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Chapter 41 Temptation

 After spending a night researching various places in the city of Renekton, De Gaulle targeted the mansion at No. 13 Baker Street. Coincidentally, it was just a few streets away from his detective agency.


De Gaulle was deeply impressed by this mansion because there were large fields of fragrant lavender planted in the garden of the house.

In the entire Renekton, except outside the city, this is the only place with the most lavender.

De Gaulle also spent some time investigating the owner of the house.

The other party was a local from Renekton. He originally bought this land to build a house for himself, so it was not named Xianxiang Mansion at first.

However, as soon as the house was built, the owner fell into debt due to gambling and was eager to use the house as a mortgage.

Unfortunately, the creditors rejected the proposal, forcing him to put it up for auction.

However, the mansion on Baker Street did not arouse the interest of the city's powerful people, and the working-class people in Baker Street would not spend money to purchase such a villa, so the auction failed several times.

The original owner became increasingly strapped for money, so he changed its name to Xianxiang Mansion and planned to rent it out to others.

De Gaulle found out that this garden mansion had just been rented by an unknown upstart from out of town not long ago. The other party did not use it as a mansion, but lived in it directly.

Regarding this new resident who suddenly appeared, De Gaulle had no relevant information about him, so he came to investigate in person to confirm whether he was related to the cemetery theft case.


In the early morning, the middle-aged bearded security guard at the gate of the mansion was energetically reading the newspaper in his hand.

Miss Permis was looking for the housekeeper upstairs and downstairs.

She was very angry, but the master was going to have breakfast soon, and it was impossible for her not to prepare it.

For having such an idle guy in his family, Pemis didn't understand Master Evans' intentions.

On the other side, Will did not get instructions from Victor, so he did not go out. Instead, he read and studied at home, accepting all kinds of knowledge that he had not had the opportunity to come into contact with in the past.

The hot fried eggs and milk were brought to him by Pemis. Will expressed his thanks very kindly, but the next moment, Mr. Conan's voice came from outside the door.

Ms. Permis hurried over and said a few words to the other party at the door. Then she hurried back and said to Will at the dining table: "Mr. Will, there are guests coming to visit."


As soon as Will heard about the guests, he became very energetic.

Since the last time he let the mysterious guest from the Inspection Bureau come in, he could clearly feel that his employer was dissatisfied with him.

If such a matter is not handled well, it may disappoint the boss, who does not want to lose this high-paying job.

So, Will abandoned his half-eaten breakfast, told Permis to clean up, and then dressed neatly and went to greet him outside the door.

But when he saw the person coming, he was slightly stunned.

It was a weird guy wearing a deerstalker hat. He was leaning forward in the garden and smelling the lavender, with a look of intoxication on his face.

The most important thing is that I don’t know this person.

"This gentleman insists on coming in..." Conan blocked the man on the garden road, not far from the iron gate, and did not let him get close to the villa.

Will looked at the other person up and down and asked tentatively: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Of course it's the owner who currently lives here." The man smiled and turned his head, his eyes quickly scanning Will.

"The height is very close, but the temperament is a little different from my deductive reasoning, and I am not a redhead..." The man quickly analyzed in his mind.

When Will heard that he was looking for the owner of the villa, he immediately recalled the guest from the Inspection Bureau who came to visit, and the other party also said the same thing.

If he followed the previous treatment, Will would have invited this strange man into the study and waited for Victor to come back.

But this time, Will was keenly aware of the strangeness and did not invite him in.

"Are you here to see Mr. Will Evans?" Will suddenly asked.

He was testing the other person, and the man in front of him obviously didn't know who the resident of the house was. He thought Will was the deacon, so he nodded.

"Of course!"

This question made Will understand that the guy in front of him must not be the boss's friend.

If the boss is a friend and he asks this, the other person will either be stunned, ask questions, or shake his head instead of saying "yes".

"I am Will Evans, what do you want from me?"


When de Gaulle heard this, his eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

He was so convinced of his reasoning that he showed a flaw in his excitement, and this flaw was caught by the other party.

Now that he realized what he was doing, De Gaulle could only rethink it quickly in his mind.

"There is a 90% chance that tomb robbers have been here before. If the guy in front of me is the owner who lives here, could he steal the remains under his instructions?"

"Is the other party suddenly appearing to live in Renekton with the purpose of stealing Joseph's body? If you think about it this way, what kind of inheritance does Mr. Ruf's uncle hide..."

There are many possibilities, which de Gaulle quickly analyzed in just a few seconds.

Even though there was too much information, his thoughts were not disordered. Instead, he deliberately changed the topic and said: "Well... your garden is so fragrant that people can't help but stop."

"Thank you. If it's just for flower viewing, I'll let Mr. Conan take you to visit the garden of the mansion."

Will was calm and handled the situation appropriately, and did not drive the person away immediately, which made de Gaulle feel that this person was difficult to deal with.

He groaned, and then said: "Actually, Mr. Will, when your servant went out yesterday, he lost a pocket watch in the nearby Zhangshan Cemetery, with your name engraved on it, and I picked it up.

It’s here, so come and return it.”

This passage is simply nonsense. De Gaulle's purpose was not the lie itself, but to use several key words in this passage to see the reaction on the other person's facial expression.

If the other party is really related to tomb robbing, then when he hears about the Zhangshan Cemetery Group and the servants, there will definitely be subtle muscle changes on his face.

It is a pity that Will has no idea what his boss is doing when he goes out all day, and he never cares about his boss's secrets, so he has no reaction to de Gaulle's words.

De Gaulle pretended to take out his pocket watch, took out his own pocket watch and handed it to Will, but kept checking Will's reaction with his eyes.

After receiving the disappointing result, de Gaulle naturally said "ah" and made a gesture of surprise.

"I'm sorry, I got it wrong. This is my own pocket watch. The one your servant is wearing should still be at my home. How about I give it to you next time?"

No child would believe this lame lie, Will knew it, he smiled and spread his hands in the direction of the iron gate.

"Then please go back. I will ask Mr. Conan to pay attention to it. Just give it to him directly after you go back and get it."

De Gaulle pretended to be sorry. He just turned around and said casually: "I was at the cemetery to express my condolences and had a few exchanges with your servant. I remember that he had fiery red hair and was particularly easy to recognize."


Will's right eyelid twitched twice, but it calmed down in just a moment.

"Then you must have mistaken the person. I don't have a red-haired servant."

"No way..." De Gaulle was "surprised", "But your name is indeed engraved on that pocket watch."


Will's real name is Andrew Carridge, and this identity is all fake. Why would the boss specifically engrave a fake name on his pocket watch?

Is it just to confuse other people?

Although Will was not sure whether the boss had done this, the guy in front of him was obviously lying, which made him very wary.

"Sorry, Renekton is so old, maybe there is someone else named Will Evans."

"But not many people can use a pocket watch made of that kind of material. I think it's yours."

"You have recognized the wrong person, please come back!"

"Mr. Evans, where are you from?"


The last question was not answered, so Will asked Mr. Conan to force the guest out of the iron gate.

De Gaulle trotted all the way to the other side of the road. He took a few breaths without any annoyance on his face.

Then, he began to gradually analyze the information he had just obtained: Mr. Will's behavior was slightly stiff. He had learned etiquette, but was not skilled in it. He was either a nouveau riche, or he was deliberately pretending.

His boots were different from the shoe prints found in the cemetery, and they were very new, as if they had just been bought. Not only that, his entire set of clothes was new, as if a newly hired employee had been given a set of work clothes.

When he finally mentioned red hair, Mr. Will's eyelids twitched twice.

"Hmm... interesting guy, the tomb robber must live in the mansion, Mr. Will is deliberately avoiding..."

This chapter has been completed!
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