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Chapter 207: Catching an adulterer with a matryoshka doll

The private room upstairs for the banquet was originally prepared for members of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss business. Will only had a few chats with several building materials dealers, and it became clear that he would not be able to achieve the results he expected.

"Mr. Evans, although your idea is good, it is too difficult to implement." A building materials dealer said with some dissatisfaction while holding a cigarette.

"What are the questions?" Will looked up at the other person.

The other party replied: "All of us know that Saiguo has a huge demand for steel materials, but not everyone can get involved in this industry. The most basic problem is the cost. At present, the steelmaking plants in the Indong Continent simply cannot meet the demand.

When it comes to construction needs, they can only be obtained through purchase.”

As he spoke, the building materials dealer pointed to the west outside the window.

"Transporting from the Western Continent can only be profitable if you directly cross the Sea of ​​Tranquility. Do you understand what I mean?"

Will was listening carefully, but at this moment he was suddenly stunned.

Then he hurriedly asked: "Crossing the Sea of ​​Tranquility? Why? Aren't the routes between both parties along the southern island chain..."

"So I said you don't understand ocean trade at all. The routes in the southern island chain are long distances, consume a lot of coal, and need to pay docking fees and transit fees. There is nothing to earn from such a trip." The building materials dealer said simply.

Explain to Will in an understandable way.

Two other members who are also engaged in the construction industry also nodded silently, thinking that Will's idea was unrealistic.

"Sorry... I don't quite understand, if the cost is really so high, how does Saiguo conduct steel trade with the Western Continent..."

Will sat on the sofa in the box, holding his chin and wondering.

The other three looked at each other and did not answer the question. They just told Will that they did not have such a way at the moment and let Will think about it first.

Since I can't think of a way, there is no need to continue talking.

They left the box one after another and continued to participate in tonight's banquet.

Will finally breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find Jofur, and decided to go home after a while.

At this time, he saw a reckless man who kept dragging people around him to ask about his wife's whereabouts. It was said that she got separated at the banquet and he couldn't find her after searching for a long time.

The other party also saw Will and came over to ask him if he had seen his wife.

Will didn't even know him personally, how could he know his wife?

"Sorry, I didn't see it. If you need any help, I'll be happy to help." Will responded politely.

The man nodded anxiously and then continued to ask the next person.

Will frowned, feeling strange in his heart.

First Alger disappeared, then Jofur disappeared again, and now this man can't find his wife...

Just when Will began to doubt, another waiter came over and said to him: "Hello, is this Mr. Will Evans?"

Will looked at him and nodded.

The other party continued: "A gentleman at table 4 would like to invite you over for a chat."

Table No. 4?

Will was puzzled: "Which gentleman?"

"He didn't tell me his name. I was just responsible for informing you." After the waiter finished speaking, he took the tray and walked away.

On the other side, after being invisible through the water spell, Victor followed Alger all the way to the parking lot. Suddenly, he noticed that the other person looked around for a moment and then sneaked into the carriage of a carriage.

Because he was wearing Victor's clothes, even if someone saw him they wouldn't recognize him.

"has a problem……"

Victor had a foresight and moved closer to the carriage.

The original driver of the carriage was not there, and in addition to Alger's voice, there was also a woman's voice in the carriage.

Victor relied on his invisibility and listened carefully on the side. Suddenly he was startled, and a bad expression appeared on his face.

Victor immediately threw away his hands and left, not interested in spying on the people inside.

Anyway, Alger has been caught, and that's enough.

He returned to the place where he met Alger before, and the effect of the invisibility spell also disappeared.

At this time, three guys wearing cowboy hats and bell-bottom pants walked past Victor with fierce looks on their faces, without even looking at him.

Victor could tell at a glance that these three guys were not locals from Renekton, and was a little curious about how they got in. Then he discovered that the direction they were walking in was exactly where the carriage was parked behind, so he became even more curious.

However, he did not follow the past. He felt that the stranger's affairs had nothing to do with him and there was no need to get involved.

Returning to the banquet hall, Will walked to table No. 4 and found that there was only one gentleman sitting there.

The other person wore a pair of sunglasses and had very short hair. His face was filled with smiles after seeing Will.

"Mr. Will, please sit down. Do you mind if we chat in such a noisy place?"

Will sat down naturally and asked the waiter to get him a clean cup.

"Of course, then may I ask you..."

"Oh... I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Eurygus Grant, and I work for the Secred East-West Railway Company."

Railway people...

Will repeated the other person's self-introduction in his mind, and after roughly understanding it, he responded with a smile: "Nice to meet you."

"Both each other..." The man in sunglasses raised his grape juice glass and clinked it with Will, and then said the key point, "I just saw that you, Stella and Bob went upstairs. Did you talk about anything?"

The two people he mentioned were the building materials dealers who had just discussed the steel business with Will. Will didn't expect that the other party was concerned about this matter. He was a little surprised, but there was nothing to hide.

"Yes, because I don't know much about this industry, I asked them for consultation and just had a brief chat."

The man in sunglasses snapped his fingers, pointed at Will and said, "I guess you want to run the steel trade in the East and West continents."

Will pursed his lips. Considering that the other party was a representative of the railway company and must be very familiar with the steel trade, he responded with a smile: "Yes, but they are not optimistic about my plan."

"I know what they are worried about." The man in sunglasses stretched out his hand, picked up a fork, and drew a circle on the blank table.

"What they fear is...the Sea of ​​Silence..."

The cold wind outside made Victor almost catch a cold.

Not only has Will's side not ended for a long time, but even Alger hasn't come back yet. I don't know how someone at such an old age can keep doing it for so long...

However, just as he kept complaining, several more security personnel walked past him anxiously, followed by a lady in a white dress.

The noble lady is a bit older and has a stout figure. She is the woman who had an affair with Will.

As soon as she passed by Victor, she suddenly stopped. She looked at the latter carefully, then her eyes widened, she pointed at him and shouted, "Who are you? Why are you wearing Alger's coat?"

Victor immediately realized what was going on. This woman was probably looking for her husband.

It's ridiculous to think about it, she herself was having an affair with Will not long ago, but now she's out to catch her husband having an affair with someone else.

After realizing it, Victor helplessly spread his hands and prepared to explain.

But at this moment, a scream came out, and an elderly man ran towards us with a bruised nose and face.

He hadn't even put on his pants, and was being chased by three Eastern cowboys with sticks...

This chapter has been completed!
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