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Chapter 114 The first court hearing

 The time of not seeing the light of day finally passed, and when this moment arrived, Abigail was finally released from that prison.

However, what greeted her were heavy shackles and the escort of more than a dozen agents from the Inspection Bureau.

The heavy black double iron doors were opened, and the long-lost sunlight shone in, but the sky outside was covered with clouds.

Countless Yodun people who held high signs to demonstrate broke out into a stormy noise when they saw the door of the Inspection Bureau opened.

They mercilessly smashed the rotten vegetables and fruits they had prepared into the woman who was being held by the agents.

Waves of unbearable insults came one after another, so dense and violent that it was difficult to hear what they were saying.

But there are a few words that frequently come out of the mouths of these demonstrators.


"Burn her to death!"



Abigail was so weak that she had to be held up by the detectives before she could walk. She was covered in dirty vegetables and fruit sauce and had no strength to defend herself. She was humiliated and escorted to an appointment opposite the town square.

Dayton Superior Court.

The court hearing is about to begin, and all relevant personnel are entering the court one after another.

The judge sitting in the center is quite old. He wears a white judicial wig on his head. His face is like a wrinkled sheet and he is unsmiling.

Subsequently, the jury members began to take their seats. They were required to read out oaths, introduce themselves, and prove that they had no personal contact with the defendant or the litigant, in order to demonstrate the "fairness and impartiality" of the trial.

Among this group of people were members of the Chamber of Commerce of a city-state in Red Land, sheep farmers in Velen, old nobles from the western part of the empire, ordinary shoemakers, etc. There were twenty people in total, all from different industries and classes, and they had little contact with each other.

There is intersection.

After taking the oath, they sat down in the jury box one by one.

The judge pulled a straight face and began to address them.

"Jurors, I believe you all know your responsibilities. In short, you need to make a judgment about the defendant's guilt or innocence based on the evidence learned in court..."

After preaching to these jurors, the indifferent judge introduced himself to everyone.

"Everyone, I am Judge Wendell Jenkins. I am responsible for presiding over the judgment of this Blackwater disaster. Because the case is special and related to international affairs, I am authorized to open a hearing room in the court."

After saying this opening statement, Judge Wendell introduced the important figures who were invited to the hearing box one by one.

Among them are the special envoys from the northern countries and Gordon, then the assistants to the members of Greybean's cabinet, two officials from the Jotun City Hall, the heads of various chambers of commerce, and operators sent by various departments, etc.<


Finally, he finished speaking and the trial officially began. The prosecution lawyer straightened up his clothes, stood up, and introduced himself to everyone...


Outside the court, Aunt Rachel kept squeezing in behind a large group of onlookers. She knew that Abigail would be summoned today and had been applying to the relevant departments to go in for a hearing. However, because this matter was of great importance,

Seats were limited, and my aunt was still turned away by the court, so she could only do it in the crowd.

Even when Abigail was escorted over just now, she couldn't even see her niece. Now she doesn't even know her condition. What if her niece is abused...

When she thought of those terrible prisons, Aunt Rachel rushed forward impatiently.


In the court, the lawyer responsible for defending Abigail was arranged by the Empire. He was an inexperienced young man who only met his client for the first time today.

He was quite shocked because the client was completely wrapped in bandages and was so weak that he did not even have the strength to speak. He was obviously being treated unfairly and was procedurally irregular.

But even though he knew this, the young lawyer did not dare to raise objections and could only provide Abigail with a standardized defense according to the process, because he understood that this trial was just a show for Gordon and the northern countries.

And he himself is just an actor who plays along.

The two sides had a back-and-forth debate at the beginning, deliberately creating the illusion of a confrontation. Later, the prosecution lawyer began to gradually attack.

"The defendant claimed that the real murderer was Professor Carmen Hersmers of Yotton College, but she had no conclusive evidence..." He kept pointing out the problems in Abigail's confession and kept talking, "

And we are almost certain that Professor Carmen Hesmos has indeed died in the guild hall, because the number of corpses there is consistent with the registration number of academic conferences at Yorton College..."

After the prosecution lawyer finished speaking, he asked to interrogate the defendant, which was approved by the judge.

He walked up to the weak Abigail and asked arrogantly: "You said that you only went to the scene to stop Professor Carmen after discovering his conspiracy, so what exactly was the ceremony he wanted to hold?


Abigail's throat was so thirsty that she wanted to defend herself but was unable to speak. In the end, the defense lawyer asked for water for her, so that she could barely speak.

"Hateful blood...blood-hateful ritual..."

The prosecution lawyer picked up a stack of paper and continued to say to Abigail: "What you said in your confession is that you thought Professor Carmen was going to perform this kind of blood-vengeance ritual, and the ritual required a minimum sacrifice.

A thousand lives, right?"

Abigail nodded slowly.

The other party continued: "But in the end, it took the lives of 100,000 people, and you didn't know anything about it?"

Abigail continued to nod.

The prosecution lawyer sneered: "You said that the clues to the blood-vengeance ritual were found in Professor Carmen's private chamber. Why did he let you see it so accidentally? And you came all the way from Velen, and he invited you so enthusiastically

Don’t you think it’s a coincidence to be a guest at his home?”

Abigail felt a splitting headache and was a little confused. Her defense lawyer immediately objected to the prosecution's unfounded and inferential remarks.

But the judge did not stop the prosecution lawyer and allowed him to continue speaking.

Unexpectedly, the prosecution lawyer’s next actions and words seemed to detonate a bomb in the scene.

I saw him taking out a pile of evidence and saying that he found it in Abigail's rental house.

When I unfolded it, I saw that it was actually the piles of information that originally belonged to Professor Carmen's secret room - information about the blood-vengeance ritual and its variations, that is, the "Dark Moon Ritual"!

This evidence was so overwhelming that even though Abigail was extremely weak, her eyes widened and she tried her best to break out of the wooden fence. However, she was so alone and weak that she was immediately forcibly dragged away by the staff maintaining order.

Go back.

"Miss Herman! This is what you call information. Unfortunately, they were not found in Professor Carmen's burned home, but in your luggage... So can you explain it?"

The defense lawyer stared at the "evidence" in the hands of the prosecution, then looked at the poor woman, feeling a little unbearable, and finally said: "Please prove the authenticity of these materials..."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Abigail in the dock suddenly froze. Unable to accept the slander, she fainted and collapsed directly on the ground.

The court suddenly fell into an uproar, and the staff rushed forward to help her and try to wake her up.

All this is due to the fact that the Inspection Bureau went too far, leaving Abigail without food and water for several days, and her body became extremely weak, making it impossible to continue the trial.

In the end, Judge Wendell struck the hammer to maintain order and announced that the case would be adjourned.

At the same time, in the hearing room, sudden snoring had already sounded.

A certain beautiful and cold woman pinched the sleeping man next to her hard, causing him to wake up from his sleep.

"William! Have you slept enough? It's time to wake up."

This chapter has been completed!
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