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Chapter 17 The vast library

 After having dinner with Miss Charlotte, Victor officially joined the Anti-Suppression Department.

In the first two days, in order not to make his purpose too obvious, he was not in a hurry to ask Miss Charlotte for the key to the data room.

He slowly figured out the environment of this building and spent time in the training room.

One is to practice marksmanship, and the second is to train for fighting.

Needless to say, marksmanship, with the guidance of the Eastern Shooting King Arthur, Victor has never missed practice since that day.

Nowadays, although it is still impossible to hit six moving objects in different directions with six bullets in a row, it is no problem to hit six fixed targets in a row.

Then there is boxing practice and punching bags.

One thing to say, Victor has always been very good in fights in the past. Even if he has no skills, he has basically never suffered a loss in a one-on-one situation.

But there was an internal affairs officer who was familiar with fighting skills in the training room of the Anti-Suppression Department. He took advantage of this "dormant" period to constantly ask for advice from that colleague.

After continuous training, he also learned his movements in a formal way, dodging, leaping and moving.

After sweating for a few days, Victor felt that it was almost done, so one day during the working day, he found Miss Sharti and asked for permission to enter the outer data room.

Charti usually has a lot of free time at work, and likes to sit behind the counter and doze off when she has nothing to do. However, she did not fall asleep today, and her face was not very good.

"Hi, we meet again, Miss Charlotte."

"Ah~ Mr. No. 99..."

"You don't look very good today, are you sick?" Victor found that Charti looked even more sad after seeing him.

Charti waved her hands hurriedly and said hesitantly: "No...please don't mind it. In fact, I'm still thinking about what you said to me at dinner that day."

"Huh? Which one?" Victor asked in surprise.

"Sang...Father Sang, he...he is really..."

So that’s what happened...

At dinner that day, Victor talked to Charti about Father Sang. The other party was very surprised when she learned that he had passed away. She did not expect that this matter would bother her for such a long time.

"Yes, the old priest is no longer alive. As an elite agent of the Anti-Suppression Department, we should avenge him both publicly and privately, right?"

Victor sadly put his hands on the table in front of Charti.

Sharti nodded three times in succession, and then sighed: "When I first got this job, I was unfamiliar with many things. After learning that field staff are all seers, I felt very uneasy. Minister

The husband is so strict, and he will scold me if I don't do anything well. It was Father Sang who helped me a lot and taught me how to handle the management of the seers. Without him, I might have given up at the beginning...


That's it...

Victor recalled the old man's disdainful look in his eyes and found it incredible.

But when he glanced at Sharti's chest, he understood everything instantly.

As expected of you! Old man!

"Teach me step by step...he is really patient."

Victor had already begun to think wildly in his mind, but suddenly he came back to his senses and brought the topic to his own purpose.

"In order to hunt down the murderer of Father Sang, I need to check something in the data room. Can you open the door for me?"

Victor politely made a way for Charti, but the lady had no intention of getting up. She said, "That badge can open the door. I don't need to get the key."

After hearing this, Victor remembered that Sharti had indeed said at that time that junior agents had the authority to read the outer data room.

He was not embarrassed, bowed politely and left, turned around and went straight to the database.

He came to the double doors, took out the D-shaped badge, and tried to figure out how to use it.

But as soon as he got it in front of him, the keyhole of the big lock suddenly changed its shape, like some kind of fluid substance, and reshaped the keyhole into a D shape, just enough to put the badge in.

"Oh! How interesting."

Victor muttered something softly, and then rushed into the library through the crack in the door before the slow door opened completely.

It's still the same scene I saw before, with bookshelves everywhere.

He had to step on those books when he walked, and his eyes were full of densely packed entries. Even with purpose, it was difficult for Victor to scan the knowledge he needed.

"Let's sort out my thoughts first. The most urgent task is that I should look for clues about the secret transmission of Die."

Putting aside other distracting thoughts, Victor started from the bookshelf around him, looking for books related to it.

He spent a lot of time and found a copy of "The Theory of Sex".

The above records some opinions on the ten major sexual signs. There are many things that are contrary to Vincent's diary. Victor can see that the author is not a seer at all. Most of them are just fanciful speculations and have no reference value.

, not to mention clues about butterfly nature.

The books on the nearby bookshelves on both sides contained no references for reference, and Victor began to scan the trampled ones under his feet again.

After flipping through a few more books, Victor found a book introducing the history of the Inspection Bureau.

It turns out that the Renekton Inspection Bureau was not created by Saiguo. It was originally an agency of Greybean, and Greybean still has an Inspection Bureau, with its headquarters in Velen, the capital.

When Saiguo learned from this organization, it separated the Inspection Bureau and the Anti-Suppression Department. Although they were both part of the Inspection Bureau, their office addresses were far apart.

In contrast, Greybean's side is still a unit. The seers and ordinary agents in the bureau have the same job, and they do not use code names to conceal their identities. Their seers are normal.

A career, not a part-time job.

In terms of job titles, the Secred Inspection Bureau follows Greybein's approach. From low to high, they are intern investigator, formal investigator, search officer, inspector, chief inspector, deputy director, and director.<


Henry is the official investigator, and he will probably be promoted to investigator after this eastern incident.

Victor has gained a clearer understanding of the position of the Anti-Suppression Department in the past two days.

The internal affairs personnel of the department have the same treatment and functions as the official investigators of the Inspection Bureau. The main difference is the elite investigators.

The prophet elites in the field are directly managed by the Minister of Defense and Suppression. All of them have the same authority as the investigators of the Inspection and Inspection Bureau, and are not subject to the command of any personnel under the director of the Inspection and Inspection Bureau.

This means that the only people who can command the elite field agents of the Department of Defense and Suppression are the director and the director of the Department of Defense and Suppression.

Once the two parties need to cooperate in handling a case, the field seer can actually command the official investigators of the Inspection Bureau and will not listen to the orders of anyone under the director.

Because they have the same authority as the investigators.

No wonder Father Sang can ignore Josh's assignment and go wherever he wants.

Logically speaking, the chief inspector is considered the third-in-command in the bureau, but he has no right to interfere with the actions of the elite agents.

Then, although the director of the Anti-Suppression Department is a position under the Inspection and Inspection Bureau, his scope of responsibility is the entire Anti-Suppression Department and is not under the control of the director of the Inspection and Inspection Bureau.

"Oh! It's interesting..." Victor thought about it carefully and felt that the relationship between the National Defense and Suppression Department and the Inspection Bureau was quite ambiguous.

The minister is definitely a seer, but will the director be an ordinary person?

Finding no clues to the secret transmission, Victor shook his head, put the book back, and raised his eyes to the top of his head.

The most bizarre thing about the outer reference room is the bookshelf above the head. They ignore Newton's coffin board and stick to the floor steadily without any scraps of paper falling.

It does look cool, but Victor is wondering, how should he take down the book on it?

This chapter has been completed!
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