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Chapter 210: Not being picky about food is not a good thing

"What do you think? Mr. Will Evans, it's getting late now. Please give me an answer as soon as possible."

Arushi raised his head, took a sip of wine, and drank all the contents in the cup.

Will stared at the check for a long time and finally rejected it.

"Sorry, I still said the same thing. I am a businessman. What I value is opportunities and development, not this kind of one-shot deal."


Arushi lowered his legs and made a heavy sound.

"Well... that's a pity, Mr. Evans, it's a pity..."

The noise downstairs became louder and louder, and the noise made them unable to continue talking. Will even heard the police whistle.

"It's too noisy..." Arushi said with a sullen face.

Will gave him a slight greeting, then left the box and went to the banquet hall to see what was going on.

At this time, he saw a police team breaking into the club and asking the guests something.

Not only that, Victor also came in. He stood "obediently" outside the crowd like an honest "law-abiding citizen".

Will walked over to him, and on the way he saw a man covering his head, sitting on a chair and wailing. He had multiple wounds on his body, his eyelids were swollen, and the ice pack on his forehead was almost melted by him.

"Isn't this Mr. Alger?"

Will looked at Alger and Joful next to him with shock on his face.

Then he came to Victor and asked in a low voice: "What happened, Mr. Victor?"

Victor spread his hands.

"I do not know?"

Will knew very well that his boss was a restless boss with hidden ferocity and cruelty in his heart. So at first he thought that Alger was beaten by Victor.

Looking at Will's confused expression, Victor quickly explained: "This really has nothing to do with me. It was a few criminals who broke in from outside and attacked your rotating chairman."

As soon as Victor finished speaking, a man suddenly broke in from outside the crowd. He grabbed his wife who was disheveled and her makeup was stained from crying. He found Alger and was about to pounce on him. As expected,

Was stopped by the police.

"Wesker! You old bastard! You son of a bitch, how dare you seduce my wife!"

His words made Joful's face turn pale, and the guests around him continued to boo.

Even though his whole body was bruised, Alger threw away the ice pack and defended himself: "That's nonsense. I'm sixty years old. How is that possible? It's obviously that slut who's seducing me!"

Seeing that the two sides were getting more and more angry, the police quickly forcibly dragged the man and his wife away.

Then, the leading police sergeant asked Alger: "We are not here to deal with the scandal between you. Let's find the people who beat you first. Apart from you and your wife, are there any other witnesses?"


Alger put the ice pack back on his forehead, panting and raising his hand to Victor.

Victor was stunned for a moment and smiled awkwardly.

"Citizen, please elaborate on what just happened."

The police chief came over to question Victor, and from him he roughly understood what had just happened.

Of course, the fact that Alger changed clothes with him to have an affair with someone else's wife was also exposed in public, which made Jofur instantly feel ashamed and left the scene angrily. In the process, he deliberately made a gesture towards Will.


"So, you don't know the origins of those three people? You don't know where they went after beating them?"

"I don't want to get beaten..." Victor laughed.

Later, the police chief went to ask the person in charge of security at the club, who assured him that they had blocked the entrance and exit and did not see any suspicious persons leaving.

"Then these guys are still hiding in the club, ladies and gentlemen! I advise you to be more careful. It's best to stay in the banquet hall. We will search other places in the venue!"

After the instructions were given, the security personnel cooperated with the police and started searching the venue.

At this time, Victor noticed Pierce and Jason on the side.

The two of them were whispering. Pierce's face was very ugly and he was being scolded severely by Jason across from him.

"I didn't expect to encounter such an accident tonight. We don't know how long it will take before we can leave." Will seemed a little impatient. He still had Urugus's business card stuffed in his pocket and couldn't wait to go home and study it.

Not long after, the police team came back, and they found success and caught an assailant.

When the man was escorted to Alger, Alger angrily took off his boots and hit the man on the head.

"That's him! Damn bitch! Hillbilly!"

The assailant was tied up and the police chief took him aside for questioning.

"Where are the others?"

Before the guy could say anything, news came that the other two had also been arrested and were being escorted over.

"We have no personal grudges with you. We are just collecting money to do things." The tied Easterner raised his head. His face was covered with stains and yellowed teeth, which made the upper class people present feel nauseated.

"Who ordered you to come in and beat people?" the police chief asked, grabbing his collar.

The man then spat and replied disdainfully: "If I don't tell you, the worst I can do is go to jail. I'm used to the feeling of a cell."

The sergeant frowned, then laughed.

"You know you hit the wrong person?"

Upon hearing this, the perpetrator was stunned.

Then, the police chief raised his chin and pointed at Alger: "The clothes the victim is wearing are not his own, you three idiots."

"What do you mean? Whose clothes are they?" the Easterner yelled.

But the police chief wouldn't tell him the truth, which made him anxious. He could only turn his head and look at Pierce helplessly.

Although he only glanced at it, Victor noticed it.

Suddenly, Victor immediately understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"I see...it was indeed instigated by that guy..."

The three easterners finally confessed and were taken away by the police one by one. Victor immediately went back to prepare the carriage. Will said that he also wanted to leave, so he went to wait for him outside the gate.

There were too many disturbances at the banquet tonight, and the guests were not willing to stay any longer. Many people gathered at the gate and waited for their own vehicles to pick them up.

While waiting for Victor, Will was unfortunately found by Jofur.

This shocked him. He was surrounded by guests, and the old woman acted so boldly!

"Mrs. de Perin! Please calm down and pay attention to your identity!"

"No! My dear, you have to make it clear to me tonight. I don't care about these guys watching the show, nor do I care about that idiot Alger. I want to be with you!"

Feeling the gazes of the people around him, Will felt like a light on his back. Fortunately, Victor appeared at the critical moment and jumped in front of him with his carriage.

Will quickly boarded the car, but Jofur still insisted on getting into the car, apparently wanting to get into the car.

At this time, Alger appeared limping and holding an ice pack.

"What are you doing? You slutty woman! Come back here!"

There were boos all around, and Victor took this opportunity to drag Will into the carriage, whipped up his whip and ran out, leaving Jofall behind.

"You are really not picky about food, but you ended up with a lot of shit..." Victor was driving the carriage while laughing at the embarrassed man in the carriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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