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Chapter 83 Replacement

 Victor's world view has been completely turned upside down.

I originally thought I was looking at my reflection, but I didn’t expect that he was the reflection!

He lost ownership of his body, lost everything, was stepped on, restrained by his true owner, and melted into this mysterious and unpredictable illusion of fate.

The "real" him is grinning, rampant, and sacrificing all living beings unscrupulously.

Countless dead corpses were twisted together in pain, piling the mountain of corpses higher and higher, sending Victor's body to the highest position.

Those he knows well, those friends and partners, and thousands of innocent people.

They were wailing and begging, crying and shouting, and cursing viciously... They were all dragged into millions of corpses, and the piles were getting higher and higher...

The dazzling light at the top gradually turned red, reflecting this dark road to becoming a god.

"This is your destiny, my reflection..."

As Victor listened to his "self" speaking, his whole body and mind were shrouded in powerless fear.

The voices of the dead were so noisy that he almost vomited.

Those cruel scenes are too bloody, with broken human organs and severed limbs everywhere.

The flames at the bottom of the corpse mountain kept driving the corpses upward. The scene of hell was nothing compared to it.

Is this called a sacrifice?

If you really reach the highest point, will your shadow be sacrificed by the true deity?

Why is this happening?

Victor asked himself in his gradually dispersed thoughts.

He was caught off guard by this fateful scene. He did not expect that he would be controlled by his own reflection, and that the other party would turn the world upside down and turn the guest into the master.

No...something's wrong...

A terrible thought came to Victor's mind.

"Am I always a reflection, and everything I experience is actually arranged by the real "me"?"

All kinds of bizarre thoughts popped up one after another, and the more Victor thought about it, the more frightened he felt.

He began to distrust himself, the world, time and space, and this secret place.

However, he could feel that his thoughts were about to be covered by the "self".

He will soon become a reflection.

"Something must be done!"



Victor tried his best to get rid of the opponent's control, but as he stepped higher and higher on the mountain of corpses and got closer and closer to the light, Victor's aura became weaker and weaker, until he finally disappeared, completely

No more strength to struggle.

The reflection is completely synchronized with the "original" mood, becoming a whole, and the face of Victor, who is mainly anti-customer, is full of insidiousness and ferocity.

In order to reach that light, he can sacrifice everything around him.

"People can always die again, who can avoid the fate and the wheel of fate..."

He stretched out his hand and was already extremely close to the bloody light, as if he could touch the red light just by stepping on it.

The scorching heat waves emanating from the radiance have been burning the shadow, but he himself has remained unmoved.

"I will be given a name here, I will serve at the side of the Prime Minister, I will become the direct successor of Butterfly, and I will wear a crown in... Daluo Tian!"

As the recital-like voice of the deity rang loudly, Victor felt that he was about to be burned out by the heat of the red light.

He was just a few seconds away from losing his spirit, but there was nothing he could do.

At the critical moment, Victor got a "sight" from nowhere and looked into the pool of blood and flames under the mountain of corpses.

A lonely chair suddenly appeared there, with a figure sitting on it, small and thin, a girl, wearing a pale pink lace dress stained with dust.

She sat quietly in a pool of blood, her feet not touching the ground, hanging in the air, but the hellfire-like flames around her avoided her.

The outstretched hand of "I" suddenly stopped at this moment. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the girl, his expression changing from confusion to shock.

An inexplicable feeling of tearing came over, and Victor's self-awareness and control of his body gradually returned.

Although he didn't know what was happening, he was trying his best to break free from the shackles of me.

"You...why are you here!"

His true self let out a roar, and without seeing what the little girl did, the mountain of corpses leading to the crimson light in front of him suddenly collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, Victor and his true self fell from the sky together.

What is very strange is that the fallen Victor and himself did not land on the corpse, but fell into a mirror similar to a lake.

He dived under the lake, and the world instantly turned upside down again. Victor's feet immediately stepped firmly on the ground, and he could feel the texture of contact.

He is back! He can control his body again! And the so-called "self" has become his true reflection, struggling endlessly under the mirror.

Gradually, the "reflection" stopped moving, its consciousness was completely wiped out, and there was no longer any movement.

Victor stared down in fear. All the changes in the scene were bizarre and difficult to understand, but in any case, he escaped the fate of being replaced by his reflection.

The surrounding scenery has changed drastically.

There are no corpses or pools of blood, nor wails or hellfire.

The sky is a piece of blue and white clouds, and the water below is calm.

There is a golden mark suspended above the head, just like a Taoist spell drawn in the air.

Looking at the talisman, Victor felt something in his heart instantly.

"Butterfly nature, secret transmission two!"

Success! He finally succeeded in converting Die's secret transmission!

The impatience and excitement drove Victor to reach out and reach for the rune.

But when he just raised his eyes, he saw the little girl sitting quietly in the middle of the lake not far ahead.

The wooden chair has turned black from decay, and the lace dress the girl is wearing is also stained with stains. Her skinny arms hang loosely on both sides of her shoulders, and her fingers, which are also as thin as pencil lead, rest on her knees, motionless.
When he received an inexplicable sight before, Victor couldn't see clearly the little girl's appearance because the distance was too far, and the most recognizable thing about him happened to be her "appearance".


She has no head...


"Lepers, gentlemen, we'd better not go near that room, and don't even touch the doorknob."

Will suppressed his nervousness and worked hard to weave lies.

After working for Victor for a long time, Will didn't see any advantages in him, so he only learned his ability to lie.

However, this paragraph was obviously unlearned and was so lame that almost everyone present did not believe it.

At this time, de Gaulle looked at another room that had been searched by the police before and asked Willdao: "Who lives in this room?"

Will grabbed Permis's hand to tell her to stop talking nonsense, and said, "This is a guest room, and it's usually unoccupied."

When the police officer opened the door to this room just now, Will was nervous, but when the other party didn't find Mike, he breathed a small sigh of relief.

"No one usually lives there? Does that mean someone has lived there?" De Gaulle began to trick Will.

The latter's expression remained unchanged and he explained smoothly: "No, no one has ever lived in this room."

De Gaulle chuckled and walked into the room again.

The inside has been checked, and all cabinets and beds have been searched, but no suspicious persons have been found.

"The bed is very clean. Even if no one is staying, will your servant clean this room every day?"

This chapter has been completed!
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