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Chapter 220: Candle Talk in the Dark Night

Is it really worth going to war with the Cambino family and engaging in slave trade?

Mike couldn't figure out what Charlie Rost was planning, and tonight's action had unexpected results.

It was not a good place to stay for a long time, so the stowaways were all unpacked and released, leaving them to fend for themselves. The Cambino family fled the scene under cover of darkness, leaving no trace behind.

At this time, in a high-end club on the other side of the city, far away from the dock area and slums, dim candlelight flickered in the four corners of the room.

This place was booked by a certain client tonight, and the whole floor was quiet.

There is a large black square table in the center of the room. The square table is covered with a half-covered soft red carpet, which looks extremely coquettish under the flickering candlelight.

The waiter who entered the door lit the three-headed candlesticks lined up on the table one after another. The guests were led into the room with the waiter, but they did not realize that someone was already sitting at the top of the table at the other end of the square table.

When people saw him, they were almost shocked.

"Oh! It scares me to death, Mr. Arushi, why do you have no voice? You look like a nasty ghost."

The bald man who spoke had an unhappy look on his face.

Arushi sat calmly, leaning against the cushions of the chair, and slightly extended his hand to signal the guests who came in to take their seats.

Although the three-headed candlesticks on the table were all lit by the waiter, only four corners of the room had candlelight, and it was still quite dark. The guests surrounding the square table could only see each other's faces.

The waiter signaled that he could turn on the electric light on the pillar, but Arushi waved his hand to stop him and asked him to leave and leave the remaining time to the guests.

When the door to the room was closed by the waiter, the atmosphere inside was as weird as a cult ritual.

"Everyone, we are not a cult, do we need to be so secretive?" A man with a mustache frowned.

"Yes! We are a progressive party and we are legal and compliant. Arushi, what exactly do you want to talk about when you invite us to a place like this tonight?" The bald man from before put his cane on the table and stared at the one above him.

Fat man.

Amid the questioning and puzzled looks of the guests, Arushi finally spoke.

"I feel very honored that you gentlemen can come to this appointment. I invite you here tonight because I want to talk to you about the political issues in the country and how to expand our influence."

After listening to this conversation, the gentlemen seemed impatient, and some even booed.

"What's there to talk about? Is there anyone here who doesn't know who to vote for in the election?" an old man with white hair joked.

"Is it possible that you want to establish a new faction within the Progressive Party? Just like President Floyd? Haha." Mr. Mustache looked suspicious.

As we all know, the current president is George Floyd, a supporter of the abolition of slavery and a promoter of Prohibition. The Liberal Party he represents is a rival to the Progressive Party.

In fact, as a Progressive Party member, we all know that the biggest contributor to George Floyd’s rise to power was the Progressive Party. There was no such party as the Liberal Party at that time.

But no one expected that after becoming president, this man would separate the liberal faction within the Progressive Party, establish the Liberal Party, and backstab his former colleagues.

Arushi put his hands on the square table and responded to the question in a deep voice: "Since you all live in Recton, you should know the status of Minx State in the Congress."

“Currently, the Senate gives each state two representatives, regardless of population... while the House of Representatives allocates seats according to the population proportion of each state. Our state of Minkes itself is two large states combined, and the population is

Ranked first in the country.”

After Arushi finished speaking, everyone else here looked at each other, some were thinking about it, and some were surprised.

He continued: "To a certain extent, the proposal of the Minks state member in the House of Representatives better represents the national interests. Do you understand?"

At this time, the moustachioed man suddenly said: "You want the Progressive Party to win more seats in Minx State, right? This is the so-called expansion of influence? Do you even need to say it..."

Faced with the ridicule, Arushi did not get angry, but asked the other party: "So, in the process of confronting the Liberal Party, what are the core groups that we need to win over?"

Mustache smiled softly and answered.

"Protect the plantation economy represented by the southeast and maintain the continuation of the slavery system, so that you can win over a considerable number of voters."

"This president is short-sighted. He simply doesn't understand that the value of slaves is several times the gold mined in the past ten years. Without this group of low-class people producing raw materials, how can we fill the trade deficit between Serbia and the Western Continent?"


The bald man added: "Once the slave-holding states in the east become parliaments, counting slaves as population for seat determination will greatly enhance the power of the manor owners."

"In addition to this, there is the repeal of Prohibition." A short man with a curly beard continued, "This stupid bill goes against human nature and can easily incite people to support us."

Others also added several views, all of which are the political views of the Progressive Party.

Arushi listened quietly, and waited until they had finished talking before finally concluding: "Your views are too old, and these issues have already been raised in Congress."

"Haha..." The man with the mustache became even more dissatisfied after hearing this, "If you have anything to say, please say it quickly. We are all wasting our precious time."

Arushi was silent for a moment and said slowly.

"This election is approaching, and whether it is the northern faction, the southern faction, or the eastern faction, they are bound to win Minks State."

"Four years ago, although President George was elected with our support, he broke his original promise. Not only did he fail to solve the slave problem, he also promulgated Prohibition..."

"Behind the Liberal Party, there are shadows of the Purists of the Northern Holy See. It is precisely because of them that the President can consolidate his power in the White Crown."

The Purists of the Northern Holy See are a faction in the Kingdom of Bright Light within the Kingdom of Sai. They are also the first group of believers to immigrate. Their thoughts are conservative and relatively extreme.

Of course, not all Secred's believers in the Realm of Bright Light are Purists, and Purists are mostly northerners.

The "White Crown", simply understood, is the core hub organization of the presidential palace.

Before Arushi finished speaking, he continued.

"Today, those who support the white crown generally include these groups: female activists who believe that alcoholism causes domestic violence, the old bourgeois aristocrats who immigrated to the Western Continent, purists with conservative and paranoid ideas, human rights campaigners, and a large number of slaves..."

"And our supporters include slave owners, workers in various industries who like to drink, and some officials in the military... In terms of numbers, the Progressive Party is at a disadvantage."

The others fell silent immediately, not understanding what Arushi's intention was.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Arushi finally put his plan together.

"The election is coming soon, George Floyd is going to be re-elected, Rexton is the focus of the battle between various factions, and we must let the Liberal Party stumble hard here."

The bald man was in disbelief when he heard this: "Let them suffer? What do you want to do?"

Arushi tapped his index finger on the table.

"If you want the other party to gradually lose their support, you may have to pay the price of human life..."

This chapter has been completed!
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