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Chapter 116 The Family Under Surveillance

 De Gaulle found the real estate agency and also obtained the place where Galway's son would move.

The two of them immediately bought train tickets to the town of Westbrook. In the past, a round trip might take a whole day.

Before leaving, Victor gave Dr. Depp's address and information to Victor, asking him to try to contact him and find out the doctor's attitude. Maybe the two parties could cooperate in running a pharmacy.

The town of Westbrook is regarded as a satellite town of Renekton. It is not far away, but relying solely on the foot power of horses is still a waste of time.

It took the steam train most of the day for the two of them to arrive at the address provided by the agency and find the residence of Mr. Galway's son.

His house is the kind of small wooden villa that matches the farmland. There is a piece of primitive unpaved grass in front of the door. Outdoor tables, chairs and parasols are set up on one side of the entrance platform. There are also some handmade children's toys piled in the center.


When he first arrived, the male host was playing with his two children. When he saw the visitor, he was stunned for a moment and took the initiative to ask, thinking that de Gaulle and Victor were lost.

However, when he heard de Gaulle explain his intention, his face suddenly became very angry and frightened.

"I don't have the clues you want here! Let's go, gentlemen!"

Rejecting the visitor decisively could not hide his inner uneasiness. De Gaulle saw the problem and rushed to stop the other party: "Don't be nervous, friend, we are not here to cause trouble. Your father has mentioned Mr. Sitchin or Mr. Dach..."
"I know you are not here to cause trouble!" Seeing that he was stopped, the male host became even more panicked, "But you will bring trouble to me!"

"Don't you have any friends? Have you never received guests at home?" Victor reached out to pull the other person, but was thrown away by the host.

"No! You don't understand, they have been monitoring me to prevent me from talking nonsense to strangers like you!"


Victor and De Gaulle looked at each other, both of them showing curious expressions.

Next, the words of the male host were immediately fulfilled, because a group of strangers suddenly appeared outside the courtyard gate, blocking Victor and De Gaulle's escape route.

Victor narrowed his eyes and saw the guns on the waists of the group and the wooden sticks in their hands.

"Five people...three have guns."

De Gaulle poked his head over and pretended to greet the other party.

"What are you doing, gentlemen?"

This group of people were wearing ties and soft felt hats. They didn't look like gangsters, but a bit like the local White Hand gang.

One of the guys coldly ordered de Gaulle: "Get out!"

Victor glanced at the owner of the house who was trembling with fear, and seemed to understand something.

Behind him, de Gaulle spread his hands, showing no trace of fear, and was still dealing with the other party: "Are you friends of this gentleman? Sorry, we are not here to hurt him, we are..."

"Kill them!" Before de Gaulle could finish speaking, the spokesperson just now called on his accomplices to draw their guns.

However, Victor's movements were much faster than theirs. He took out his gun and fired a round of bullets, knocking the man closest to De Gaulle to the ground instantly.

De Gaulle quickly crouched down, pulling out his gun and firing out all the bullets.

He perfectly coordinated with the moment Victor ran out of bullets, added firepower from his own pistol, and killed two more people in an instant.

With just one or two seconds of cooperation, Victor and De Gaulle knocked down all three of the five opponents who had guns. The remaining two were stunned on the spot with wooden sticks.

Bang bang!

After Victor loaded the bullet, he shot two hats off their heads, making them turn around and run away.

"What a great marksmanship! Watson! You must have been a mercenary in the East."

De Gaulle praised Victor and immediately went back to help the frightened homeowner.

He tremblingly led Victor and De Gaulle in, and told them that this group of people was spying on their family.

"Spying on you? Who are they? The gangsters in the town?"

"No... no, they are not from the town. They seem to have been sent by someone to keep an eye on me, and they live nearby." The owner of the house drove the children and wife upstairs, and then sat in the living room

I told De Gaulle and Victor everything. "There were only five of them. They came some time after I moved. They threatened me and said they would keep an eye on me forever and prevent me from contacting strangers outside."

It seemed that he had encountered another strange thing, but de Gaulle smelled a conspiracy. He seemed to have thought of something and continued to ask.

"Actually, they could kill people and silence them, but they didn't do it. Is it just to keep an eye on you and prevent you from contacting strangers?"

The male host nodded wildly.

De Gaulle continued: "Perhaps the people who ordered them here can't do anything to your family, but they just don't want you to reveal the secret to someone like me."

The male host was stunned for a moment. He had no idea what kind of dangerous secret he had learned, and kept muttering that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of these people and move quickly.

De Gaulle told him not to worry, to repay him for his help and to answer the question first.

The two exchanged a few words briefly, and then the male host went back to the room, rummaged through the cabinets, and brought out a photo album to show to de Gaulle.

"This was given to me by Mr. Dutch when my father resigned from the Berkeley family, as a thank you for his decades of dedicated service."

De Gaulle flipped through it casually, not getting any clues from these touching moments. He just saw photos of Dutch, Siqin, and Mrs. Salsa as children.

Mrs. Shasa doesn’t go abroad much, but at least it proves that the three of them have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Oh, of course, there is also the brother who died young.

"Is there anything else?" De Gaulle asked.

"Could it be that those guys are related to the Berkeley family?" the male host said worriedly.

De Gaulle glanced and said, "I'm not sure yet. It depends on what secrets your father took away from the Berkeley family."

Immediately, the male host went back to rummage through the cabinets and brought out a large wooden box, which was full of letters and notes written by his father during his lifetime, as well as messy manuscripts.

De Gaulle rummaged through it, reading every letter carefully, and asked Victor to read it separately, trying to dig out everything Mr. Galway knew as soon as possible.

Finally, de Gaulle found what he wanted.

"That's it! Watson! Let's go!"

After saying that, he stood up and put on his coat, and before leaving, he reminded the male host: "You are right, it is your father who has mastered the secrets of the Berkeley family, which attracted the surveillance of those people, but the other party may

Remembering the old relationship, I didn’t kill anyone to silence you. I advise you to move as soon as possible, as far away as possible. Don’t go to any sales agent for convenience, as that will make the other party find you again.”

Watching the two detectives leave, the male host gritted his teeth and prepared to collect all his father's paper letters and burn them tonight...

However, this is actually unnecessary, because the most important clue has been taken away.

Outside the house, Victor took a look at the paper handed over by de Gaulle and couldn't help but smile.

"That's it..."

This chapter has been completed!
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