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Chapter 297 Fair Voting

While talking, Victor deliberately revealed what was stuffed in his pocket.

Before the person in charge could see clearly, Victor took him back.

His expression became even more ugly, as he really thought Victor had mastered something.

In fact, although Victor had secretly taken the list before, he didn't have it with him now. He did this just to scare the people in front of him.

"You...what do you want?" The person in charge of the trading company calmed down and asked Victor's plan in a low voice.

Victor told him simply: "You have to let me in..."

Under the surprised gaze of the other party, he turned to look at Isabel: "I will talk to the management of Rockefeller Company. You, the Holy See, can go back and wait for my reply."

Seeing the doubt on the woman's face, Victor added: "Of course, if you are worried, you can continue to block the door. If the results of my investigation still cannot satisfy you, then just continue to struggle with them.

This can be considered as completing the mission of the Anti-Suppression Department and I will try my best."

As he finished speaking, he heard the woman's snort, probably expressing her dissatisfaction but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, according to the system, only the Inspection Bureau and the Anti-Suppression Department had the name to investigate this kind of thing.

There was silence for a moment, and suddenly a man in white robe from the Holy See held an hourglass one ruler long and placed it at the foot of the building's steps.

Isabel then said: "I only give you ten minutes..."

After saying that, she clasped her hands on her strong chest, while the religious enforcers were scattered on both sides, blocking the intersection to prevent anyone passing by from approaching the trading company's gate.

Victor turned around and swaggered into the main hall of the trading company. The person in charge of the business just now trotted after him and asked him eagerly what he wanted to do.

"Call everyone you can talk to, and I will give you an idea to get rid of that crazy woman at the door." Victor said confidently.

"What do you mean?" The manager was still worried about the "evidence" in Victor's pocket.

Victor stopped and stared into his eyes: "I have already made it clear, you want me to say it again?"

The manager was slightly startled. After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly ordered a female assistant at the counter: "Come here and take this gentleman to the meeting place on the third floor to wait for me."

In this way, Victor followed the graceful front desk lady to the third floor of the Trade Building, tasted high-quality coffee in the conference room, and waited for the arrival of the company's senior executives.

About five minutes later, five or six men of different ages came in one after another.

They were all dressed formally and richly. They were probably shareholders or franchisees of the Rockefeller Company in Rexton, and of course... the steward was among them.

"We are the only ones in the company today..." After they all sat down, the eldest man with completely white hair said to Victor, "Although we cannot represent the interests of the entire Rockefeller Company, we can here

Make the decision for the Renekton branch on this matter."

"Are you an agent of the Anti-Suppression Department?" Another slightly younger, middle-aged man crossed his legs and looked at Victor with questioning eyes.

"That's right..." Victor took out the badge and showed it to everyone.

"I heard that you have some clues, clues that are detrimental to our company." The middle-aged man was aggressive as soon as he came up, "Tell me! How much money do you want!"

"That's superficial...Jerrett...the Anti-Suppression Department is here to do business, not to blackmail you, right?" A bald man next to him mocked the man.

The first steward couldn't bear it anymore and quickly asked Victor to tell him his plan.

Victor used the coffee as mouthwash, drank it to moisten his throat, and then spit it directly on the floor of the conference room, completely disrespecting these people.

"The slave auction at the fruit market on Diamond Road was destroyed by the Inspection Bureau. As a result, the people from the Northern Holy See knew that you were secretly conducting slave trade and hiding two bat-winged demons. This is why they came to you today.

The reason. But fortunately, the Northern Holy See does not have the evidence, and the evidence is in my hands, so as long as you cooperate, I can help you cover up this matter."

After Victor finished speaking, the managers in the conference room had different expressions. The bald man laughed disdainfully and said, "I'm afraid this requires us to pay some price, right?"

"I will tell you after we get rid of that crazy woman." Victor lazily leaned on his chair and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Wait! Tell me your plan first!" The steward at the beginning was still a little impatient.

"It's very simple. I know your company's operating model. There is no dictator. Its system is more similar to the Senate. I don't know if you have a voting system. If so, you can completely remove people who everyone dislikes.

Get him out and use him as a scapegoat."

This suggestion was very effective. After Victor put it forward, everyone started whispering among themselves.

The oldest man tapped the table to calm everyone's minds.

He looked at Victor with a serious expression, and it was hard to tell whether there was any disturbance in his heart.

"Young detective, in fact, in my opinion, no matter how much trouble the Northern Holy See makes, it's just a trivial matter. I'm more concerned about the evidence your Inspection Bureau has. Can you show it to me?"

"It's on him..." the steward said with a swaying expression.

Victor frowned: "This..."

He really can't show it now, but once he tells the truth, it may make the people in front of him think that he is making up his mind, which will be detrimental to the subsequent negotiations.

"Why do you think people from the Northern Holy See are not a threat? As far as I know, the woman outside is a seer of the Third Secret..." Victor tried to change the subject.

The old man closed his eyes slightly, then opened them, and replied calmly: "The Rockefeller Company has its own way of doing business, and it will not change because of a seer."

Victor understood what he meant. Maybe there was someone in this building who could rival Isabel, so this "board of directors" was emboldened.

After thinking for a while, Victor changed his tactics again. He read a paragraph of the words on the list unchanged, and also described the appearance of the Violet Port seal to prove that he had indeed seen the freight note.

As for why he didn't put the evidence out for everyone to see, Victor's explanation was: "I can't guarantee that I will be safe after taking out the things. After all, you don't even pay attention to the crazy woman outside the door."

His words could be regarded as complying with the old man's confidence.

Both sides were silent for a moment.

At this time, the man with his legs crossed urged: "Don't worry about it. Should we vote now and make a decision directly? You should all know who to sell to the Northern Holy See, right? Those guys who are not in the company today will be unlucky...


The Rockefeller Company's office in Laketon was much more than just a few of their "directors," so the middle-aged man meant to sell out some annoying guy while others were away.

The five or six "directors" looked at each other and finally decided to adopt Victor's suggestion.

They voted by a show of hands and voted out the middle-aged man who was talking just now in an instant.

"Fuck your mother! Are you crazy?" The middle-aged man yelled angrily and stood up, slamming his hand on the table.

But the next second, four security personnel rushed in and completely controlled him.

"Jerrett violated the business purpose of the Rockefeller Company. His Akamai illegally transported people and sold slaves in Rekton for profit. Therefore, the board of directors of the Rekton branch decided to escort him to the Police Bureau to surrender and cooperate with him.

The Federation will deal with it seriously and its assets will be acquired by board members..."

"You bastards! You rotten assholes! May your whole family die violently!"

After the old man read out the other party's "crime", the man was forcibly taken away from the conference room amidst curses.

Then, the old man looked at Victor and told him: "Now... go and get rid of that annoying female gorilla at the door, and then we can talk about things between us."

This chapter has been completed!
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