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Chapter 237: Closed Alien Space

Fortunately, De Gaulle dragged Victor into the cell first and did not encounter this SAN thing in person.

Let me first describe the appearance of this thing. One word is "fat", very fat.

It was carrying a huge belly, and there was a gash on the belly that looked like it had been cut by a knife. It was bleeding out as it walked, splattering everywhere on the ground.

A few pieces of hemp rope became the "needle and thread" used to sew up the wound. It opened and closed slightly, and an arm stretched out from it, swinging and scratching, as if trying to break free from the prison in the belly.

Painful wails came from inside.

Because the lower body is extremely large, the monster drags its body and walks very slowly.

Its upper body was naked, and there was a circular pattern on its back that was still glowing with blood.

One arm is as thick as a bucket, and the other is as slender as an ordinary human being.

The thick arm dragged a twisted and huge metal rod with sharp spikes and rusty spots on it. The thin arm held an oil lamp that gave off a faint light.

There are no eyes on the monster's face, and a piece of human skin is sewn there. The mouth full of fangs is vertical. As the body swings, it keeps shouting: "Where are you hiding? Where are you hiding?"

Victor held his breath and his heart beat faster. Everyone could tell that the things in the corridor were very dangerous, so he had his playing cards ready and ready to attack at any time.

And de Gaulle's back was already soaked. City dwellers like him had rarely seen such a strange and terrifying sight.

The monster lingered on this floor for a while, and the ground where it passed was covered in blood.

"Where to hide? Where to hide?"

Suddenly, the monster reached into his belly, grabbed the arm, and pulled it out hard.

As a result, Victor saw a man in burlap clothes, covered in blood, being dragged to the ground by the monster, twitching continuously.

"I'm going to vomit..." De Gaulle covered his mouth and couldn't help but retching.

Who would have thought that this monster would hide a person in his belly, sew up the wound, and carry him all the way.


The fat monster stepped on the man's chest with his foot. The suppressed guy was covered in blood, but he was still alive.

He woke up and kept screaming when he saw the monster. It was obvious that his spirit was tortured to the point of collapse.

"Where to hide? Where to hide?"

The monster got close to the poor man's face and breathed on him.

The other party was so frightened that he did not dare to do anything except shout.

The monster was very angry and dragged him along the corridor by his hair until he disappeared from their eyes.

Although it left temporarily, the two men's heavy breathing still echoed in the room.

"My heart is about to explode. Oh Watson, how could such a terrible thing exist in this world?" De Gaulle dragged a square table over and leaned against it to catch his breath.

Victor touched his sleeve, and the little black man inside shrank towards his arm.

"You should go and see more of the east, where there are spiders the size of wild wolves and legendary ghouls."

De Gaulle waved his hand, not wanting to discuss these useless things, and immediately said softly: "The good news is, I found something."

He took out a red diary with very sloppy handwriting.

"The bad news is that we seem to have been cut off and don't know how to get back."

The entrance to the cave is blocked by a wall, so entering here is like a one-way street.

"While the monster hasn't come back, let's take a look at what's written in this diary. Maybe we can find something."

De Gaulle walked to the door of the cell, closed the iron door, and then checked the red diary with Victor.

Although it is a diary, the person who recorded it did not write down the date clearly, which seems to indicate that the person who wrote the diary was not accurate about the time.

This place is weird. It doesn't match the time outside at all. It was afternoon when I came in, but now there is blood-red moonlight outside the window.

The words on the note were written with charcoal, and they were messy and funny, but I could still roughly understand what was written.

——First record

We found that we couldn't get out, so it was a bad decision to escape through the hole.

This place is completely sealed. No matter whether we break the windows or open the front door, we will eventually return to where we came from.

We seemed to be cycling through the same day, feeling neither hungry nor sleepy.

——Second record

A terrible thing happened. We are not the only ones who exist in this place. There is a huge monster haunting upstairs. The first person who encountered it was kidnapped. He was a Stedman.

In the next few days, we could all hear the screams from upstairs. It was so terrifying. No one knew when the monster would come down again.

——3rd record

Sure enough, the monster appeared again. We tried to resist, but most of us were frightened and lost their strength after seeing the monster's face.

Another person has been arrested. The guy who was arrested before has no trace and is probably dead. We can't sit still and wait for death.

——4th record

That thing could talk, but it could only say one sentence. It was looking for something. The people it captured were brutally tortured upstairs.

I observed that several of the prisoners were extremely afraid of the monster. They pointed at the symbols on the monster's back and shouted something about "rings."

——5th record

The dead people were dismembered by the monster and stuffed into its stomach. I really long to forget that horrific scene.

The monster is looking for its next target, and all of us are its lambs...

——The 6th record

It's almost my turn... How long can I hide...

——The 7th record

I wanted to commit suicide... The dwarf I was hiding with told me not to give up.

He claims that he used to be an army soldier, but I think he is a liar, who would let a dwarf join the army.

But the other two people who stayed with him before seemed to be army soldiers. It was strange, was there really such an exception?

Unfortunately, those two people were captured by monsters a few days ago, and it was they who shouted the word "circle".

I think they seem to know the origin of the monster, but they are hiding something.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! ——The 8th record

The dwarf was captured! I managed to escape and hid in another cell. It was so terrifying. The monster's belly was full of human remains, and they were all digested by it!

——9th record

The dwarf survived! He escaped the clutches of the monster and returned to join me downstairs!

He told me that the monster was the heart of the prison and that everything existed because of it.

"I made a bet with him and I won," the dwarf told me.

What a madman.

——The 10th record

God...please grant me death.

——The 11th record

That dwarf! What the hell did he do... He escaped! And left the others to die!

I can't hide anymore. If I don't kill that monster, I will only be tortured to death.

——The 12th record

If there was a gun...a little less.

——The 13th record

Great destiny, humble souls will never be free...

——The 14th record

Great destiny, humble souls will never be free...

There are many pages after this that are filled with this sentence. The guy who wrote the diary must have had a mental breakdown and would only repeat this paragraph until it stopped suddenly.

Closing the diary, de Gaulle looked at Victor with a solemn expression: "Could the dwarf mentioned here be Wade Troy?"

Victor raised his eyebrows, indicating that he was not sure, but it was very likely.

"What a pitiful bunch of people. It seems that most of them were killed by the monster." De Gaulle walked to the door and carefully inquired about the situation in the corridor. Seeing that the monster did not come back, he continued, "But there are still people alive.

I wonder how long he has been trapped here. Could he be a former criminal? After all, time here will only cycle in one day, and people will not grow old. The attacker deliberately blew open the prison wall, giving the prisoner

The prisoners created an opportunity to escape. The group of guys were not afraid of the cliffs outside and swarmed up. As a result, they were all sent here."

De Gaulle was sorting out the ins and outs of the matter, while Victor's focus was on the word "circle".

This chapter has been completed!
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