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Chapter 343 The Dead Country

According to the Secred map in Elrod's hand, Victor did not see any big rivers near Rilcui.

The largest river in the east is the Red River, which is the mother river that gave birth to the Valentine civilization.

However, the tributaries of the Red River are still some distance away from Lilcui, so it is impossible to hear the sound of water just out of the city.

However, when the cart escorting the slaves drove past the hills of farmland, the spectacular river in the distance instantly caught Victor's eyes.

That turbid giant dragon with no source visible split the plain ahead into two, but instead of flowing further into the distance, it fell unwillingly into the bottomless abyss.

At the end of the river, there is a majestic fortress across the river. It is like a king's throne, pressing on the river and the deep pit leading to the ground.

The only road connecting it on both sides of the bank was a long bridge that looked insignificant from a distance. Carriages had already gathered from various directions and drove onto the stone bridge, heading towards the castle.

The outer walls of the castle and the long bridge are made of gray cement with a smooth surface. They were not built for a long time, giving people a depressing feeling.

Looking at it from a distance, it has seven or eight sharp towers, and there is also a huge iron gate at the end of the bridge. I don't know what the scene inside the gate is, but it is most likely the inner courtyard of the castle.

Just looking from the outside, Victor could tell that the castle must be very big inside, but its architectural style was close to that of the Western Continent's previous era.

In today's era, it is extremely inappropriate to build a castle from the cold weapon period, and the price/performance ratio is not high.

Furthermore, this was the homeland of the Valentine people at the time, and they did not have the custom of building castles, so this castle must have been built later, and it would not have taken more than ten years to complete.

Recalling what Albert said to Ben Bourgeois Wayne before, Victor guessed that this castle might have been built by the Davis family. The Davis family was an old aristocrat from the Western Continent who immigrated here.

, maybe they still retained some of the architectural habits of the old aristocrats?

Who can say for sure...

However, looking at the carriages that crossed the long bridge and arrived at the bottom of the castle, some of the carriages had family crests printed on the backs. It was obvious that they were not all slave traders. Most of them were probably guests who had received invitations and came to attend the wedding.

Victor saw that they entered through a small door opened under the city gate, but they were too far away and he could not see the specific situation.

The cars escorting them were also driving towards the long bridge. There were three cars in total, and they followed the front car onto the bridge in a queue.

The river flows under the bridge. It is difficult to imagine that this river is naturally formed.

Anyway, Victor had never seen a big river that rushed directly to the center of the earth. He kept recalling the map in his mind, and based on the information in his memory, he suddenly came up with a bold guess - could the river in front of him be diverted?


This idea is very outrageous, because with the technological level of this era, it is necessary to divert the tributaries of the Red River and then build a huge castle on top. What kind of financial and material resources can be achieved?

Even if the Berkeley family takes action, Siqin may have so much money, but can he be so efficient?

Under the eyes of the Secred government, they secretly diverted the tributaries of the Red River, then built castles to block traffic, and enclosed the land to establish the country of China?

"It turns out that this is how the water source of that large planting field comes..." Victor seemed to understand the reason why Lilkui was rich in grain.

Not only that, there are many orchards on the other side of the river. Their area is difficult to estimate and you can't even see the edge at a glance. You can imagine how barren the surrounding area was before the river was diverted. In the town of Lilcui

Those idle country squires definitely don’t have the good life they have now.

So how did they do it?

Victor turned his attention to the deep pit pressed by the castle.

It seemed to appear out of thin air on the ground, and was incompatible with the surrounding terrain. The diverted tributaries went straight into it, rushing down and making a violent impact.

To put it crudely, the big hole resembles a urinal, and the castle resembles a person straddling it to defecate.

However, even if Victor's car was already driving on the long bridge, he could not see what was happening underground from his position, only the roar could be heard.

After a silent journey, they arrived outside the dark, thick iron door, and were stopped by two guys smoking cigarettes and carrying guns.

Afterwards, the escort car communicated with them for a few words, and after what was said was inaudible, the guards let them in.

"Welcome to the Land of the Dead"

When the prison car passed by, a guard with a gun stared at the slaves with malicious eyes, but most of the people in the prison car did not pay attention to his eyes.

As soon as he entered the castle gate, before Victor had time to observe the situation inside, the slave car suddenly pulled over and stopped.

Then, the escort car came over, opened the door of the cage, pulled out all the slaves one by one, and divided them into two waves according to gender.

One group is all young women, the other group is men, old people, children and older women.

The group of young women were taken away to other places by three escort vehicles, while the rest were stuffed back into the iron cages.

Victor did not see where the young women were sent, and their car set off again. After a short drive through the streets and alleys of the castle, they arrived at the new detention center.

But those guests who attended the wedding went to another place and did not follow the same path as them.

The city is bigger than Victor imagined. I don't know how many guests the owner of this castle will entertain. If it was really built by the Davis family, it would be too exaggerated.

The slaves were put into new cells and they didn't know how long they would wait. At this time, those ignorant guys finally became a little nervous and scared.

They don't know when the auction will start, who the future owner will be, or what fate awaits them.

"Why are men and women separated? Do you know?"

Victor once again talked to the slaves around him, but except for one person, no one spoke to him.

But that person didn't know either.

Victor couldn't help but think of Frank's group of slaves. They seemed to have separated men and women, and the women were also very young and were sent to separate places.

At that time, he thought that a certain slave owner was lustful and wanted to hold a silver party at home, but now, his idea has changed, because not every slave owner is lustful.

The people who came to attend the wedding were probably not from outside. They were most likely plantation owners living south of the Scourge Canyon. They might not live in Rilcui, but they must have been blessed by the Turbulent Castle.

The brochure I saw along the way said that the wedding should be held tomorrow, and the guests would stay in the castle for at least one night, and maybe there would be a dinner party or something.

They didn't know how long their group of slaves would be left alone or when the escorts would come to take care of them. Everyone was very agitated.

When he first entered the city gate, Victor heard the guards calling this place "the country of death"...

So he thought of death, and thus connected Frank with the living dead in the cave.

If Turbulent Castle is the birthplace of the living dead, then can the brilliant achievements of Rilqui be achieved today by using the living corpses as a labor force that are as tireless as machines and have no labor costs?

This chapter has been completed!
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