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Chapter 327 The truth about the strange dream

According to Oliver, he had been as far away from home as the edge of the God's Wrath Canyon and knew that there was a path that could lead to the south of the San Doango area.

But because of the ancient legend of Valentine, he never walked that road.

This was Oliver's first time setting foot on a trail in the canyon. It was considered an adventure, so he asked Amanda for a lot of money.

When he first arrived at the Scourge Canyon, Victor saw the scene ahead under the afterglow of the setting sun. It was a long and slender passage. The road going down was rugged, but when it reached the bottom it was relatively flat. There were gullies flowing below, and on both sides.

There are also several thin waterfalls falling on the cliffs.

Judging from the perspective of railway engineering, as long as we can overcome the steep slope in front of us, it will be relatively simple and easy to continue paving the road to the bottom of the canyon.

The only thing that needs to be confirmed is whether the mountains on both sides are solid and whether they need to be reinforced.

It looked like a very ordinary valley, but Oliver refused to go down to the bottom. He pointed to a smooth rock halfway up the side cliff and told them to stay there tonight.

It turned out that he had been here before and found a small cave behind the rock. Only half of a person could get in, so Oliver put some basic thermal supplies, water and tools in it to prepare for the future in the wilderness.

You can use it when you encounter an accident.

There is also schist protruding behind the rock, which can keep out the rain, making it a perfect camping spot.

Oliver parked the carriage behind and began to make his bed and build a campfire.

This was the first time he had been camping in the wild. Elold was full of complaints. He rarely had time to sleep in the open air in his life.

"My vacation is over, and William must make up for what I have lost."

He complained, while Victor on the other side was observing the terrain of the canyon.

At this time, they were at the starting point of the trail. The road on the side was parallel to the bottom of the canyon along the mountain wall. It was wide enough, but the carriage would definitely not be able to pass it, so they had to choose to hike.

Think about what we have deduced before: Rilcui is currently in a semi-enclosed state, so do the residents inside it communicate with the outside world through this trail?

However, this road is not accessible to traffic and is only wide enough for walking.

Assuming that Rilcuay is the birthplace of the living dead, and the owner of Smith Manor transported Frank to Rilcuay, which road did he take to send the person there?

Thinking of this, Victor curiously asked Oliver, who was rubbing flints: "Have you really never been to Lilqua?"

Oliver paused with his hands and looked up at him: "Of course I have been there! But not recently, the railway was still good at that time."

“How long has the railroad been destroyed?”

"Two years? Three years?"

"Didn't the state of Ghana arrange maintenance for such a long time?"

"Of course there is, but then it broke again. Maybe someone was sabotaging it, such as the wandering Valentine tribe. Who knows..."

Victor understood what Oliver meant. He had only been to Rilcui by train and had never walked the road above the Scourge Canyon.

After thinking about it for a while, Victor remembered what happened last night again and asked him: "How can your wife and children feel free to let you wander outside alone? Why not go so far away?"

Oliver was about to strike the flint again, but froze when he heard this.

"I need to hunt and make money to support my family!"

After simply answering this last sentence, Oliver ignored Victor and struck the flint with a grimace. After a few minutes, he lit up the bonfire.

The atmosphere tonight was the same as the previous few days. Elold was the first to fall asleep. Before going to bed, he kept complaining about too many mosquitoes and covered his head with clothes, so as not to suffocate himself to death.

Amanda picked up a piece of firewood and licked the slag for the campfire. She looked back at Oliver who was sleeping in the carport, and said to Victor: "Are you ready for tonight?"

Victor frowned, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally said: "Then I'll leave it to you..."

After finishing, Victor lay down by the fire, looked up at the stars above his head, and then... grabbed the bronze key in his pocket!

He asked Amanda to use the dream builder's ability to find the person who affected his consciousness. However, he did not fall asleep normally. Instead, he held the key and fell into a dream, entering the secret room...

Yes, he took the initiative to enter the secret place to verify the accuracy of his guess.

Opening his eyes, Victor saw the mysterious Taoist temple behind him that belonged to him alone.

In order to verify the authenticity of the Taoist temple, he hurried in, carefully observed the environment inside the temple, and then summoned Huang Yi.

When the yellow clothes were actually draped on his body, Victor savored the solid feeling that harmonized with his skin, and was finally convinced that this was the real Taoist temple, not any false forgery.

Then what is outside must be the real secret place and cannot be an illusion.

He walked to the case again, touched the spiritual tablets of several other members, and found that he could observe where they were through the scene in front of him.

"That's right...it's no problem at all..."

Victor is still a little nervous, because the power that can pull him directly into the secret place is too outrageous, and he is not willing to face a weird thing like the Crimson King again.

"Then... I'll just wait and see!"

Vic sat with his knees crossed on the futon in the middle of the Taoist temple and decided to just wait and see if the mushroom-headed female student would find her after a while.

If the other party can somehow find Victor's location in the secret place, then Victor can only rely on the Taoist temple to deal with that person.

But after waiting for a long time, it had already been three or four hours in real time, but nothing happened.

Of course, the passage of time in Misu is different from real time, or it should be said that the passage of time in Misu is chaotic, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and cannot be measured at all.

Is nothing going to happen tonight?

Victor rubbed his forehead.

Since he entered Canada, he has slept a few times, and every time he has dreamed of strange things, it was either the original Damon Manor or the strange female student in the secret dormitory. Why is there nothing tonight?

The speculation in his heart became clearer and clearer. Victor decisively grabbed the key and entered the dream, preparing to return to his physical body.

However, something weird finally happened. When Victor opened his eyes, he did not return to the real world. His spiritual body was still in the secret place!

There was no trace of the Taoist temple he was in, and he was no longer wearing yellow clothes. He was lying on the ground, surrounded by the forest land rippling in the breeze!

There was no foreign body sensation in my hand, and even Victor’s bronze key disappeared...

He stared at his empty palms, hearing the sound of swaying tree branches.

Although the situation was strange, Victor's face did not show any signs of surprise or panic.

He was in an unusually calm state. He raised his head and looked to one side of the forest. Sure enough, there was a figure floating there, approaching cautiously.

"It seems I guessed it right... This is a fake secret stay fabricated from a dream!"

As soon as he finished speaking in his heart, Victor forced a natural smile on his face and looked at the mushroom-headed female student who appeared in front of him.

"We seem to be quite destined, ma'am?"

This chapter has been completed!
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