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Chapter 79 Rat Tail

 Know the layout of the house thoroughly...

Dilio frowned and looked at the deacon.

De Gaulle caught his action and continued: "Of course the servants at home know the house very well, but if they want to steal the master's property, there is no need to hire an outsider to perform it, because they themselves have plenty of opportunities.

Dilio nodded and thought what the other party said was reasonable.

De Gaulle continued to speculate: "Besides, even this deacon probably doesn't know the secret compartment under the bed in your bedroom, right?"

Dilio's face was slightly startled, and he hurriedly replied: "You mean, that thief will not be involved with the family?"

"That's right, so please recall carefully. Apart from yourself and the servants, who else knows about the secret compartment under the bed."

Dilio struggled to recall that he was the only one who knew where he hid his things, but a person suddenly emerged from his mind.

"Not long ago, a guy came to me to buy something. Guess what he wanted to buy?"

De Gaulle raised his right eyebrow and tried to answer: "Is it possible that he wants to buy your brother's relics?"

"That's right!" Dilio suddenly stood up and kept rubbing his hands, "That guy has a motive, he definitely has a motive! But..."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, de Gaulle and the police chief looked at each other, and then asked: "Can you tell us who that person is first?"

DiLeo slapped his hands and said viciously: "It's a country bumpkin who just came from the East. His name is Will Evans. That day..."

He talked endlessly about the meeting between the two, and de Gaulle's eyes narrowed to a slit.

"It turns out to be that person... so interesting..."

Aware of de Gaulle's attitude, the police chief chuckled: "What's the matter? Chaclo? Do you know that person?"

"Well... you can also say that." De Gaulle continued to light his pipe and smoked, "I had a chance encounter with that person."

Dilio's face just became excited, and soon he fell into doubt again.

He was not completely sure that the thief was directly related to Will because there was no evidence to prove this.

"Can you tell me the characteristics of the thief?" De Gaulle knew what Dilio was worried about, so he wanted to dig out more information from him.

"Very young, extremely rude..." Dilio usually doesn't pay much attention to such urban gangsters. He went out in a hurry that day and had a very weak impression of the thief. In the end, he asked the deacon to come over and explain more.<


"About six feet tall, in his early twenties, quite strong, and quite heavy... Wearing a peaked cap and a gray shirt..."

De Gaulle's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he asked hurriedly: "What about the other party's appearance? What is the color of his eyes, what color is his hair, and what race is he probably from?"

The deacon recalled for two seconds and added: "He is a Bain man. His hair... seems to be red. His hat is pressed tightly, but you can see the exposed hair on the edge."


De Gaulle's inner joy finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Mr. Will Evans, you little red-haired thief, why did you let me catch your rat tail again?

"You said that when Mr. Will came here for the first time, he asked you to spend money to buy your brother's relics, but you refused. Is it possible that he came here a second time?"

Upon hearing de Gaulle's question, Dilio immediately told de Gaulle that Will had come looking for the cane.

De Gaulle immediately stood up from the sofa and said to them: "Okay, let us simulate what happened when Mr. Weill visited you that day."

After saying that, the group went directly to the second floor, and Dilio and Deacon began to demonstrate the situation that day to Will and the Sheriff.

"The guy's purpose was obvious, I could see it!" Dilio gushed, "But I didn't give him a chance. He went up to the second floor and stayed in the living room for a while, and then what happened

It was an accident, and then the guy ran away downstairs."

"The purpose is obvious?" De Gaulle held back his smile and stood at the window looking outside.

"Yes! I refused to sell him something, he must be looking for an opportunity to steal it!"

Dilio gritted his teeth.

De Gaulle shook his head and replied: "Perhaps the other party is not here to steal things, but to inquire about the layout of your home."

"Inquiring about the layout?" Dilio suddenly realized, "I see, that makes sense."

De Gaulle crumpled up a ball of paper and threw it on the road behind the window.

"The accident that day was not an accident. Mr. Dilio, your brother's relics have been coveted by the other party for a long time, and the other party has made two plans to confuse you."

Di Leo seemed to understand a little bit, but he did not interrupt de Gaulle and continued to listen to the other person's reasoning and interpretation of the true situation that day.

"Mr. Will was standing next to this window at that time. This was also designed to send a signal to his accomplices on the road. The other party threw in a ball of flammable material and emitted a lot of smoke, which made you mistakenly believe that

The house will catch fire."

"If my guess is correct, Mr. Will must have been the most panicked when the foreign objects were thrown in. The purpose was to disturb your sanity."

"Mr. Dilio, your brother's belongings must be the most important thing in this house to you, right?"

After receiving a positive answer from the other party, de Gaulle continued.

"So if the house really burns down, your first reaction should be to rescue the most important items."

"At this time, Mr. Will does not need to steal directly from you, he only needs to see where you put the things."

"At that time, the room was full of smoke, and everyone in the room was in a mess. It was difficult for you to notice whether the other party was snooping."

"Besides, Mr. Will can also prepare hand towels or goggles in advance to facilitate observation in that environment. He only needs to take a look, and it won't take too long. It's understandable that you didn't notice it.


De Gaulle's inference linked the two events together and was very reasonable. It was as if he was at the scene that day.

"It's easy to find evidence. Grab the coachman or the children who were playing downstairs that day and ask them if the boy who threw the foreign objects and the gangster who caused trouble at the entrance of the mansion are the same person. It will be clear immediately.

According to the deacon, the thief was only in his early twenties. The age estimate of the group of children playing may not be accurate, and it would be easy to describe the criminal as an older child.

When de Gaulle mentioned the coachman, Dilio began to question the police chief again.

Early in the morning, he asked the police station to arrest the coachman, but in a hurry that day, he could not find out his origin or name. It was also very difficult for the police station to search all over the city, so there was no result for so many days.


The same goes for those kids who happened to be playing around the house.

But this is not a problem. De Gaulle discussed it with the police chief, and based on the current clues, they have enough to identify Mr. Will as a suspect.

Immediately afterwards, they only need to send out manpower to search the other party's house. Whether they find Mr. Dilio's belongings or the red-haired suspect, the case will be closed.

Dilio urged the Sheriff to take action immediately, and he would also go with him to confront Will there.

However, at this moment, a servant came over and reported to him that a guest was visiting.

"Mr. Arushi asked someone to say hello to you... and prepared a gift for you."

When Di Leo heard this, he quickly asked de Gaulle and the police chief to wait on the second floor while he quickly went downstairs to receive the guests.

It can be seen that Di Leo attaches great importance to Mr. Arushi.

De Gaulle was still standing by the window smoking his pipe. He suddenly focused his eyes on the three or two people wearing white bowler hats and black coats on the side of the road.

"Why are the people from the cigar club here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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