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Chapter 269: The Difficulty of Promoting to the Third Level

The person who came was very young, with a strand of black hair hanging down at the corner of his eyes, and his eyes were light green.

His name was Albert, and he had appeared at late-night gatherings of Progressives, and he had also disguised himself as a prison guard and met Gina before she died.

Of course, few people know about these two things, except Arushi Buempes who is blowing the sea breeze.

"After all, I can't let people find out that I know you, Mr. Arushi. There are cracks in everything..."

Albert was polite and polite. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a tight and clean waistcoat underneath. He showed Arushi his good upbringing with every move he made.

"It doesn't matter..." Arushi turned around, put his hands in his pockets, his eyes were like a hawk, "No one cares about my role, and no one cares about who you are."

The weather today is not bad, there is no scorching sunshine in broad daylight, and the sea breeze is neither too cold nor too hot. It is indeed a good time to communicate.

No one would have thought that someone would stand on a high water storage tower and "conspire" in broad daylight.

Albert understood what Alushi meant, and he smiled and said: "Did the result of the matter really turn out as you wished? It seems that the deaths of those gentlemen did not cause too big a ripple..."

Arusi raised his eyebrows and replied calmly: "All earth-shattering plans cannot be completed in a short period of time. Just relying on the lives of a few Progressive Party members to plunge this land into extreme chaos? This is impossible.

.We only need to tear the first crack, and that is enough, there are cracks in everything."

Several trucks passed by on the dirt road under the water tower. Two truck drivers walked side by side, chatting as they walked, completely unaware of what the two guys standing above them had done in the past month.

Albert held his chin with his elbows and accidentally mentioned something: "The attack you ordered me to arrange failed. The man named Will Evans was able to get rid of the bat-winged demon and the witcher."

The deacon beside him should be a seer."

"Yes, I know. It is precisely because of this that the plan changed and those gentlemen were chosen as the pedal to move history." Arushi glared coldly at the two coachmen below, "This is better.

, Will Evans has contacted the Liberal Party, then he is a Liberal, and he will be useful in provoking disputes between the two parties in the future."

"But does that matter?" Albert chuckled, "Will he become a hidden danger?"

"Those who are ambitious and unscrupulous have obvious weaknesses. After all... everything has cracks."

"Everything has cracks..." Albert repeated the last sentence after Arushi finished speaking.

These words seemed like a secret code between the two of them, and also like an organizational code word.

On the other side, at the Incense Mansion, No. 13 Baker Street, Victor returned home before the sun set in the afternoon.

He found that Will was missing, so he asked Permis and got the answer that Will had given him long ago.

Victor didn't say anything and went straight upstairs. With the sound of the door opening and closing twice, he must have returned to his house to tidy up the exterior.

Pemis looked at the corridor for a while, took a deep breath, let it out, and then went to work.

But as soon as she left the living room, Victor's shadow appeared on the stairs, staring coldly at the spot where Permis had just stood.

Her obviously relieved movement just now was caught by Victor.

When asked about Will's whereabouts, Permis must have lied.

There is no need to point out this matter for the time being. After all, Will is still the master of the mansion in name, and Permis should definitely listen to him.

Victor pretended that he had been deceived by them and kept silent, leaving it to be considered in the future.

He changed into light clothes in the house and lay on the bed feeling exhausted.

I am finally free and don't have to worry about any murder cases anymore.

There are only two things that he needs to deal with at the moment, and he doesn't have a clue yet.

One is the attack that night. The mastermind behind the attack has not yet been revealed, and it is not known whether it will happen again in the future. There is currently no good way to find him, and we can only wait for the opportunity.

The other thing is Victor's promotion.

Now that he has been a Talisman Master of Secret Transmitter II for some time, he feels that his learning efficiency is very low. The progress of using talismans and drawing talismans is very slow, and he is obviously not imitating the Talisman Master.

Furthermore, he doesn't know what fatality he will face in the next stage, nor does he know where the secret transmission of butterfly nature is.

These problems must be solved step by step and require a plan.

First, we have to figure out the lethality that reaches the threshold, which requires the magic potion of "Orange Dream". By solidifying the star spirit body in the structural world to observe what the lethality is at this stage, we can judge what kind of magical substance needs to be used to kill it.

Excessive lethality.

Within the Defense and Suppression Department, there is only one chance to use the Orange Dream for free. If you need it again, you have to apply to the senior management of the Defense and Suppression Department. I don’t know if William will approve it.

The second question is to speed up the efficiency of learning secret transmission. How can a talisman master imitate it? Victor is completely confused. He is considering whether to go out and set up a stall to draw talismans for people like he did before.

The third point is also the most difficult, which is to obtain the third secret of the butterfly nature.

There are three ways, either find two copies of Butterfly Secret 2 and combine them into one copy 3, or get a copy of Dream Secret 3 through the Wheel of Fortune path you control, or directly get a copy of Butterfly Secret 3.

Since the Dream Secret Transmission is too rare in this world, Victor thought it might be possible to get a copy of the Dream Secret Transmission III to convert it.

"Well...that Amanda is the seer of Dream Secret III. If I send her..."

Victor came up with an evil idea, but he also felt that the other party was definitely not easy to deal with. Besides, he didn’t have much grudge against him, so there was no need to kill him. If the car overturned, he might be the one who died...

After all, it was the third secret...

And another point is that the path rules of the Wheel of Fortune have already been used by Victor once. If he continues to use them, will it conflict with the last reversal of fate?

Will you turn your future destiny over and over again?

I always feel that the path rules of the sex tree are not that simple. Thinking from the logic of the Wheel of Fortune, perhaps each seer can only use the rules of a certain path once in his life, and he has to change to another one the next time he uses it.

If this is the case, Victor will have to find other path rules.

"It's too troublesome... To advance in this world, in addition to hard work, you also need luck..."

After muttering something, Victor suddenly thought of the housekeeper in the secret hotel.

Taoist temple...and those members recorded by the Taoist temple...

There has been no contact with the three of them for a while. Do they have any new information that can provide clues to Victor?

"Perhaps it's time to bring the three of us together for a chat..."

Victor thought silently, then squeezed the bronze key tightly, closed his eyes and fell asleep, entering the strange secret place...

This chapter has been completed!
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