man in black robe stood motionless among the crowd of immigrants.

He stood out from the crowd, unaffected by the chaos around him, and quietly moved in the direction of Mike.

It's that person...

Mike was pulled by his brothers and quickly got into the carriage to avoid the chaos at this pass.

Before he got in the car, he seemed to see the chin of the man in black... no, it was his lips that moved.

They were too far apart and should not have been able to hear what the other party said, but Mike miraculously "heard" those words in his mind.

"The value of a group can only add icing on the cake or add insult to injury. This is the incitement of 'ordinaryness'..."


After Mike was pushed into the car by his brothers, he recalled the information he received from the papyrus in his mind.

Heart Secrets 1: Ordinary...

"Have I really become a seer?"


Taking a carriage to No. 444 Baiyin Road, Victor came to the gate of the Anti-Suppression Department again.

Pushing open the glass revolving door, Victor passed by a staff member. The other person did not ask Victor's purpose and left in a hurry with a paper bag under his arm.

The last time I came here, I don’t know if it was because the Anti-Suppression Department was on a routine vacation, so I didn’t see many people. But after I came here this time, Victor met several staff members before he even reached the previous stairs.

He didn't know how to find the previous lady, so he could only grab a staff member and ask: "I'm sorry, I'm new here, please ask..."

"Oh! You should be the new field officer that Ms. Sharti mentioned. Well... please come with me!"

Victor didn't expect it to go upstairs so smoothly. He followed the guide and met the people in various rooms and offices.

"Excuse me... Oh no, if you are an elite agent in the field, our internal affairs team has no right to ask for your name. So, I will take you upstairs to find Ms. Sharti."

The gentleman was very friendly and took Victor up to the third floor, but when he reached the lobby, he did not go in. Instead, he asked Victor to open the door and go inside, saying that Ms. Sharti was sitting at the front desk.

Victor thanked and watched the other party leave. Then he straightened his collar, took off his hat and pushed open the double doors.

It's very spacious inside, with almost the entire third floor included.

Facing the door is a long wooden reception desk. The lady with curly blond hair, rimmed glasses, and a good figure whom I had seen before was sitting reservedly behind the desk... and kept typing.

Dozing off...

This chapter has been completed!
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