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Chapter 138 Interception

Under the dark night sky, someone was wearing a cloak, walking in the moonlight, and hurriedly and anxiously rushed to a hidden corner of the city.

This is the gathering place for private passenger transport to the east. Many people gather here. The lights are flickering and the crowds are crowded. Even late at night, it causes a lot of noise.

A certain leader stood in front and guided these people into crowded vehicles one after another.

The passengers on the bus were dragging luggage of different sizes. They were either alone or in groups of families. They spoke different languages, were of various races and nationalities, and had quite different clothing styles. However,

The only thing that is the same is that poverty is written all over them.

They are the immigrants who are about to leave for the east, including the native Bain people of Sai country, the Dream Chasers who have just crossed the ocean from the Western Continent, and the brown-skinned Sarcens from the red earth.

But no matter where they come from, the reason why they choose to go east is because there is no room for them in the cities on the west coast, so they can only seek survival and opportunities in undeveloped lands.

Every immigrant who wants to board these vehicles must pay money to be released.

The amount ranges from 2 Faraka to 5 Faraka, depending on the number of people and the space occupied by the luggage.

However, not everyone has money to buy "tickets". Most migrants are relatively poor. If they cannot come up with money, they will be stopped by the team of grooms in front and will not be allowed to board the train.

A small conflict also occurred during this period, and the result could only be very cruel.

Mike hid his face under a dark cloak, quickly squeezed through the crowded crowd and found the lead escort car of this group of immigrants.

The man was still smoking, keeping his eyes on the immigration team to guard against anyone making trouble. When he saw Mike dressed in a sneaky outfit, he couldn't help but be startled.

"It's me! The one who negotiated the price with you during the day."

Hearing Mike's voice, the escort recognized him and couldn't help but look surprised.

"Oh... I remember you came to see us during the day."

Mike was silent and stretched out his hand to hand the escort a large note.

The escort took it over and stuffed it into his chest pocket, and smiled with his mouth full of yellow teeth: "Is this the price we agreed on this morning?"

"1Faka, you asked me to come back at this time tonight." Mike responded coldly.

The escort seemed to have a sneer in his nostrils: "No, the price has increased now, and 1 farka is not enough."

Hearing this, Mike frowned.

"How much do you want?"

The escort car made a noise, raised its chin, and signaled Mike to look at the group of immigrants in the dam.

"Look at these guys! Some want to dig for gold, some want to dig for oil, some want to farm... Wait, my fleet can only accommodate some people. Even if I give you money, there will always be someone.

If you can’t get on the bus tonight, if you think it’s expensive, you can find another team.”

Mike's face suddenly darkened: "No, I have to leave tonight."

The escort glanced at him: "Then 10 farka! I'll kick a few people down right away to move your seat."

Mike snorted coldly and finally handed the 10 farka to the other party.

"Fuck! You are so damn rich, you are not an ordinary immigrant at all, right? Don't tell me you are a wanted criminal on the run."

The words of the escort made Mike's heart suddenly tighten. He refuted hastily: "It seems that you are not only greedy, but also like to talk nonsense. I'd better find another team!"

The escort immediately panicked, hurriedly collected the money, and then led Mike into the car.

Sure enough, he drove away an immigrant who only paid 1 farka to make room for Mike, and then the convoy set off amidst the scoldings of the people behind him.

When the convoy drove a certain distance, the escort immediately stood next to the coachman at the head of the car, holding an oil lamp and shouted loudly to the convoy: "After leaving the city from here, it will take us a long time to reach Ghana, and Missouri is in

To the east of Ghana, the journey ahead is long, and you must prepare rations for more than twenty days or even a month."

Many immigrants had no idea about the geography of the country. They immediately started making noises after hearing what he said. Most of them did not bring much food with them and did not have money to buy food from others.

"This is life, friends! Not everyone can reach the promised land in the east. Many people starve to death and are bitten by poisonous snakes on the road. If you regret it, you can get off the car now, but the toll will not be refunded!"

After saying that, the escort showed off the musket on his waist, which immediately frightened all the immigrants.

There are a total of ten people in their team of coachmen and escorts, transporting nearly fifty immigrants. Each person has a gun and can completely suppress these outsiders.

Next, the convoy's journey gradually became calmer. Before dawn, it crossed the stone bridge out of the city and was about to enter the dense forest with fewer people.

Mike curled up in the corner, rocking to sleep,

But suddenly, the carriage shook suddenly, the escort started shouting loudly, and the convoy stopped directly outside the dense forest on the outskirts of the city.

Mike was awakened by the shock. He could hear the dissatisfied complaints of the immigrants in his ears. He looked ahead and saw a group of people blocking the intersection. They were holding torches and oil lamps, and the atmosphere was solemn.

The escort looked shocked and waved his hands to signal the grooms not to move.

Then he took out his pistol, raised the oil lamp and got out of the carriage.

Two or three coachmen got off at the same time and followed him to meet him to see what the group in front wanted to do.

"Gentlemen! If you want to rob, shouldn't you choose a place further away?"

He deliberately pointed his gun at the guy who seemed to be the leader of the group of people blocking the road.

Mike squinted his eyes and stared at the group of people in front. Judging from their appearance, they were not policemen, but looked a bit like gangsters...

Mike immediately became cautious and prepared secretly.

"We have to search your vehicle, which won't take long."

At this time, a well-dressed man wearing a black suit and a top hat walked out of the crowd and smiled at the escort car.

"Search? Are you the police? Why don't I feel like it?" the escort said and broke off the hammer.

The well-dressed man smiled and said: "Believe me, offending us is more terrifying than being chased by the police."

During the conversation between the two, Mike had been observing them. He guessed that the other party was probably a member of the Cigar Club, but why were the Cigar Club gathering here? Could it be possible to predict that he would sneak into the immigration convoy tonight?


"Hahaha! Are you kidding me? I don't care who you are, I'm telling you, in the east..."


While the escort was still talking, a bullet suddenly shot from the woods nearby and accurately hit his head.

As the plasma in his head exploded, the grooms all threw away their reins and started drawing guns like wild cats with exploding fur.

But at this time, many ambush gunmen appeared in the surrounding woods. They rushed out and shot at the horsemen, killing three or five more people in an instant. The remaining horsemen were so frightened that they threw away the carriage and tried to escape.

Some threw away their guns and lay on the ground, shouting for mercy.

Seeing that the situation was under control, the well-dressed man raised his hand to signal to stop shooting. At this moment, the immigrants in the car had already hid their heads in various positions, crying and screaming.

"Don't... don't kill me!"

A groom was caught in front of a well-dressed man. He glanced at the man condescendingly and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous. If you cooperate, I promise to let you leave safely after the search."

This chapter has been completed!
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