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Chapter 5 The Drop Is Too Big

Mark took the list back and noticed Victor's thoughtful expression.

"What? It's different from your understanding?"

"My butler's body is not here. Have you really searched the ruins carefully?" Victor was full of doubts.

"What's his name?" Henry came over.

"Vincent Down."

"There is no such person. I have made it very clear. The Sheriff and the postman who travels to and from the manor have confirmed the accuracy of this list." Mark put the paper away.

"Could it be that your memory has been tampered with?" Henry discovered the problem very keenly.

The entire Damon family is dead, and only Victor survives. The murderer behind the scenes used some method to infect him with evil things. What is the purpose?

The town's sheriff and postman will definitely not lie, so is there something fishy about the extra housekeeper?

When Henry raised this question, the bald old priest who had finished sorting things out on the side became a little impatient: "Little guy, you shouldn't pay attention to others now. Don't think that you can wake up on your own, and the things on your body will disappear on their own. Even if the ferocious beast is

Failure will not erase their instinct to hunt prey."

This was said to Victor, but he didn't understand what it meant for a while.

"Your whole family is dead, and you have been infected by an invisible spell. There is some kind of evil thing in your body. That thing makes you fall into a dream and cannot wake up. It is still in your body. As for when it will happen again, I don't know.

, wish yourself good luck!”

As Father Sang spoke, he walked towards the horses tied to the tree stump.

"I stayed in the woods with you two juniors all night. The mosquitoes almost fell in love with me. I want to go back to the town to rest for a while. You can do whatever you want."

Father Sang ignored Henry and Mark and rode alone along the dirt road to the town of Walding, two kilometers away.

Victor was stunned on the spot. When he first heard about the invisible art, he almost knew that he might be "possessed by evil spirits", and the death of his whole family might be related to what happened to him.

But what I didn't expect was that there was something "evil" in his body?

Suddenly, Victor remembered the scene in his dream where he was being fed crazily by his family and servants. At that time, his stomach had burst open, and some kind of amorphous monster was squirming and trying to crawl out!

The pain in the nightmare was still in his memory, and Victor subconsciously touched his belly. It was flat and had some abdominal muscles, not as fat as in the dream.

"There's no point in staring at your own belly. The monster Father Sang said will not be born like a child..." Henry observed Victor's reaction and knew what was going on in his mind.

"I don't understand... he means that I can only wait to die now?" Victor was a little panicked. Huang Liang woke up from his dream and found that he had become a breeding ground for evil things? This gap was too big.

"You are now a key witness in our pursuit of the Conor Gang, so I hope you can stay alive until you finish providing clues." Henry said.

"But didn't the old man just say that I was parasitized by a monster?" Victor was extremely nervous. His mind was now filled with all kinds of monster movies he had seen in his previous life, such as Alien, where bloody scenes burst directly from the host's belly.


Henry patted him on the shoulder and lowered the brim of his hat.

"Listen, if anyone can save you now, it can only be Father Sang. Among us, he is the only 'seer' who has studied the secret transmission. You will go back to town with us to find him later."

"Seer?" Victor's mind was filled with questions.

"Anyway, you have to bury your own family now. You won't let us do this for you, right?"

After Henry finished speaking, Victor saw Mark walking over with a shovel in his hand...

The current conditions are limited, so Victor can simply bury his family members in the slightly soft soil in the manor, and then use tree branches to set up simple tombstones.

Just as he started to backfill the soil, he suddenly felt that the pockets of his denim pants stained by the soil were bulging, and there was something hidden inside.

Leaning the shovel against the rubble and dirt wall, Victor stretched out his hand, touched the hard one, took it out and took a look. The golden light was bright, just like the "immortal guide" who guided him to various peeping positions in his dream.

Oh no...this is indeed "immortal guiding the way"!

Why can the golden finger that appears in the dream be brought out?

Before he could figure it out, Mark's cold voice came from outside the manor.

"Are you done?"

The other party was smoking a cigar and leaning against the broken iron door with a cold face to urge Victor.

After Victor buried the body of the last maid, he took a long breath, stuffed his golden finger back into his coat pocket, and followed the two agents of the Intelligence Bureau out of the ruins.

The two horses took small steps on the dirt road. The sun had risen, and the warm sunshine covered the earth.

Victor and Henry rode in the same group, and Mark walked in front, chatting and laughing with Henry.

After several conversations, Victor got to know them better.

Henry's full name is Henry Vidal. He is young and handsome. He recently completed his internship period and became a formal investigator, with the rank of second-level police officer.

Mark is a more senior official investigator. He has been working in the Police Bureau for more than five years and is highly appreciated by his superiors. He is already considered a preliminary investigator. I believe he will be promoted to the rank of third-level police officer soon.

According to them, the Inspection Bureau has been established for nearly a hundred years, and few investigators will set foot in this underdeveloped and wild land in the east.

The Eastward Movement sixty years ago deceived many immigrants into reclaiming wasteland. In a society under hunger and cold, a wilderness profession called "outlaws" was born. Chaos and blood are the enduring synonyms of this eastern land.

Nowadays, as Secred's political system and urban construction are increasingly improving, the "Eastern Public Security Act" was promulgated in response to the times. The people in the country hope that the profession of "outlaws" will be completely wiped out from the land of the United States.

It was also because of the promulgation of this public security law that the Renekton Police Bureau entered Missouri State with the entrustment of Party A to carry out activities and hunt down the Conor Gang.

Henry and Mark had been in Missouri for less than ten days. They needed to slowly adapt to local customs and habits. Many interesting things can be mentioned. For example, in just ten minutes when they went to Walding Town, Victor listened to Henry and

Mark talked about an interesting thing.

It is said that when the Inspection Bureau received the order, it wanted to arrange personnel to come to Missoula to investigate the case. At that time, Mark used the language of the indigenous Valentine people for a week to prepare for possible conflicts with the indigenous people.

Unexpectedly, a few days before entering the eastern land, the two of them actually encountered a group of Valentines camping in the wilderness, and almost started a fight with each other.

In order to show off his learning achievements and to stabilize the other party, Mark deliberately stepped forward to communicate with their leader.

The language of the local indigenous people is used.

However, the leaders of the indigenous people were mute and did not seem to understand what Mark was saying.

In the end, both parties left with confused faces.

This chapter has been completed!
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