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Chapter 187 The Cambino family is back


The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor. Inspector Rick McCarthy asked for leave in advance and hurried back home.

As soon as he opened the door, he threw a stack of newspapers on the table, pointed at a young man sitting on the sofa opposite and yelled: "Mike Campino! This is all your fault, right?"

Inspector Rick is Mike's comrade-in-arms. He chose to believe in Mike and kept him at home for several days.

But who knew, something big happened today.

Mike reached out to pick up the newspaper on the table, glanced at it, and frowned.

"Superintendent Brut was shot and killed..."

"Yes! It's from the White Hand!" Rick looked hysterical.

But Mike's expression was quite relaxed. He pointed to the words in the newspaper and said to the police inspector: "Didn't the prisoner be caught? He has admitted that it was Cigar who ordered it, and I am not Cigar."

Inspector Rick poured himself a glass of water, took off his coat and loosened his collar. His neck was covered with sweat.

"Why did the Cigar Club attack a senior superintendent in the street? They are gangsters, not idiots! And why did they choose to do it now? Just after I told you about the hideout of the Cambino family gang members... what did you go out to do yesterday?


In addition to hiding in Inspector Rick's house, Mike also asked the Inspector to help him find his lost "family" a few days ago.

However, the police inspector did not know that all of the Cambino family except Mike were dead, so he could only provide him with some clues about where the gangsters with the original family surnames were hiding.

In fact, the police station has already grasped these clues, but they did not alert the snake. They probably kept them as bargaining chips and eliminated them when merit was needed.

In the name of looking for the surviving "family", Mike went out frequently in the past two nights. As a result, Superintendent Brut was shot and killed not long after.

Rick obviously didn't trust Mike anymore and threw the entire manual to him.

"Sorry Mike, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that the consequences of this matter are too serious. If you are discovered by the police station, I will die with you! These are the hiding places of the remnants of your family. I copied them all by hand.

Come down, take this thing and go!"

Mike put down the newspaper, picked up the manuscript, and sighed.

"Rick... I know it has really troubled you these past few days. Okay, I will leave right away. Thank you for taking care of me..."

Walking out of the other party's residence, Mike put on his hood and hid his face in the shadows.

He looked back at the light from the window upstairs and sighed again.

"I'm sorry, friend. I just hope you won't be implicated by me again in the future."

After murmuring these words, Mike lowered his head, with a sneer on his lips, and disappeared into the darkness of the street.

In fact, the police inspector's guess was correct. Superintendent Brut's death was indeed related to Mike.

However, Mike did not instigate anyone. He just went out and found the hiding place of an original family gang member through the clues provided by Rick.

And it just so happened that the old man had received a lot of care from Malone in the past, and he had a grateful mentality, which was completely different from the white-eyed wolf Sai Latu.

In the beginning, Mike wanted to obtain information from Inspector Rick about the hiding places of gang members in the name of looking for "family", and then slowly organized the remnants of the gang and secretly prepared for a counterattack.

But after meeting the old member, Mike suddenly thought of a plan.

In the previous conflict with the Cigar Club, the reason why the Cambino family failed was because someone in the police station was secretly cooperating with the Cigar Club.

If Mike wants to deal with the Cigar Club, the first thing he has to do is get rid of the opponent's protective umbrella in the police station.

After this period of observation and inference, Mike was almost certain that the person with the cigar inside the police station must be Superintendent Brutt.

He did not ask the old member to assassinate Superintendent Brut, he just told the other party about the incident and then left.

Sure enough, just one day later, Superintendent Brut died at the hands of a member of the "Cigar Club".

And the so-called "Cigar Club" henchman is, of course, the old gang member that Mike met before.

The other party insisted in prison that he had joined the cigar club and knew all the slogans and habits related to the cigar club. If Inspector Rick did not come forward to prove it in person, then the police department had no reason to accuse Mike of these.

After all...Superintendent Brut has declared that the Cambino family has been wiped out...

Next, the murderer will be tried and punished. It is difficult to guarantee that he will be transported to prison alive. Whether it is Superintendent Brut's cronies or people from the cigar club, they will try their best to revenge against him.

But no matter what, without Brut, the police department's noose around the Cambino family's necks will eventually loosen, and Mike's movement in the city will become much easier.

This helper used his life to remove a huge obstacle for Mike!

The cold wind was howling at night, and Mike stood alone on a high platform somewhere, staring at the city in front of him with lonely eyes.

He used tricks and took advantage of the loyalty of a gang member to clear away the enemy that blocked his progress.

But no matter what, he deceived his comrades and his loyal subordinates after all...

He finally... became the kind of person he hated in the past.

The codex of clues that Rick left for him was held in his arms. This was Mike's purpose.

Next, he has to find these people, organize them, and make a comeback!

A week later, in a small dilapidated building in the dock area, a group of serious-looking gang members were sitting around a square table and arguing non-stop.

The man sitting at the top is a big boss of the cigar club and is responsible for taking over this street.

The people quarreling on both sides were roughly divided into two camps. On one side were the people from the cigar club, and on the other side were the small bosses who surrendered after the rebellion of the original Campino family. There were three of them.

The two sides were quarreling over the tiniest bit of profit in this area.

The cigar club leader sitting at the top was smoking a cigarette and looking at them indifferently.

"Why do you want to take 70%? What were the conditions negotiated at the beginning?"

"That's right! In the past, we and Ma Long were split 50-50!"

The former petty bosses of the Cambino family were dissatisfied with the new system.

Someone from the cigar club opposite said sarcastically: "The new rule is, we say 70% is 70%. If you are not satisfied, you can go complain to Ma Long. The cemetery is quite big and can accommodate all of you."

The naked threat made the original Cambino family extremely angry. They looked at the cigar club leader sitting at the top and shouted to him: "The unchanged balance of accounts is the promise given by Charlie Rossiter. You

Do you want to regret it?"

The leader of the Cigar Club blew out a smoke ring and said silently: "Charlie asked me to manage you, then you must abide by my decision."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thugs around him pulled out their pistols and aimed at the three former leaders of the Cambino family.

The three people immediately raised their hands, showing horrified expressions.

The cigar club leader threw the agreement in front of the three people and forced them to sign.

Soon, the three little bosses who were trembling with fear could only sign and hand it back to him.

The leader of the Cigar Club picked up the agreement and looked through it with satisfaction.

"Yeah, that's right...Everyone likes obedient dogs. If you want to stay and do business, you have to learn to obey...huh?"

He was flipping through it and suddenly found someone's signature that was strange.

Those were not the names of these three little bosses, the signed name was actually Mike Cambino!

He was shocked for a second when suddenly a voice came from beside him.

“The Campino family is here to say hello!”

This chapter has been completed!
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