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Chapter 195 Forced Kiss

Since arriving at this restaurant, Victor and Charti have never been inside, and Victor has also paid attention to the guests who came here after them, but did not see anyone they knew.

This can only show that de Gaulle came to dine before Victor.

He is currently sitting by the window, chatting with a gentleman. It is very likely that he has received a new commission.

If the guy turns his face and looks out the window, he can see the table on Victor's side.

Even if Victor's entire face couldn't be clearly seen from that direction, De Gaulle would be able to recognize him immediately with his terrifying observation skills.

Victor has not dyed his hair now, and the color of his hair cannot be completely covered by just a collar and hat.

It would be troublesome if that guy saw me.

After thinking for a moment, Victor suddenly put down the newspaper and stood up, ready to leave.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Miss Sharti had just booked a seat and ordered a meal. She originally wanted to seize the moment to chat with Victor, but who knew that the man opposite would be so rude.

"Sorry, I remembered something very urgent. I will make it up to you next time."

Picking up the cane with one hand, Victor lifted his legs and walked away.

Who knew that Charti suddenly stepped in front of him.

"Wait a minute, you look very nervous. I can't let you slip away like this. Today you..."

Before she could finish her words, Victor suddenly did something that shocked Charti.

The guests sitting outside saw that the man suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the waist of the lady in front of him, hugged her in his arms, and instantly moved his face forward, kissing her lips in public.

At the same time, de Gaulle, who was sitting by the window inside, turned his face sideways and saw this scene.

However, Victor took the opportunity to turn Sharti's body around, blocking his view.

At this moment, de Gaulle could only see Chartie's back, and he probably knew that a lady outside was being forcibly kissed by her male companion.

"Oh...are young people today always so crazy?"

He joked, and then continued to chat about work with the client in front of him.

Victor was stunned by the kiss. After he achieved his goal, he immediately stopped. After giving the lady a look, he turned around and ran across the road.

Initially, Charti complained about him a little, but she was stunned by the kiss, and she didn't react for a long time in the aftertaste.

There were boos all around, and the guests began to ridicule Victor for not being a gentleman enough, for forcing himself to kiss others and running away alone.

The boos caught De Gaulle's attention again, and he turned his face to the window again, only to see Victor running to the other side of the road, instantly blending in with the pedestrians under the night.

"Well...this young gentleman really dares to do what he does..."

He mumbled something, and just as he was about to continue chatting with the guest, he suddenly realized something and immediately looked out the window.

Then, de Gaulle stood up and walked out of the restaurant, came behind Charti, smiled and said to her: "Madam, are you okay?"

Charti let out a long breath, was brought back to his senses by de Gaulle's greeting, and turned back to look at the other party.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern."

De Gaulle's eyes were full of meaning, and he asked again: "Did that gentleman force you just now? I am a detective, and I can catch him back if necessary."

Charti's face was flushed, and she was still recalling the feeling just now. But after hearing what de Gaulle said, she immediately refused: "No, no, thank you, I didn't feel that I was forced."

Seeing that the other party was willing to communicate with him, de Gaulle suddenly said: "He left you behind without thinking that it was already night and it would be irresponsible to leave you home alone. Of course, if you need it, I can send you there."


When Sharti heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of rejection in her eyes.

De Gaulle hurriedly explained: "Oh, please don't get me wrong, I have no other intention. I mean, I can call a carriage for you."

Call me a car? After thinking about it for a while, Charti decisively rejected de Gaulle's proposal.

"No, no need, sir. I can contact the vehicle myself. Goodbye."

Quickly packing up her things, Charti put on her cocked hat and left the restaurant.

De Gaulle stared at the place where Victor had just left, frowning.

In fact, he had already noticed something unusual, so he got close to Charlotte and asked about who this woman was.

He proposed to call a carriage for her because he also wanted to obtain general information about the other party's address so that he could find out the woman's occupation and identity.

However, the lady who looked silly and sweet on the surface was actually very alert and did not reveal any clues to de Gaulle.

Now that the man and woman had left in different directions, De Gaulle's main focus was still on the man just now.

He happened to be looking out the window, and the other party happened to be kissing, and he was blocked.

The second time he looked out the window, the other person immediately ran away without giving him a chance to see his face.

If you were an ordinary person, you might just ignore it as a coincidence.

But de Gaulle always thinks of more. He is paranoidly sensitive to many things.

As a result, he noticed something was wrong, and when he saw the man's last back, he always felt that he looked very familiar.

"Mr. Shaklo? Do you understand the details of the commission? When can we continue the discussion?"

The client who was still sitting inside was already urging him. De Gaulle apologized to the other party: "Sorry, I need to go out for a while. I will be back soon. Please wait for me for ten minutes."

Victor walked on the street on foot, always looking back to see if de Gaulle was chasing him.

When he confirmed that he was not being followed, he prepared to return to Xianxiang Mansion.

Having a soup for dinner made him a little hungry.

He took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was already past the meal time at home. He didn't want to trouble Miss Permis or make it himself, so he went into a tavern on the side of the road and ordered a plate of grilled sausages and lemon juice.

It's called a pub, but that's just the name in the past. Now, on the surface, all restaurants and pubs prohibit the sale of alcohol.

After quickly filling his stomach, Victor pushed open the butterfly door of the tavern and left, waving his cane and walking towards the street.

He was about to go home, but he didn't seem to notice that a sneaky shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

The shadow was very small, moved quickly, and sounded very soft.

Under the occasional flash of street lights, you can see a little beggar following him at a certain distance.

This child's steps were skillful, and it was not like he was following someone for the first time. Every time Victor was about to look back, he could always hide in the darkest place to avoid Victor's sight.

As he walked, Victor hummed a tune in his mouth and was about to reach the Xianxiang Mansion. He still didn't seem to notice anyone behind him.

Suddenly, he made a big turn and instead of going in the direction of Xianxiang Mansion, he went to the side road.

The little beggar was slightly startled and hurriedly approached him, but when he turned around the corner, he found that Victor was missing!

This chapter has been completed!
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