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Chapter 345: Me again?

Back to a few days ago, Adolf had already spoken with Mr. Yi. He discovered Sullivan's traces in Missouri and hoped to confirm the other party's capabilities and obtain possible help from Mr. Yi.

The two reached an agreement. Mr. Yi handed over a relic made of secret magic crystal to Adolf, and Adolf also promised to give Mr. Yi everything except the Secret Transmission of the Nature of Stone III.

As for what the finger that Mr. Yi mentioned is actually not important, what is important is how to deal with the seer of the Third Secret of the Stone.

He had long ago heard that a baby boy suddenly appeared in the home of a sheriff in a small town. The sheriff's biological child had already died. It was impossible for his wife to have a baby boy who was not pregnant for ten months.

For two children.

Based on the clues provided by Mr. Yi, Adolf was sure that the other party was Sullivan, and he should be trying to continue the interrupted enlightenment ceremony.

So, he finalized his plan and went to stay around the town for a while to observe the situation.

Kino was wondering why he wanted to go to that place called Wild Dog Town. Adolf ignored him and instead answered the same question from Ethan.

"I'm going to kill someone, do you want to come?"

"What kind of person is he?" Ethan squatted beside the bonfire on the high rock, looking at the burning firewood expressionlessly.

"A seer of the third secret transmission of the nature of stone. I know that he is hiding in Wild Dog Town. If I can kill him and take out the secret transmission on him, I can use the path rules of this card to convert it into what I want."

The Secret of Fire 3 is needed.”

Adolf directly told Ethan and Kino the purpose.

Kino doesn't care about this, but as the seer of this path, Ethan should.

"Is the sheriff you asked about before related to this?"

"That's right."

Ethan picked up a piece of firewood and threw it into the fire: "Someone provided you with information?"

"It's not important. I just want to know your answer. As a believer in Zoroastrianism, can you help me?"

Adolf stared at Ethan's face, observing the other person's micro-expressions.

But there was no flaw in the face that came from the red earth.

He stood up, his messy long hair, which had not been taken care of for a long time, fluttering in the evening wind.

"I will, this is a great opportunity to revive Zoroastrianism."

Adolf was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "You are the seer of the path of justice. The secret transmission of stone and fire should also be useful to you."

"I am already the Third Secret Transmitter, Drake. I have reached the pinnacle that the Path Seer can reach. I cannot hope to become a knower. Collecting the Secret Transmissions of Stone and Fire is of no use to me, but you can...


Ethan looked into the distance, looking across the two ravines on the ground. In front of him was Wild Dog Town, which he could see even from this high rock.

Adolf stared at the man's back. He knew very well that although it was known that asexual seers could only reach Secret Transmission Three, he had personally witnessed the ancient temple built underground by the Valentines and clearly remembered that person.

The ancestral spirit has no sex and has reached the divine level.

As for what evil ways were used, it is unknown.

In order for a seer to become a knower of the Four Esoteric Traditions, he needs to step into the dense fog of the secret place to find the way to know the way and find the location of the "door". The door corresponds to the nature, and there is no path, so most scholars who study

Knowing that there is no nature cannot lead to understanding.

But everything has exceptions, and the Valentan ancestral spirit is the best example.

Adolf pondered for a moment, then stood up and extinguished the bonfire. Ignoring the complaints of Kino, who was still warming his hands, he climbed down from the high rock with his belongings on his back.

"Let's go!"

They set out that night and arrived at the outskirts of Dingo Town before dawn.

After entering the town, Adolf originally wanted to pretend to be a tourist and secretly observe the Sheriff's family.

But he only stayed for less than ten minutes before he had to sneak away because his wanted notices were posted everywhere in Dingo Town.

Now, he is wanted on the Missouri State's wanted list, and he is also charged with attacking the Minx Energy Prospecting Team, seeking wealth and murder, and killing more than a dozen innocent people.

In this way, Adolf's bounty is particularly high.

If someone can catch or prove to have killed him, a large part of the reward will be paid by Minx Energy, and the amount can almost support a poor homeless person to become a slave owner with hundreds of acres of land.

Such a great attraction makes the people in the town eager to try it, and they will observe almost every outsider.

After Adolf learned about the reward in the reward order, he didn't dare to look at the town's sheriff. He left Dingo Town directly and found a random place to stay on the rocks outside the town.

In just ten minutes, he only found out the location of the Sheriff's house, without even seeing his face.

Now things were a bit troublesome, and Adolf was left with two options.

The first one is to go directly to the Sheriff's house, confirm that the other person's child is Sullivan, kill him, and then run away with the body as quickly as possible.

This is the worst choice, because they will directly face an unknown number of vigilantes in the town and a group of bounty hunters instigated by the vigilantes.

Although Adolf could instigate them to confront each other, or let Ethan from Secret 3 take action, the commotion would be too big and might attract foresights from the Inspection Bureau or even the Anti-Suppression Department.

Moreover, Sullivan is also the third secret passer, and the opponent's abilities are weird and difficult to deal with. If he takes action rashly, he may end up overturning his side.

So Adolf didn't plan to do this.

"You can sneak in at night." Ethan said expressionlessly.

This is a good choice, but there is still the possibility of overturning.

Adolf squatted on the edge of the rock and stared at the Wild Dog Town one kilometer away.

"We can't fully understand the layout of the town from this distance, and we don't know how many bounty hunters and sheriffs there are."

He is very cautious. After all, it is a matter of life and death. If a plan goes wrong, he will die in Wild Dog Town.

Who knows if there are other seers hiding in Dingo Town?

So what's the best plan?

Adolf thought for a moment, and then suddenly looked at Kino.

The latter was confused and didn't understand what the other party wanted to express.

"If they want to catch me, then give me to those bounty hunters." Adolf said with a raised corner of his mouth.

"You want to use yourself as bait?" Ethan frowned.

"No, I need the help of my friends." Adolf pointed at Kino, "You can go to town and tell the bounty hunters and the sheriff, and anyone who wants my head, that you found me.

Traces of.”

Just as Kino nodded, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately stood up to object: "No... why me? What does this have to do with me? Why should I commit a crime..."

"You are not wanted, Kino..."

"But he didn't either!" Kino pointed at the back of Ethan's head.

Without looking back, Ethan said: "You expect the racists in this land to listen to the lies of a Sarson?"

These words immediately blocked Kino's mouth.

He knew very well that the immigrants from the Western Continent hated first the indigenous people of the Eastern Continent, the Valentines, and the second most hated people from the Red Earth, such as the Sarcens, Nippurs and Figs.


This chapter has been completed!
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