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Chapter 21: The permutation and combination of troublemakers

 The scene was so dreamy that Victor thought of all kinds of strange magic academies.

He walked along the wooden corridor and carefully observed the towering cylindrical bookshelves.

If it's too far away, you can't even see the book title printed on the side, let alone reach out to pick it up, it's completely out of reach.

If you want to take out those books, you can only step on the sea of ​​clouds, but the sea of ​​clouds is bottomless and there is no invisible foothold. Victor has already tried it.

He had some suspicions that those huge cylindrical bookshelves might just be decorations for people to visit.

Although there are many important documents stored in the inner data room, is it necessary to make this space so outrageous...

Victor stammered, and finally focused on the books flying around in the sky like butterflies.

Just as a book flew past his eyes, Victor pulled it back.

As soon as Victor grasped the book, he immediately stopped tossing it and returned to the state of an ordinary book.

Victor frowned, turned over the back of the book, and found that there was no book title printed on the brown cover.


Out of curiosity, he turned the book back and saw that there was also no word on the yellow pages bound inside.

"What do you mean? The Wordless Book of Heaven?"

After turning the book from beginning to end, he still didn't see a single drop of ink.

With a hint of anger brewing in helplessness, Victor threw the book down into the sea of ​​clouds and continued to grab the next one.

There happened to be a piece of white paper flying closest, and he randomly pulled it and caught it again.

The next step is to observe. Like the previous books, there is still no text on it.

"Strange, aren't there any words in the books here?"

Victor held the piece of paper, looked up at the documents flying in the sky, and suddenly felt a sense of panic in his heart.

"This inner data room is even more exaggerated than the 'Heaven and Earth' bookshelf outside. How can I find relevant information about Butterflies or Dream Secrets? This difficulty is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack..."

He muttered to himself, and then prepared to try his luck with the fortune teller, but before he could do it, the white paper in his hand suddenly changed.

Black fonts appeared out of thin air and appeared on the originally blank page.

Victor quickly picked it up and took a look, and this text appeared on it——

Renekton's Seer Report

Name:Joseph Bode

Gender: Male

Nationality: Bain people


Occupation: Circus

Filing date: May 5, 1853 in the third era

Whether you have sex: Yes

Secret transmission level: Dream properties are secretly transmitted to a fortune teller.

Whether there is a criminal record: No

Explanation: His real occupation is the owner of the Perak Little Pig Circus, and he is considered a law-abiding citizen. He has been working in the industry for many years, and often leads the team to tour performances in various areas of Renekton. He is mainly responsible for playing the role of "divineer" in the circus.

"The position perfectly matches its secret message.

Investigation opinion: In addition to using invisible skills to make a living, this person did not disrupt social order or engage in harmful activities. Therefore, the department decided to enter the file for reporting and not approve the arrest.

Note: Pay attention at all times and complete the recycling ceremony if conditions permit...


After reading this page of files, Victor was slightly stunned, but the next second, the words on the paper disappeared.

The white paper suddenly broke free from Victor's clutches and flew into the air, giving him no chance to look at it a second time.

Fortunately, Victor has firmly remembered the information he obtained.

First of all, there are a few keywords: Dream Secret 1, Perak Little Pig Circus, the name of the seer, 68 years old and the reporting time.

Victor had just learned about the operation ritual of synthesizing the Secret Transmission, and there happened to be a seer here who studied the Secret Transmission of Dreams 1, which gave him a chance to obtain the Secret Transmission of Dreams 2.

After all, he has a secret fortune-telling secret in his hand.

Furthermore, it is the time of filing - 1853.

It has been 11 years since now. The other party was 68 years old at the time. Isn’t he 79 years old now? Whether he is still alive or not is a question.

Father Sang taught Victor how to take out the secret message from the spine of a dead seer. If the other person is dead, Victor can find an opportunity to recover his secret message.

Combine two copies of Dream Secret 1, so that Victor has a copy of Dream Secret 2, and then he only needs to obtain the conversion rules of the Wheel of Fortune to get Butterfly Secret 2.

The steps are indeed very troublesome, but due to the extreme rarity of butterfly secret transmissions, this is already the fastest way for Victor to advance.

The note at the end of the page just now also shows that the Anti-Suppression Department has not yet recovered the secret transmission, and Victor still has a great chance.

Thinking of this, Victor decided to leave the inner data room for the time being and go back to find the location of the Perak Little Pig Circus.

However, just when he was about to leave, the huge pendulum hanging in the center shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy air also trembled, making deafening whistles. As if to indicate something, the entire "Cloud Pavilion" began to undergo a mysterious transformation!

The corridor under Victor's feet was disconnected section by section. He suddenly felt unstable and fell to the ground. He could only keep spinning with it.

Those huge cylindrical bookshelves that reached up to the sky suddenly bent down, and their upper ends plunged into the clouds, then emerged from the other side, spiraling forward, like giant insects rushing out of the sand in science fiction movies.<


Victor felt like the world was spinning, and the space was divided into countless pieces, rotating and reorganizing like a Rubik's Cube.

He saw those cylindrical bookshelves twisted like twists and lined up to form arches, and the plank under his feet was like a boat swaying in the wind and rain, passing under the arches and finally ending at the end.

It is spliced ​​together with other wooden boards to form an endless platform.

The fragmentation and reorganization of the space gradually subsided within five minutes, but the structure of the space today is completely different from when Victor first came in.

Above the head are arches in four directions formed by bent bookshelves. They are arranged side by side and extend infinitely in all directions.

The sea of ​​clouds can no longer be seen below, only a tightly spliced ​​wooden floor.

The huge pendulum from before was also missing. Victor stood up unsteadily, holding on to the bookshelf next to him, looking a little at a loss.

Now he can no longer find the southeast, northwest, let alone the wooden door back.

This mysterious world is like the domain of a mischievous god, who unscrupulously plays tricks on the mortals trapped in it.

Just when Victor didn't know what to do, he suddenly heard a slight movement coming from the side of the arch in front of him.

The sound was very mixed, but you could hear the slight movement of turning a book.

Victor immediately realized that someone was checking information at that location...

He recalled Sharti's words and thought that bumping into other people in the inner data room was a very unfavorable situation for him.

After all, I am not a mid-level agent, so it would be bad if the other party finds out.

But now, he doesn't even know how to get back. What should he do if he doesn't communicate with other people?

Thinking of this, Victor decided to observe quietly first.

He cautiously approached the direction of the sound, turned his body and observed quietly.

He saw a black-haired man with his back to him, gently flipping through something.

The person transferred the information he looked up and wrote it down in the notebook he brought. Then he tore off the page from the note and threw it back. The paper instantly turned into a white light in mid-air at a very fast speed.

It flew past Victor like a bullet and quickly disappeared from his sight.

"Huh? Who's there?"

This chapter has been completed!
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