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Chapter 135 Puppet

"Don't worry, madam, I didn't mean to scare you. Please look at these three names carefully. Do you have any impressions?"

De Gaulle tried his best to appease the other party and even wrote his name on a clean piece of white paper and handed it to Merigui.

Merage picked it up and examined it carefully, and soon gave out useful clues.

"I recognize all three ladies, but two of them have left, and one remains with the Berkeley family."

Upon hearing this, de Gaulle became interested: "Very good, so which two are leaving and which one is still here."

"Paris Judy and Gina Langster are leaving. Uma Stone is staying at the Villa and is here now. Do you want to see her?"

"Of course!" De Gaulle snapped his fingers and called Victor together to let Ms. Merage lead the way.

The head maid took them to an exquisite resting corner with a flower border and asked them to sit on the outdoor dining table and wait.

Then she left, and not long after, a middle-aged woman with yellow hair came to serve de Gaulle and Victor with a plate of afternoon meals.

Seeing the visitor, but Ms. Merage did not come, de Gaulle clearly realized that the woman in front of him must be Uma.

"You are Uma, right?"

"Yes sir, it is an honor to serve you."

De Gaulle smiled slightly and continued: "Ms. Merage should have explained to you the ins and outs of the matter?"

Obviously, the woman in front of him was not the female assistant he met at the housekeeping service company before, so de Gaulle did not put pressure on her as soon as he arrived.

"Yes sir, you suspect that the murderer is from Moon Home, and I happened to be introduced to work here by that agency company."

Uma didn't look panicked at all. She thought she had never done anything to harm her master, so she was not afraid of the detective's questioning.

"To be honest, we should have already seen the murderer. She also killed Detective Tom who came before." Victor spoke calmly, and then carefully observed Uma's expression.

Uma's calm demeanor was suddenly filled with surprise: "What... this is too scary. What does the murderer look like? If she really comes from Moon Home and has worked here, maybe I will know her...


"Young, beautiful, black hair, do you have an impression?" De Gaulle blurted out quickly.

Uma was stunned for a moment, then recalled, and then replied: "Gina Lanster...and Judy, both of them are young and beautiful, and both have black hair, but both of them have left.


This answer is almost the same as no answer. Originally, besides Uma, there were only two other suspects.

"Okay... let's change the question. Have those two taken care of Mrs. Shasa?" Victor narrowed his eyes and asked.

Uma nodded, and then responded with the same words as Ms. Merrige: "All of us have looked after the mistress."

"Did you find anything strange about them?" Victor continued to ask.

Strange place?

Uma didn't quite understand what Victor meant by strangeness. In her opinion, all servants served the master's family step by step every day, and compared to other aristocratic families, the Berkeley family treated people generously, had a high salary, and paid weekly wages.

There are holidays, so many trained candidates want to come to their home.

As for why there is staff turnover, in fact, most of the people who leave are because they get married or get older, and they are all women. Male servants rarely leave the Berkeley family.

Uma thought for a long time, but finally gave no useful information. However, she changed her mind and told the two of them another strange thing.

"Sorry, I didn't find anything strange about the servants, but Mrs. Shasa... she did show some strange symptoms in the days after she lost her child."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, de Gaulle and Victor were both curious.

Uma looked left and right, and finally lowered her body and said softly: "Maybe I am the only one who has seen this thing, because I happened to be responsible for taking care of my wife that day."

"Mrs. Shasa's condition was very bad. The loss of her child was a huge blow to her. She didn't eat anything for several days, not even water. That night I heard Mrs. Shasa moaning in the room. I thought she was

I was very hungry, so I went to the kitchen to cook some wheat flour and brought it to her."

"But when I knocked on the door and went in, I found my wife sitting on a lounge chair, facing the large floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the white moonlight outside, singing a lullaby and shaking something in her arms."

"I walked over and took a look, and found that what Madam was holding in her arms was actually... a child..."

Uma's expression became more and more weird, as if she was telling a ghost story, and she was very good at telling it to others.

"I was scared, but when I looked closer, I found that the child was not alive, but a lifelike puppet toy..."

"Oh my God! You should really see that toy. It looks so much like a real person. I was frightened at the time. When I found out that the child was fake, I thought my wife might have a mental problem, so I tentatively asked her if she wanted it.

Have some wheat soup."

"Unexpectedly, Madam took the soup bowl with a smile on her face, and fed the soup to that...that toy doll..."

De Gaulle listened carefully, his expression becoming more and more serious.

The same goes for Victor, because the moment he heard about the puppet toys, he had completely confirmed that the strange events in the Berkeley family must be related to what happened to Darian!

"Is this...is this a strange place?" Uma looked anxiously at the two people in front of her.

De Gaulle patted the table and stood up immediately: "Where is the puppet toy you mentioned? Can you take us to find it?"

"I secretly saw Mrs. Shasa hiding toys under the bed in the bedroom. Since the death of their child, Mr. Dutch has not slept in the same room as Mrs. Shasa." Uma replied quickly.

De Gaulle immediately asked the other party to take him there to find it, so the three of them hurried to Madame Salsa's room.

Both Dutch and Siqin were not there, so no one stopped them, so de Gaulle broke into Shasa's room without any scruples. When he saw that his wife was not inside, he quickly crawled under the bed to look for something, but found nothing.


"No! The thing is not here. Are you sure what you saw is real?"

De Gaulle asked Uma suspiciously.

Uma was worried that they would cause big trouble if they broke into the hostess's room so casually, but she still nodded firmly in the face of de Gaulle's question.

At this time, Victor continued to ask her: "Besides you, who else has seen Madam playing with that toy?"

"Probably not. I talked to other people in private, and they didn't know what I was talking about, including the other maids." Uma spread her hands, looking at a loss, "Both of you, we'd better leave first. What if Mr. Dutch..."

"I don't have time to think too much. If Dutch refuses us to search this bedroom, we will miss a good opportunity. I'll go check the cabinet to see if there is any!" De Gaulle is often stubborn and crazy when it comes to investigating and collecting evidence, even if it is Even if he offends his employer, he also wants to seek the truth.

Victor did not follow him to rummage through the boxes, but continued to catch Uma for questioning.

"Have you seen the puppets since that day?"

Uma waved her hands quickly: "No... I only saw Madam take out the toy late that night. Not long after that, the child appeared out of thin air. I even... even suspected that the child was a puppet... "

This chapter has been completed!
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