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Chapter 303 The unknown conflict

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

He didn't mean what he said. Victor didn't want to do anything for the old man in front of him who was like a villain.

But then, the director just chuckled, instantly revealing what Victor was thinking.

"You are not willing to serve me. On the contrary, you want to find out the secret that William is hiding."

Victor's eyes flickered and his brows furrowed, but he soon relaxed.

He said, "So, what's your stance on this? Director Trini Mark."

The old man in front of him sat on the thick seat, as if he was integrated with the throne below. Except for his mouth, no other part of his body moved at all.

Victor didn't know whether the old man in front of him was a seer. Although the seers were all assigned to work as elite agents in the Anti-Suppression Department, it was difficult to guarantee that there would be no other seers in the Bureau.

After Victor finished speaking, he calmly stared ahead, waiting for Trini Mark to express his position.

The old director chuckled again with disdain: "William is too conservative in some aspects, attaches too much importance to order and stability, often regards himself as the guardian of Secred, and sometimes even goes against the will of the White Crown...


As soon as Trini Mark finished speaking, Victor clearly felt that there were some differences between the director of the Police Bureau and the director of the Department of Anti-Suppression.

As expected, the director then said: "So... I have a negative attitude towards the separate management of the Inspection Bureau and the Anti-Suppression Department. Saiguo should continue the traditional system of Greybean and unify all resources."

What kind of system is Gray Bean? Victor has heard about it and has also found relevant information in the information room of the Ministry of Defense and Suppression.

It's called the Velen Inspection Bureau, which is a subordinate of the Privy Council and is directly responsible to the Greybean royal family.

Moreover, there is no Anti-Suppression Department in Greybean, and the Seer agents also serve in the Velen Inspection Bureau, working together with ordinary investigators.

What does Trini Mark mean? Does he feel that the Anti-Suppression Department is not under his command and has too much power?

He wants to control the seers in the Defense and Suppression Department?

Victor seemed to understand the psychology of the old director, but was it really that simple? Why would he casually tell a newcomer his plans?

"Sorry, Director Trini, I'm just a mid-level investigator. If you want to discuss the authority of the department and the ownership of the Anti-Suppression Department, you should talk to someone at a higher level."

Victor didn't want to get involved in the conflict between Trini Mark and William Marshall, so he gave his excuse tactfully.

However, Trini Mark suddenly said: "What would you do if I told you that the person you are looking for is actually controlled by William Marshall?"


The unexpected truth made Victor stunned for a moment, and then he asked tentatively: "You mean, that slave?"

The rotten old man asked calmly: "What do you think?"

Victor really hates this kind of Riddler. Is there any nonsense that he can't explain clearly?

He coughed, suppressed his anger, and replied: "I'll take it as your acquiescence. What on earth is going on with all this?"

Trini Mark did not give an answer immediately. He remained silent. Then the black door through which Victor came in was pushed open. Griffith from before walked into the director's office, holding a scroll in his hand.

general objects.

Griffith came to Trini Mark, and Victor accidentally noticed that this guy's eyes were a little evasive, as if he was unwilling to look at the old man wearing sunglasses.

"The White Crown's instructions have come down." Griffith said casually. He was originally going to hand it to Trini Mark, but the latter asked him to show it directly to Victor.

Victor took it in his hand with doubts on his face, but before he opened it, Trini Mark continued to answer the question above: "What William did was done on his own initiative for the sake of the so-called national order, even though the top brass of the Inspectorate knew that

The ins and outs of the matter, but the people responsible for guarding that slave are the people from your Anti-Suppression Department."

While he was speaking, Victor had already clearly read the contents of the scroll.

This was a translated telegram, sent from White Crown. Its general meaning was to order the Defense and Suppression Department to launch an investigation into Suspect No. 718, and to order the Police Prosecution Bureau not to cooperate with the Defense and Suppression Department in this matter.

A very strange order, this was Victor's first feeling after reading the document.

Let's not talk about the specific investigation, but who is this suspect No. 718... It's very thought-provoking to see that White Crown wants to prevent the Ministry of Suppression, but also orders the Inspection Bureau not to cooperate.

Just when he was about to figure it out, Trini Mark pointed out the true purpose of this document.

"Clandestine operations and refusal to be high-profile, this is what the White Crown wants to express..."

The words he pointed out were exactly what Victor had guessed, and they coincided with each other.

Victor looked at Director Trini, waiting for the other person's next words. The old man continued in a heavy and trembling voice: "In the past few days, William has been very aggressive against Suspect No. 718, which is why he refused to disclose any clues to you."

"But why are the inspectors from the Inspection and Inspection Bureau hesitant to speak?"

"I ordered them to keep their mouth shut..."

"Okay, then the white crown..."

Trini Mark finally raised his hand to stop Victor's question, and then turned his head stiffly to Griffith.

The latter's pale face showed a surprised expression, and he handed a note to Victor with some anxiety.

The deputy director was quite normal before, but in front of Director Trini, he looked like a frightened rabbit, making Victor feel like a completely different person.

Victor opened the note and saw an address.

"Is that slave hiding here?"

Trini Mark nodded slightly: "Take this document with the white crown seal and go there, you can see the other party..."

After the director's words fell, and Victor was not allowed to raise any more questions, Griffith ordered him to leave the director's office.

Coming out of the black door, Victor followed the white-haired deputy director. Looking at his tall figure, he couldn't help but feel strange.

This man, who seems to be about the same age as me, has climbed to the position of deputy director?

The Inspectorate Bureau basically has management positions above the search officer level, such as being responsible for the supervision of internal affairs.

The chief inspector has a higher position than the inspector, but he is not a back-office officer. He is usually selected from among the inspectors by the director to lead a large number of investigators to the east to perform long-term missions, such as Josh Renault.

Because the urban construction and system in the east are not yet complete, most of the time they are doing the work of police and peace officers. Once stable, the general inspector is likely to become the branch director of that state. It can be said that this assignment is

A very good promotion opportunity.

However, the young man in front of him was as pale as an albino. His palms were as delicate as a woman's and he looked like he had never even held a gun. How could he rise to such a high position through meritorious service?

Thinking about his uneasy expression in front of Trini Mark just now, Victor suddenly had an evil suspicion in his heart.

Could it be that...this kid got to the position by relying on his butt?

"We're here... Please go downstairs and do whatever you want!" Grifis sent Victor to the stairs and nodded slightly to him.

Victor walked down two steps, suddenly paused, turned to look at the other person, and asked curiously: "This director of yours...does he have any special hobbies?"

This chapter has been completed!
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