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Chapter 214 Demon Hunter

That night, Victor fell asleep in the Suppression Bureau, only to be called back to the Suppression Department as soon as he woke up the next day.

The carriage broke into the busy city, frightening many citizens, and had a very bad impact on the security of Renekton.

Some people have petitioned the city government, hoping to hold the Inspection Bureau accountable, believing that they neglected their duties and allowed terrible monsters to sneak into human settlements.

The city government cannot take the blame for this and can only communicate with the Inspection Bureau, hoping that they can protect the safety of the city.

Of course, such an important task must fall on the head of the Anti-Suppression Department.

William Marshall, as the head of the Anti-Suppression Department, needed Victor to tell all the details of the attack.

But in fact, the monster people saw was actually Victor's little black one. The thing with the petal head had already disappeared into the alley...

When he arrived at the office, Victor found that only the minister was there, not his annoying female assistant.

This is a good thing, it saves the effort of dealing with that woman.

"come in……"

William was writing a manuscript. When he saw Victor arriving, he put down his pen and immediately chatted with him about last night's events.

Compared to the agents of the Pursuit Bureau, the Minister of Defense and Suppression had richer knowledge of the mysterious side. After listening to Victor's explanation, he quickly determined the origin of the corolla-headed monster.

"The thing you encountered is called a bat-winged demon. It is a kind of inferior blood demon. It first appeared in the documentary records of the Second Age."

"Inferior Blood Demon?" Victor repeated the name, and then asked, "Does it sound like a vampire?"

"It's okay to understand it this way. It does feed on human blood." William started smoking his cigar again.

He has a high forehead and sparse hair on the top. It seems that he is gradually losing his hair as he ages, but the person involved doesn't care much about it.

"Why does this kind of thing exist in Renekton? My mood now is the same as that of the dissatisfied citizens. The Inspection Bureau... or the Defense and Suppression Department actually allowed it to wreak havoc in the city?"

After hearing Victor's question, William curled his lips and said, "What you should think about most now is why they cooperate with humans to hunt you down."

Victor shrugged: "Okay, does Mr. Minister have any unique insights?"

William shook out the ashes from his cigarette a few times.

"Like some non-human species in the past, bat-winged demons were a headache for cities and villages in the Cold War Age. Humans at that time were prey to them. The book records that many villages were attacked

, the incident of women and children being abducted by monsters..."

"Sirens, wights, chimeras, banshees, inferior blood demons... You can look up their legends in the outer archives."

"In the past, people did not have gunpowder, let alone guns. To collect these things, they could only wear armor and fight with them hand-to-hand. Any type of these creatures would cause great casualties."

"In villages far away from towns, people often face huge dangers. Not only do they have to fight against strange creatures in the wild, but they also have to guard against attacks by bandits and deserters. You know, the most common thing in the cold weapon period was fighting between lords.


"It is very difficult to defend their homes, so people will choose to raise funds and hire one or several 'professionals' to kill the monsters that infest them..."

At this point, William suddenly changed the subject and asked Victor: "The killer appeared together with the bat-winged demon and attacked you. In your opinion, what are her skills?"

Victor replied without much thought: "If I were not a seer, she would have killed me three times in just three minutes of fighting."

"Does this mean she has received brutal combat training?" William blew out a smoke ring.

"I think so. After all, I often do fighting training and I have never lost in close combat, but I did lose to her last night, just in terms of fighting." Victor curled his lips.

"Is there any other behavior of the other party that impressed you?" William seemed to be particularly concerned about the female killer and hoped that Victor would give more details about the battle between the two parties.

Victor thought for a while and continued to answer: "Not only is she skilled in killing, but her physical strength and reflexes are far beyond ordinary people. Although I found an opportunity midway and was temporarily at the upper hand, I beat her hard several times, but the woman was fine.

Likewise, even if I strangle her neck hard, she can still explode with strength to fight me back despite the lack of oxygen..."

At this point, Victor suddenly had doubts: "Her body may have been blessed by some invisible technique, maybe she is a seer..."

William did not agree with this statement, and of course he did not refute it. He asked Victor to continue recalling: "How did the other party escape later?"

Victor thought of the silver powder exploding in the air, and what was thrown at him, but he couldn't see it clearly.

It was these silver powders that blocked the attack of the fire spell.

"I collected some powder from the scene and gave it to the Inspection Bureau for inspection..." Victor replied to William after recalling.

William was not surprised, and continued as expected: "This morning, the Inspection Bureau's conclusion was handed over to me, and it is a magic potion..."

"Potion...what potion?"

"A type of bomb known as the Foehn."


Looking at Victor's surprised expression, William actually brought the topic back to the previous paragraph.

"In the cold weapon period, it was difficult for ordinary people to deal with non-human monsters that appeared in swamps, forests and at night. They usually raised funds and hired some professionals to deal with them. Such people were called 'demon hunters'


Demon hunter Victor suddenly had a strong image in his mind.

"Is it the kind of organization that makes a living by hunting monsters? Are they seers or genetic mutations?"

William couldn't quite understand what Victor said: "Gene mutation? A strange and interesting word, but it is exactly what you said. They are an organization that earns rewards by hunting monsters, but they are not seers."

After speaking, William took out a book from under his desk, the cover of which was called "Witch Hunting Movement and the Battle of Demon Bone Mountain Fortress".

"Demon hunters are not seers, but they have physical strength, resilience, insight, agility, lifespan, etc. that are beyond ordinary people, and what gives them these abilities also comes from magic potions."

"This book records how the demon hunters were born, and how they were completely wiped out more than nine hundred years ago due to Greybane's witch-hunting movement."

"The person who made this magic potion is said to be a seer. In other words, it was the seer who created the group of demon hunters."

"In addition to their physical advantages, the demon hunters have also learned many magic potion making recipes left by the seer, and their favorite ones are the several types of drug bombs in them, and Foehn is one of them.


William wrote some material names on scratch paper and showed them to Victor.

"This is the ingredient detected by the Inspection Bureau. What can be identified is saltpeter and silver powder, as well as some unidentifiable plant tissue. It is very similar to the foehn that I know about. Demon hunters in the past mixed silver powder into bombs.

It is originally used to deal with monsters like inferior blood demons."

"It can be concluded from this that the person who attacked you last night is related to the demon hunters, but I don't know why, the guys who used to hunt monsters have now started to collude with monsters..."

This chapter has been completed!
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