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Chapter 37 Four Worlds

"On July 20, at 3:51 p.m., the Intelligence Bureau received a commission from Cornwall Energy Company, and a team led by Chief Inspector Josh went to Missouri to hunt down the gangster Augusta."

Henry reported the itinerary records to Father San, which were almost the same as what he had told Victor when he analyzed them. He still didn't read the notes, and recited all the big and small events that happened in the past month just from his memory.

Father Sang's face became even more drunk. He burped and praised Henry: "Young man has a good memory."

Henry answered calmly: "Paying attention to everything happening around you is the basic quality of a mature agent."

"Very humble..." Father Sang glanced at Victor's face with a deep look, and then said to Henry, "So you met secret creatures on the way here?"

Henry's expression brightened: "I did meet a monster, but I'm not sure if it came from a secret place."

"It's a secret creature..." Father Sang said firmly, "The fog is a good proof..."

Henry didn't understand this very well, but Victor suddenly thought of the vast thick fog that filled the innermost part of the secret hotel.

Father Sang pointed at Victor's nose: "You see, boy, this is the result of being obsessed. If you can't wake up from your dream one day, you will become like that."

Hearing this, Victor did become a little worried.

Then Father Sang looked at Henry again: "What did Mark say before he died?"

Henry didn't hear Mark's last words, but Victor did, and it was Father Sang who finally answered.

After hearing this, the priest frowned, lightly knocked on the table, and said a term that neither of them had heard of - "calling celebrities."

"Calling a celebrity? What is that?" Henry asked doubtfully.

Father Sang took a sip of wine and began to explain: "The secret message...but there is no sexual image."

"Sexless secret?" Henry was a little surprised.

"Hmm... Regarding the secret transmission of asexuality, there is an explanation in the database of the Ministry of Defense and Suppression. I have not read it, so I am not very clear. However, I am aware of the invisible technique of 'calling celebrities'."

"It is said that if you reveal your name and appearance in front of the caller, he will be able to call out your name and force you to do something. Unless the order is completed or the person who is called dies, the call will be invisible.

The spell will not be lifted."

The explanation given by Father Sang was very consistent with what happened to Mark. Victor and Henry looked at each other and felt that this statement was reliable.

"As for what you said, the riot that occurred in Walding Town after I left, it should belong to another force."

"Another force?" Henry took a deep breath. He always thought it was the same invisible technique at work.

But when Victor heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Father Sang picked up a pickle from the dinner plate, ate it, took another sip, and then said: "That should be the secret transmission of the 'fire' nature - the instigator... This kind of guy is very dangerous, where does he appear?

, conflicts and even wars will occur wherever they occur.”

"However, this is also a very ancient secret transmission. It can almost be said that the inheritance of the secret religion has been cut off. The secret transmission is scattered all over the world. Fire-oriented seers are rarely found in the bright light realm."

Henry immediately had questions: "Wait a minute, you said these two incidents were done by different seers?"

Father Sang nodded: "Based on your description of the incident, I think so."

Henry rubbed his chin and thought, while Victor next to him sat upright.

"If they are all related to Augusta, then there may be more than one seer in his Conor Gang!" Henry exclaimed.

"It's possible, but it's unlikely." Father Sang gave his own judgment. "Calling celebrities and provocateurs are very dangerous. They often hide in the dark and stir up chaos. They are hard to detect. However, there are asexual seers.

With congenital defects, it is difficult to cooperate with a sexual seer. In my opinion, you have to reorganize your thinking."

"Congenital defect?" Henry had another question, but Father San did not explain this.

"Let me give you some popular science, but first, this is the internal training of the Inspection Bureau." Father Sang winked at Henry and glanced at Victor.

Henry understood what he meant, the other party wanted Victor to avoid him.

"Can't I just sit in?" Victor was a little unhappy.

"Then your treat is tonight."

Father Sang smiled slightly and began to explain directly, regardless of whether Victor had money or not: "The reason why the invisible art can appear is because of the 'four worlds' that support its performance."

"Similarly, all the objects that we can see with our eyes, that we can imagine, and that exist outside our cognition have the abstract concept of 'four worlds'."

"They are divided into the archetypal world, the creative world, the structural world and the material world."

"The archetypal world is the existence itself outside of our perception. For example, this wine glass, we call it a wine glass. In our memory, we know that the wine glass looks like this, but even if we don't call it a cup, the cup in our memory and fantasy is not

If it looks like this, then it is not what it is? It is still what it is! This is the absolute existence itself."

"The second is to create the world, which is limited to human perception, memory and cognition. As I just said, if I ask you what a cup looks like, your memory will instantly simulate the cup for you.

The appearance, because it is limited in our cognition, if I ask you about something you have never seen, you will not be able to explain it clearly."

"The third one is the structural world, which can be explained as, 'anything that is perceived goes through a long process before reaching our awareness.' You will definitely not understand it, but if you have the opportunity to

If you look through the famous scientific research reports in recent years, you will find that it actually refers to the smallest particle form of matter... Before any object enters our consciousness, it needs the smallest particles as the propagation medium, and this process is structure.


"The last thing is the material world, which is everything we can see and touch."

"Simply understand, the prototype world is absolute existence, the creation world is memory and cognition, the structural world is process, and the material world is result."

"Everything in the world has its own 'four worlds'. Do you understand?"

After Father Sang finished speaking, Henry and Victor looked confused.

Victor remembered that in Secret Lodge, Adolf mentioned "creating the world", but the other party obviously didn't understand it very well.

"The invisible technique of summoning celebrities and provocateurs can basically be based on 'creating the world' or 'structuring the world.' This invisible technique is difficult to deal with and requires considerable trouble to investigate."

"You can hardly find out the instigator, but if you call a celebrity, he must have shown clues when he used the invisible technique. You only need to find out how many people Mark told about himself after he came to Missouri.

Just the name will do."

Father Sang gave Henry a very useful suggestion. Henry suddenly opened his eyes and thanked: "Father Sang is right!"

Father Sang nodded with satisfaction, finally narrowed his eyes, and continued to ask in a suspicious tone: "There is something I am very curious about. When you met those two secret creatures, the entire convoy died. What did you do?

How did you escape?"

This chapter has been completed!
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