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Chapter 22 Internal Factions

 I have never met Thomas, how can you have the confidence to think that you are sure to get the inheritance of the Daemon family?

Victor really can't understand the brain circuit of the cousin in front of him.

Although his own reputation is indeed not good, with the vision of a business tycoon like Thomas, he will definitely not be so convinced that a self-proclaimed descendant of the Damon family who has never met him can run a plantation well.

Therefore, after seeing that the other party was strong on the outside and weak on the inside, Victor vented his anger on the other party.

Not satisfied with the kick, he got off the platform and continued kicking Pierce while he didn't get up.

Pierce wailed again and again, but he still refused to give up: "Victor! If you dare to hit me, you... I must let you... ah!! ah!"

Victor was so happy with the kick that he didn't notice that Whedon had already put his hands on his waist.

Suddenly, Henry shouted loudly: "Agent Weeden, your guns should be aimed at criminals and out-of-control seers, not citizens."

Weeden's face twitched, knowing that Henry was replying with his own words.

There are already townspeople watching. If Weeden shoots, things will get out of hand.

Moreover, Henry also has a gun in his hand. If there is a firefight between the two sides, even if Weeden may win due to the large number of people, who knows that Henry will not shoot him off his horse before he is shot?

But in Victor's eyes, there are no other people around him at all. Now he just wants to beat this cheap cousin into a pig's head.

However, Pierce was not good at hand-to-hand combat at all, and was beaten to the point of crying by Victor's preemptive punches.

Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and began to call for help from the Inspection Bureau: "You three bastards who dare not shoot! Pull him away!"

When Weeden heard this, he glanced at the two trainee investigators. The two men were about to go up to help Pierce, but suddenly, Henry dodged over, caught one of them, threw him over his shoulder, and then kicked him.

On another person's belly.

The two of them were suddenly attacked and did not react. Each of them received another punch from Henry on the face. They rolled on the ground in pain and briefly lost their fighting ability.

Henry quickly removed the guns from their waists: "Do you remember what you just said? Don't interfere in other people's family affairs..."


Weeden raised his gun and fired a shot into the sky, and then Victor stopped his hand.

"Enough! Henry, today's matter ends here, let him stop!"

Without Henry talking, Victor had stopped, but what did it matter? Anyway, he had been fighting for more than ten minutes, and he was already satisfied. Pierce was crying on the ground with a bruised nose and face.

After a long time, he got up holding his bloody nose, pointed at Victor and stammered and cursed: "You're done... you're done! When I see Mr. Thomas and become the legal heir of the Daemon family, you will do it."

If I go wandering in the wilderness, I will be bitten to death by wolves or starve to death!"

Victor stood upright, then bowed slightly and made a gentlemanly gesture to the other party: "Please."

Pierce was so angry that he covered his face and buttocks and got on the horse with difficulty. He couldn't help but moan while sitting on the horse.

"Henry, I will tell the truth to Mr. Chief Inspector about your performance in the past few days. Just be prepared to be fired!"

Weeden watched in annoyance as his two trainee investigators got up. Their guns were still in Henry's hands, and the other party had no intention of returning them.

The four of them looked like they were about to leave, but Pierce was still saying harsh words: "You two, get out of here together!"

Victor was feeling proud, and was stunned when he heard this. As the other four people left in embarrassment, he looked back at Henry, and suddenly slapped his forehead, knowing that he had not thought carefully and was still too impulsive.

"Do you think you have caused me trouble?" Henry understood Victor's thoughts.

"Isn't it?"

"Huh... Even if you don't hit that guy, Whedon will try his best to find my weaknesses and flaws..."

Henry didn't seem to care at all, which inevitably made Victor curious about what the issue between him and Weeden was.

Afterwards, the two returned to the hotel to rest for a while, and Henry also informed Victor of some of their grievances.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is the grudge between Mark and Whedon.

From a long time ago, Weeden began to be jealous of Mark, especially during an arrest operation in Renekton last year. Mark had gone undercover alone into a terrorist organization, helped the police to wipe them out, and was successfully selected as the best investigation of the year.


In sharp contrast, Whedon's poor performance in it.

At that time, there were hundreds of people in the entire action team hunting down fugitives, and there were more or less arrests and achievements. Only Weeden was captured by the other side, and became a bargaining chip for the other side to blackmail the government into releasing him.

At the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, Weeden was so frightened that he peed his pants again and became the laughing stock of the entire bureau.

But it was Mark who shot and killed the criminal in the end! This is completely intolerable in Whedon's opinion.

The two of them originally competed for the position of a prosecutor. As soon as this case came out, Weeden's reputation plummeted, which aroused strong jealousy.

Now that Mark is gone, Henry is the investigator brought out by Mark, and will of course become Weeden's primary target.

After asking the innkeeper for two glasses of whiskey, Victor and Henry sat at the table by the window and clinked.

"I'll treat you to this drink. After drinking it, I'll go to the police station..." Henry was very satisfied with Victor's performance today. When the number of people on both sides was unequal, Victor did not show any timidity.

If Victor gives in and is humiliated by Pierce, then Henry will also be humiliated by Whedon. If there is a falling out, Victor will not be able to help, and Henry will have to face the other four alone.

However, although they were all driven away in the end, Victor's inheritance rights were still a big issue. He had to find an opportunity to meet Thomas and find out what he thought.


Just as the two were chatting, someone else came in outside the hotel.

The visitor pushed open the butterfly spring door and entered carefully.

He reached the counter. Because of his short stature, he spent some energy to climb onto the high stool. After sitting down, he looked more uneasy and felt uncomfortable with his hands. His little "intelligent" eyes kept looking at the hall.

Looking inside, I finally saw Victor and Henry sitting by the window.

Taking off his khaki cowboy hat, this guy walked up to Henry, nodded and spoke with a trembling voice.

"Detective Henry! I'm Donny Hopkins from the Walding Sheriff's Department. You've met me."

Next to him, Victor glanced at the police badge on the other person's brown-green shirt, then looked up at the funny curly beard and small husky eyes, and remembered who this person was.

Isn't this the idiot Sheriff who was fooled by him once? His appearance makes him feel awkward wherever he goes.

"I remember you. You came to me yesterday and asked for the check from the Damon family. I thought you were some kind of lunatic." Henry didn't like the local sheriff very much, and his words were very cold.

Donnie pulled up his corded bell-bottom pants. He originally wanted to sit next to Victor, but he felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. He smiled bitterly and said: "Detective Henry, I heard residents reporting the crime. There was a fight here just now."
Victor on the other side raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "Just now, some unscrupulous people shot and killed people in the street. The residents booed and hanged a thief. Why didn't you come out to maintain law and order at that time?"

Downey's face twitched a few times and he said hurriedly: "The state government's law allows immigrants from the east to have guns because they have to deal with the Valentines, and the town's public security regulations also tacitly allow residents to execute prisoners. After all, including me, only

Three magistrates don’t have that many manpower to handle all cases.”

"Oh? Then why are you here?" Henry drank the beer, "If you are not here to arrest me, are you here so that I can buy you a beer? Sorry, the salary of our ordinary investigators is not that much."<


Donnie scratched his head in embarrassment: "Actually, I'm here to help you."

This chapter has been completed!
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