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Chapter 43: Man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation

 The master of the house is wearing a brand-new suit, and there are servants and carriages to pick him up when he is away from home. Everything in this mansion is abnormal and awkward.

The sharp-eyed detective lowered his deerstalker hat and trotted closely behind the carriage.

I originally thought that catching up would take a lot of effort, but after driving through a street, the other party actually leaned on the side of the road and took a nap.

"Go to the wetland park on the outskirts of the city..."

De Gaulle turned up his collar and knocked on the carriage door.

The coachman suddenly woke up, glanced at the other party's clothes, and shouted to him with an aura of getting out of bed: "Business suspension..."

"What? You don't take passengers?"

"I didn't sleep well last night, so I need to catch up on my sleep. There is another car over there, go find him!"

The driver pointed to another convertible on the side of the road.

"It seems that you must have traveled a long distance last night and earned a lot of money, right?"

"Nonsense... The last guest stayed at the stone bridge at the east gate all night. I waited for him all night. I'm so crazy... The police even came in the morning!"

After the coachman finished speaking, he covered his face with his hat and started snoring within a second.

De Gaulle did not continue to ask, because the other party was not in a suitable state to inquire about any information, and any more words would definitely arouse his disgust.

However, the conversation just now revealed a lot of information.

"The door we went out yesterday was by the East Gate Stone Bridge, and the police were alerted all night long?"

Now that the police station has been alerted, it will be easier to inquire.

De Gaulle turned around and looked around for the news of the day, and soon discovered the mystery of the dead baby hidden at the bottom of the hanging door.

He sorted out the clues and copied them on the blackboard in the office.

"The dead baby was discovered by an eyewitness... The newspaper did not mention the identity of the person who reported the crime. Maybe we should go to the police station to check... However, the man who was in a daze by the stone bridge, is there any necessary connection with this case?


What the coachman said before proves that he probably didn’t see the whole story and probably dozed off at the critical moment.

De Gaulle did not have the opportunity to ask about the characteristics of the guests, and rashly waking up the coachman would definitely have the opposite effect.

"But this is no longer important. Since Mr. Will is lying, there is a 90% chance that the person going outside the city is the red-haired tomb robber."

Next, someone needs to testify...

De Gaulle wiped the chalk dust off his hands, and then heard the sound of birds chirping from the door again.

The sound was very strange, different from normal bird calls, as if someone was holding their throat.

The next moment, a piece of paper was stuffed through the long hole under the door. De Gaulle was happy, and he ran over and picked up the piece of straw paper in his hand.

After taking a look, he suddenly started talking to himself excitedly.

"Beautiful! The little devils are so reliable in their work..."

Someone wrote him a note with the names of two people on it, as well as the address of the alley they frequented.

De Gaulle glanced at the old clock against the wall: "It's four o'clock sharp, there's still time."

He put on his coat and hurried out again.

This time the work went smoothly, and he successfully found the group of roughhousing gangsters near the address recorded on the note.

After showing off his "fighting skills" to the other party, he successfully subdued several gangsters and obediently confessed.

It turned out that after he suspected that the tomb robber had used the help of others to lure away the cemetery caretakers, he carefully inspected the boot again and judged from the financial situation of the owner of the boot that the two of them were not servants within the Xianxiang Mansion.

This brings up another possibility: the other party may have temporarily bribed a nearby ruffian to do this favor for him.

The group of little guys who handed him the note were much more reliable than the adults. They soon found out that there were two idle guys near the cemetery, and they suddenly had money to buy new boots recently.

So de Gaulle happily came and arrested these two ruffians.

The other party was subdued and quickly confessed, and the truth satisfied him quite a bit.

"Red hair! Sure enough!"

De Gaulle felt that he had discovered a new world.

Many clues have been connected, and now there are witnesses. There is only one link left, which is to prove that the prisoner is from the Xianxiang Mansion.

If the police at the scene of the dead baby on the suspension bridge had seen the red-haired guy and witnessed him taking that carriage back to the city...

De Gaulle helped the Laketon Police Department solve many complex cases in the past, and he still knows a few acquaintances. As long as he can inquire with them...

Thinking of this, de Gaulle went to the Laketon Police Station with great interest.

When he came out, it was already dark.

The information obtained from an acquaintance in the police station was not satisfactory. The other party reminded that this case was reported by an agent of the Police Bureau, and it should be handed over to the Police Bureau in the future. The police station does not have the authority to disclose that agency to anyone.


"Inspection Bureau... It's really troublesome. So that person who was dazed by the stone bridge must have another purpose. Is the case of the dead baby on the hanging door a coincidence?"

De Gaulle would never think that the tomb robbers were related to the Inspection Bureau. It was impossible for those agents to steal a corpse out of boredom and without any motive.

He was a little annoyed that this key link was broken, which meant that he had to confirm the other party's identity from other angles.

He was walking alone on the road. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, the weather was getting worse, and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing.

Unconsciously, he walked to the Red Lion Square.

There were a lot of people gathered there, and de Gaulle suddenly remembered that Mr. Roof's circus should be nearby, and tonight is their scheduled performance time.

However, when he walked near the group of people, he discovered that the entrance to the circus was blocked by several people wearing black uniforms and bowler hats with red ribbons on their heads.

De Gaulle recognized that uniform, it was the Inspection Bureau!

The guests were somewhat dissatisfied that they could not watch the circus performance. One of the agents from the Pursuit Bureau explained to them: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry! Tonight's performance has been cancelled. I would like to solemnly explain to you that Little Perak

The person in charge of the Fragrant Pig Circus: Mr. Rufu Bode, was arrested and investigated by the Police Prosecution Bureau on suspicion of murder and terrorist activities..."


Victor could not see the confused expression of the private detective. An hour later, he sat with Henry outside the interrogation room of the Police Bureau and interrogated the circus owner.

The interrogation room of the Prosecution Bureau is not a separate compartment like the police. Interrogations are conducted by one or two police officers.

Their interrogation rooms are separated by things, and the Anti-Suppression Department specially made isolation materials for them to prevent prisoners from suddenly using offensive invisible techniques.

Moreover, the interrogator's voice will be offset and the location cannot be easily determined.

The prisoner cannot see who is interrogating him or where he is, but the person interrogating him can see clearly.

Henry coughed, glanced at Victor, and then asked on his behalf: "Ruf Bode, do you know why you were arrested?"

Ruf's face was full of shock and anger, and he shouted: "Stop talking nonsense! I have not committed any crime! If you don't let me go immediately, just wait to go to court!"

"Joseph Bode is your uncle!"

"So what?"

"You killed him."

"Shit! You are talking nonsense! Show me the evidence!"

"Then why not have a formal funeral?"

This chapter has been completed!
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