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Chapter 198: Gambler asks for his life

"Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, but the wounds on my body are still aching, and they always remind me of those terrible days."

The dwarf seemed unaware of Dilio's intentions. He walked to the table and picked up the opened medicine bottle.

Taking out the monocle from his arms and observing carefully, the dwarf man who called himself Vader discovered the ingredients in the medicine.

Seeing that he was distracted, Dilio immediately took out his rifle and pointed it at him.

But just as he was about to shoot, he discovered that the trigger was stuck and could not be fired.

"What is coming is destined to come. Your gun has been stored for too long. It is as old as human beings and has been used up long ago."

Wade sat down and looked at the medicine bottle carefully without raising his head.

Dilio continued to fiddle with it in disbelief, and found that the barrel and trigger were severely rusted.

He remembered that this gun had been placed on the cabinet for three years. Although it had been a long time, it was unlikely to be so rusted that it could not even press the trigger.

"What did you do?!" Dilio was extremely panicked, reaching out and grabbing a fruit knife on the table.

"I just made what was supposed to happen happen in advance."

Wade put down the big smoking pole and said calmly: "Battleship Island, have you heard of that place?"

Dilio looked confused.

"I was detained there after I was arrested. I suffered a lot of torture. Many of my comrades died. Only your brother survived."

Upon hearing this, Dilio froze on the spot.

Wade wiped his hair and continued: "That cruel crime should have been borne by your brother, but he got away with it, threw us in prison to wait for death, and left you with such a

Big fortune, so can you guess where... Bilbo got his first pot of gold?"

Dilio suddenly thought of the last words in his mind, and his face turned pale as if he realized something.

"Bilbo died before I found him. I can only count him as lucky, but I think he should have left you the golden tarot card, right?"

Golden Tarot Cards!

As soon as this word appeared, Dilio couldn't bear it anymore. He picked up the fruit knife and stabbed Wade.

Vader did not dodge, but silently accepted his sudden attack, until his chest was pierced, a knife handle stood there, and his coat was soaked in blood.

When Dilio saw that he had killed someone, he was so frightened that he quickly took a few steps back and looked at the dwarf in front of him in shock.

Vader's expression showed that he had no love for life and looked forward to death.

He didn't even scream, he just stared at the murder weapon inserted into his body.

"Death... is not... terrible... Mr. Dilio..."

As he spoke, he reached into his coat pocket and dug around until he pulled out a small piece of something and threw it on the table in front of him.

Dilio covered his chest, feeling that there were signs of illness again. He took a closer look and saw that what the dwarf took out turned out to be a dice!

"Destiny allowed me to live to see you...then...my life belongs to...the wheel of fate."

Under the light of the fire, the dice rested quietly on the table. It was 6 o'clock.

Immediately afterwards, Wade suddenly reached out and grabbed the handle of the knife on his chest, and pulled out the fruit knife!

Then an astonishing scene appeared. Vader's wound began to heal, and the fatal injury was quickly erased. Even the blood on his clothes was gone. Dilio was stunned to see it.

"1 and 6 represent the minimum and maximum numbers that were removed, which means erasing the result of this event, while the remaining four numbers are the doubling of the result. This is the secret story of the Wheel of Fortune 1: The Gambler...


Putting the knife back on the table, Wade raised his head and smiled evilly at Dilio: "It seems that fate requires me to continue living, Mr. Dilio."

As he spoke, he shook the medicine bottle in his hand towards Dilio.

"Nitroglycerin... heart disease, with a body like yours, how many years can you live? Do you need me to evaluate you?"

Dilio's legs weakened and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Wade pinched his chin and analyzed: "Well... with your current health and financial resources, as long as you don't receive strong stimulation and control your emotions, I guess it won't be a problem to live for another seven or eight years."

As he spoke, Wade knelt down in front of Dilio and stared at him.

"But, you will always die of heart disease. I can advance this process...for example, how about ten years in advance?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dilio suddenly felt a heartbreaking cramp in his chest.

He opened his mouth to breathe, lying on the ground and kept reaching for Wade, trying to reach the medicine bottle.

Wade poured all the pills on the ground. Dilio struggled and kept stuffing them into his mouth, but it was completely useless. Soon he clutched his chest and died in front of the fireplace with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

"I've told you that you can survive for seven or eight years with medicine, but ten years later you are already terminally ill. How can you still rely on medicine to save your life?"

The dwarf closed his eyes for Dilio, stood up, and walked towards the room inside.

"This is your brother's fault. After you go to hell, go and blame him..."

De Gaulle often didn't enjoy the early morning light. His business last night was ruined and he didn't get up until very late.

The client did not take a fancy to de Gaulle in the subsequent chat and thought that the detective was just a fake, so he refused to grant the commission.

Because of the Little Beggar Detective Team, de Gaulle was a little distracted. Instead of trying to win the other party's approval, he returned home early and waited for the children to report the results to him.

As expected, the mission failed, and de Gaulle was completely defeated yesterday.

However, this is not important. He has recently received a commission from the Berkeley family and has become extremely wealthy among detectives in a short period of time. If he does not spend the thousand francs arbitrarily, it will not be a problem for him to use it for two years.

But what he didn't expect today was that a certain friend actually came to visit him.

"Vladimir! I knew you would come back!"

De Gaulle was very excited to see Victor. He quickly cleaned up the house and invited him to drink coffee outside.

"I just came to visit you. After all, we haven't contacted you since you were discharged from the hospital." Victor had already finished his hair and disguise. He came here today with a purpose.

"It's okay, we can sit down and have a good chat. If you haven't been working recently, you are welcome to come back at any time."

De Gaulle looked at Victor with incomprehensible eyes, constantly pondering some questions in his mind, but did not say them out.

While he was still cleaning up the messy things in the house, Victor asked in an unintelligible way: "I saw a few sneaky children downstairs just now. They seemed to be intending to find out whether there was anyone living in this room. I'm afraid you

Got targeted by a thief."

After hearing this, de Gaulle frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he immediately changed his words and said, "Then let them do it! I happen to be free recently. I can get some benefits by catching a few thieves and sending them to the police station."

De Gaulle's answer was watertight and did not reveal his relationship with the Little Beggars Detective Team.

Victor smiled slightly and did not continue talking about this topic.

Yes, he didn't meet any children at all. The reason why he said this was just to find out whether the little beggar last night was sent by De Gaulle.

Although de Gaulle answered the question naturally and dressed up to go out and invited Victor to have coffee, Victor did not give up his doubts about him.

Similarly, De Gaulle was also thinking that the back of the man last night seemed to resemble Watson...

This chapter has been completed!
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