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Chapter 58 Welcome back

 The creature Victor mentioned is that old Chino.

The other party is a doctoral student in history at Sanfran University. He must have done quite in-depth research on the ancient history of Eastern India. Victor secretly returned a favor to Adolf.

Adolf was always full of trust in Victor's fabricated reasons. He thoughtfully said goodbye to Victor and left.

Taking a deep breath, Victor sat quietly on the futon. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, he was ready to leave the secret hotel and fall asleep normally.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened suddenly.

A wisp of green smoke appeared again, floating in from outside the door, as if traveling through endless time and world.

Victor thought that Adolf was back again. He raised his face in surprise and looked inside. His eyes looked directly at where he saw a spiritual tablet that had not been moved for a long time on the table in the inner position. Suddenly there was a faint light.
When the name lit up, Victor felt like a pilot who had broken through the storm and finally found the crew member who fell into the water after the terrible disaster.

"She's still alive!!"

Suddenly standing up, Victor quickly walked to the table and quickly stretched out his hand towards the opponent's magic tablet.

After only two seconds, the lady with beautiful short hair, an artistic and refined aura, was already standing outside the gate of the Taoist temple, as quiet as a swan staring into the deep blue.

Lowering her head, Abigail looked at her hands in surprise. Whiter hands stretched out from the white and wide cuffs, and she still had the beautiful and clean big bow tie on her chest.

In disbelief, she touched her face again, her small glasses still hanging on her face, reserved and polite.

There is no broken and rotten skin, no torso and limbs like withered wood, and no burning nauseating pain in the throat...

She was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Before meeting Mr. Yi, Abigail stood at the door of the Taoist temple and cried silently.

Victor, dressed in yellow, walked in front of her, suddenly stopped and looked at her quietly.

He didn't say anything or ask anything. From the tears that kept falling, Victor had already guessed something.

After a long time, Abigail asked him his first question.

"Yi...Mr. Yi...am I still the same as before..."

Same as before...

Although Victor doesn't know what happened to the other party yet, he knows what he should say and what he should do.

As Mr. Yi, he always behaves as unfathomable and full of mysteries.

But something is different today.

Abigail heard the most sincere answer from Mr. Yi.

"Of course, you are always so beautiful and moving, just like the bright sunshine, bringing a vitality of warmth to this silent woodland..."


Victor was finally able to get the most intuitive clues about what happened in Yotun City on the day of the Blackwater Disaster.

And similarly, he also learned about Abigail's experience in the following conversation.

Even though she was in great pain, this beautiful lady still told Victor everything that happened that night in great detail.

The dark memories have been held in her heart for a long time. Abigail seemed to have found a place to vent her thoughts. She continued to narrate, giving full play to her talents as an excellent reporter.

When she said the name Stephen, Victor could clearly feel the trembling voice of the lady in front of him. But even though she was choking, Abigail still did not stop speaking.

When all the past paths are gone, what greets the Taoist temple is deathly silence.

Victor sat on the futon in the center, feeling entangled and guilty in his heart.

Yes, he still feels guilty about Miss Writer.

Because I failed to see through the conspiracy hidden in the dark, half of the Dark Moon ritual could be completed successfully.

But what Victor didn't know was that Abigail also felt guilty in her heart.

I feel guilty not only for Stephen, but also for the city of Yodun and Mr. Yi.

Because she had already been reminded by Mr. Yi and had noticed what Professor Carmen wanted to do before. Even though the other party had stood in front of her, she still failed to destroy his plan and watched helplessly as 100,000 people gathered in front of her.

The sight turned into a charred corpse of death.

But no matter what, it is the behavior of a coward to get stuck in past failures.

There is always someone who needs to lead the weak who have lost everything to find a new direction of survival, just like a boat swaying in the storm. No matter how dangerous and difficult it is, the pilot must stand on the highest mast and point out the route forward for everyone.

"There is darkness before our eyes, and the road ahead may be eternal night, but no matter what, we still have to move forward..."

Father Sang's shady face appeared in his mind, and Victor recalled what he said to himself before he died.

"When the sky becomes dark to a certain extent, the stars will eventually shine brightly..."

Abigail bit her lip and remained silent with her red and swollen eyes.

Victor took a deep breath, calmed down, and started asking about business.

"So, this Professor Carmen of Yotton College is the culprit of this disaster...then is he dead?"

Abigail didn't know that there was only one half of Jotun's Dark Moon Ceremony, and the other half was held in eastern Secred.

In her knowledge, Carmen is indeed the mastermind of the Blackwater Disaster.

"Yes...he is dead."

After receiving the answer, Victor shook his head helplessly. It was impossible for him to know that the guy responsible for holding the other half of the ceremony in Yotun was actually beside Abigail.

At the beginning, he joked about "upholding justice", but he actually did it wrongly...

But regret has no meaning now. What Victor is most concerned about is where the ancestral spirit of Valentan is.

This is a guy who will directly threaten his life, so he must be aware of his opponent's dynamics.

He didn't mince words and asked: "Have you seen any strange phenomena after this disaster? Or anything strange."

Strange phenomenon...

Abigail paused and thought.

She didn't understand what Victor meant. She could only get a chance of survival by hiding in the cabinet, and had no chance to find any strange things.

Besides, wasn’t the scene of the entire Blackwater Disaster strange enough?

After giving a negative answer, Abigail suddenly and urgently asked Mr. Yi for advice: "Mr. Yi! You said at the time that someone wanted to hold a blood revenge ceremony, but it was obviously different from the procedure in the record. Why?"

The question that the other party is concerned about has come up, and the writer is eager to know the truth of the matter.

Correspondingly, Victor, who also took the lives of others to survive, had no reason to hide this matter.

Mr. Yi remained motionless and calmly told Abigail the truth about the Dark Moon Ceremony.

"It's the arrival of the Immortal..."

"Eternal life?" The writer's pupils were dilated, and she was shocked inside.

"All of this is the revenge of the indigenous people of eastern India on the Bain people of the western continent..."

This chapter has been completed!
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