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Chapter 254: Even if you die, you still have to take the blame

Vader's words made Victor Moshe suddenly open.

When he converted the dream into a butterfly, he was a little curious as to why the path rules on the Tarot cards were opposite to their positive interpretation, allowing the person who executed them to reverse their fate.

But now Wade's statement explains everything clearly!

The path rules on the Golden Tarot are actually the reverse ritual of the Tarot.

If it is executed according to the path rules, it means converting the two sexual phases connected by the path.

But once the ritual is performed according to the original positive interpretation of the Tarot cards, then these two connected sexual esoteric transmissions will become asexual esoteric transmissions, pointing to Si Chen represented by the path!

"This... is the deviation of the sexual phase. The non-sexual phase secret transmission... did not exist from the beginning. They were all born... from the basis of the sexual phase secret transmission."

Vader's eyes were distracted, and his life was passing by at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Equally bad is Victor, but he is just starving to death and wants to eat whatever he grabs, even if it's a human...

"This is a fish...canning factory...there are some food ingredients in the barrel behind me..."

Vader had completely given up. Although the two of them were hostile, at this last moment, he seemed to remind Victor of his conscience.

Victor reached out and climbed up to the edge of the bucket, using all his strength, he finally pulled it down and poured out all the fishy fish paste inside.

He didn't care whether the raw materials were expired or not, and he didn't care about the disgusting smell. He just grabbed a handful and stuffed them into his mouth.

"As for...the second secret...haha, what I'm looking for is not the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card...but...but...the original...blood..."

Original blood?

While devouring his food, Victor couldn't help but look at Vader.

But in the next second, a dagger flew in from the window and pierced into Vader's chest!

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood and murmured his last words.

"A box of biscuits and a candy, you give me one, I'll give you one..."

As the breath disappeared, Vader died completely, without having time to explain what "original blood" was.

Victor stared at the dagger, his mind shaking. He realized something, but then he felt a cramp in his stomach and passed out.

When he woke up, Victor was lying on the side of the road in the harbor, surrounded by people from the Inspection Bureau.

The cannery has been cordoned off, and investigators are working on the follow-up work.

He sat up in a daze, and someone next to him handed him a cup of hot water.

"Drink something clean. You just vomited after eating. It's so disgusting."

The speaker was Henry, who was sitting next to him and frowning, looking at Victor like a monster.

This factory has been closed for less than half a month, and the meat sauce ingredients inside are almost smelly. When they were notified and came to arrest the criminals, they found Victor lying in a pile of meat sauce, with his mouth full of these fishy-smelling meat sauces.

This stuff made the investigators retching when they saw it.

Henry didn't understand why Victor wanted to eat these things.

"Isn't your salary of 10 faraka per week not enough? We have to consider food first, and then think about other things..."

Victor didn't bother to explain to him. He quickly looked around and asked, "Where is Vader? Is he dead?"

"Dead...the fatal injury was the dagger, but judging from the burns on his body, he wouldn't have been able to live long without the dagger. You are so awesome. Apart from eating a few pieces of expired food, you managed to kill everyone without any damage."

The second-named seer."


Victor's face suddenly darkened.

"How did you come here? Was it arranged by Elode?"

"Elrod? Who is he?"

"Elite No. 13 of the Anti-Suppression Department."

"Oh yes, he is the person in charge of this case designated by your minister, and his authority is higher than that of the prosecutor of the Inspection Bureau."

Among the people Victor knew, Elold was the only one who could throw a weapon from the air to kill someone, just like a flying sword.

His ability is that of a messenger, and he needs to know the name and appearance of the "recipient".

Now that the dagger has pierced Vader's chest, it proves that Elold has basic information about this dwarf.

Is there progress in his investigation? Or is there another reason?

Victor was full of doubts.

Is it a coincidence that Vader was killed just when he said "original blood"?

"Have you investigated Wade Troy?" Victor continued to inquire about Henry.

Henry spread his hands: "The information we just obtained today was provided by Agent No. 13."

So Elold did find the dwarf, and the timing is really coincidental...

Victor was silent and thinking, while Henry next to him continued to share the information obtained by the Inspection Bureau.

"Vade Troy was born in an ominous place, and his biological father and mother are unknown. The information he received from the military and the information he filled out when he enlisted showed that this person should be an abandoned baby. He was killed by a man from the east when he was young.

He was adopted by a lonely old man. After he turned fifteen, the old man passed away. Wade left home and joined the Serbian Army, serving under the 27th Brigade."

After listening to Henry's narration, Victor finally understood the meaning of the children's song that Wade sang.

He raised his face, looked at Henry, and asked him a question.

"I said, what does pulling down your trouser pockets mean?"

"What are you pulling your trouser pockets?" Henry was puzzled.

Victor organized his words: "Just...for example, if I grabbed your trouser pocket, what does it mean?"

Henry was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

"Oh my god! What bastard did you learn this from? Don't touch me, okay?"

Unexpectedly, he had such a big reaction, and Victor became even more curious.

Henry then explained that pulling on the trouser pockets was a gay behavior in the Serbian army, but it was essentially a form of bullying, and the person whose trouser pockets were pulled was the bully.

Maybe the disadvantaged party is not gay, but in this kind of bullying, in order not to be bullied by others, he can only become the object of the bully's desire.

This is the reason why Wade hates the captain.

But before he could take revenge personally, the captain had already committed suicide because of Bilbo's report.

Judging from all the clues, Vader's life is a real tragedy. He is unable to change the future and the past, and believing in the doctrine of the "Circle" is just a comfort to deceive himself and others.

The "Ring" preaches that fate will compensate, so that people should not resist the bad luck they encounter in life. Maybe it will be in the afterlife that the wheel of fate will turn to their side.

No matter how lucky a gambler is, the dice may throw a worse result and make matters worse.

Vader didn't care about the outcome, he had actually been prepared to face his destined death a long time ago.

Victor sighed, and then analyzed: Wade did have a motive to kill Dilio, but he did not admit it and had no reason to kill so many Progressives in a row.

DiLeo's case is definitely an independent one, and it is doubtful whether he himself is a Progressive Party member.

So... what do the Inspection Bureau and the Defense and Suppression Department think about this?

Henry immediately told Victor the answer to this question.

"Agent No. 13 has submitted the investigation results. The murderer of this serial murder case is the dwarf inside..."

This chapter has been completed!
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