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Chapter 34 The last divination

 Victor doesn't care about Berkeley's family affairs. His purpose is to obtain as much information and intelligence as possible from the upper class. Just a one-night party may not show much. If there is a chance in the future, Will will have to continue to go out and move around more.


Although he warned Will to be careful, the other party's idea of ​​infiltrating the Renekton merchant circle can still be given a try if he is well prepared.

There is no need to rush into this, because there are more important things to deal with.

"Okay, your report is very detailed and has passed the test. However, I hope that when communicating with others, you can try to put yourself on the same footing as the other person and don't be timid."

From Will's conversation, Victor could tell that he must have been very nervous at the party last night.

Not only that, Will looked sad from the beginning, as if he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong? Is it hard to be in contact with those rich people?"

Will frowned, and finally said: "Mr. Victor, I introduced myself to those gentlemen and ladies according to the words you taught me, but they seemed to look down on the businessmen in the eastern region in particular, and even scolded me in private.

Unqualified nouveau riche, country bumpkin..."

That’s it?

It turns out that what affected Will's mood was just the blank stares from the people at the party...

Victor couldn't help but smile bitterly: "How sentimental! You are just pretending to be from the East, and you are not really from the East. If others want to scold you, let them scold you! The person who invited you to the banquet is a congressman, not someone with a few stinky money.


Will nodded in agreement. In fact, he had noticed early on that the young gentleman who hired him was most likely from the east.

If even the boss doesn't care about other people's ridicule, why should he, the employee, care?

Thinking of this, Will's melancholy face instantly relaxed.

At this time, behind the two of them, the sound of the maid coming upstairs was heard. Ms. Permis was cleaning the house and came to the upstairs terrace.

Victor quickly stood up and pretended to serve Will, bowing slightly.

Pemis was holding a big broom and saw Victor's back facing the living room on the second floor. He immediately became annoyed and hurried over, muttering: "Mr. Butler! You left early in the morning and you just came back now.

Why don't you go..."

When she saw Will, her whole attitude immediately softened.

"Mr. Will..."

Will looked at Permis and then at Victor, pretending to be the head of the family and nodded.

Pemis swept the dust away from the door and saw that the milk glass on the glass table next to Will was empty. He immediately glared at Victor and said, "Mr. Butler, the master's glass is empty. You should take it down and clean it."
Victor suddenly understood, he immediately picked up the round plate pretending to be respectful, and carried the glass inside to the kitchen...


Just after noon, someone sent a letter to Xianxiang Mansion. The recipient's signature said "Yours truly, the owner of the mansion."

In the opinion of the doorman Conan and the maid Permis, the letter is addressed to Will.

But when Will saw the envelope, he immediately knew that it was actually a letter sent to Victor, because the last recipient also wrote the same letter.

The letter was sent by Henry, and it took him less than half a day to obtain the information about Joseph's life.

The information comes from the Laketon Police Department and relevant civil affairs departments.

Victor hid in the butler's room and carefully picked up important clues.

The first is the identity of this person, which is completely consistent with the records of the Anti-Suppression Department - the owner of the Perak Little Pig Circus.

Then there is an important clue, which is the date of his death.

"He's been dead four years?" Victor's expression changed slightly. He originally thought that Joseph's death time should be less than a year.

The funeral was organized by his nephew Rufu Bode, and the burial address was in the Zhangshan Cemetery Group, which was consistent with the location Victor had previously investigated.

Apart from the fact that there is no body in the tomb, there is no problem with this information.

Next, it also records the touring route of the Perak Little Pig Circus, and the fact that the circus was suspended for a year after Joseph's death and was restarted the following year.

The new boss gradually moved the performance venue closer to the core area and no longer held performances for the poor.

The information in the letter was complete. Apart from the date of death, there was no other more useful information. Victor couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Just when he was about to stuff the letter back, he discovered that Henry had left a separate message for Victor on the back.

——Since this man is a seer, I checked the records of him by the Inspection Bureau alone. He has no criminal record. He is a law-abiding citizen. He also works part-time as a fortune teller in the circus.

, the last time he performed a divination for someone during his lifetime was for a carpenter couple. When the police station investigated his death, they collected evidence from that couple and ruled out homicide and it was a natural death...

At the end of the message, Henry marked the name and address of the man in the couple at the end of the page.

"Darian Povar!"

Victor recited the name silently, recalling the words of the fake fortune teller lady in his mind.

Joseph performed a divination for someone before he died, and then he went crazy when he came back. Is there any connection between this?

Thinking of this, Victor immediately jumped up from the bed, quickly put on his coat, and rushed out of the door.

Ms. Permis was watering the flowers in the garden with her arms akimbo. When she saw Victor running away like a flying horse, she shouted loudly from behind: "Butler@¥#@%¥"

Victor couldn't hear the words that followed. He rushed out of the door and quickly took the tram on the opposite side to the address provided by Henry.


It's still early, many families have just had lunch, and a group of wealthy people are sitting on umbrella seats on the roadside, enjoying the noon sun and drinking afternoon tea.

The notice from the police station made Rufu uneasy. He even gave up his afternoon performance and hurried to Zhangshan Cemetery.

Arriving at the cemetery under the shade of the trees, Rufu's forehead was covered with sweat and he was panting.

"Are you Ruf Bode?"

A police officer said to him seriously.

"Yes! Why did my uncle's cemetery become like this?"

Rufu stared at the empty coffin with a horrified look. There was a huge pit there, and the sides were filled with dug-out grave soil.

"Unfortunately, I want to inform you that someone sneaked into the cemetery and stole your uncle's body."

"What?" Ruf's eyes widened and he looked at the police officer in front of him in disbelief.

"This is a very bad incident. Blaspheming the deceased is more heinous than seeking money and killing people. Our police need you to provide transcripts and hope you will cooperate..."


It took about an hour for Rufu to tell the police everything he knew. The result was that he was asked to go home and wait for notification. He was also asked to relax and not to act excessively. The police would definitely catch the tomb robber.


Ruf walked down the street in despair. His mind was filled with messy thoughts, like some kind of haunting nightmare that kept surrounding him, stimulating the circus owner's nerves from time to time.

"Why is this happening...Who would dig up Joseph's grave? It doesn't make sense..."

Rufu murmured to himself, his expression gradually changing from confused to ferocious.

A surge of anger slowly rose from Rufu's heart.

The inexplicable hatred made Rufu unable to let the police investigate slowly. He had to find the guy who dug the grave first.

Then kill him!

Bury this secret with the tomb robbers forever!

Unknowingly, Ruf walked within the confines of Baker Street. He suddenly saw an apartment on the roadside. There was a very inconspicuous sign posted on the entrance staircase. It was a paint-peeled arrow that read -

—Smart Eyes Detective Agency......

Rufu narrowed his eyes and suddenly had a plan in his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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