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Chapter 356 The Secret of Turbulent Castle

This slave team avoided other people in the castle, including those guests who came to the banquet, and disappeared in front of Isabel's eyes.

The sensitive female bishop noticed the strangeness. After waiting for a moment, she ordered the two executors to follow him.

There were about ten women escorted in front of them. They entered through a small door at the bottom of a tower. There were two guards at the door who were also tightly wrapped in black cloth. It seemed that they would not be able to enter the building until they were dealt with.

of the tower.

Along the way, Isabel was very uncomfortable with her dress, so she seemed a little irritable. In her heart, she just wanted to demolish the whole castle. Anyway, she could do it with her ability.

Among the two executors of the Realm of Bright Light, the younger one asked her what her plan was. In fact, Isabel did not have a complete plan because she did not know that there was a seat here before arriving at Lilcui.

Weird castle.

They came after the bat-winged demons, and their goal was not the bat-winged demons themselves, but the high-level blood descendants behind them.

When taking the train before, this young executor also asked her about the bat-winged demons: "I learned from the files that the bat-winged demons are the only evil species designated by the Holy See that must be annihilated, but there are too many in this world.

There are so many types of monsters, why do you have to focus on them?"

At that time, Isabel just gave a simple answer: "Because they were created by high-level blood descendants, and in the past, high-level blood descendants were the biggest enemies of the Purists."

Yes, here Isabel refers to the Purity Sect instead of the entire Bright Light Realm religion. She doesn’t know the details of the reason. It all happened a long time ago. It is said that the leader of the Purity Sect at that time seemed to be a high-blooded

Yi was deceived.

The influence of that scam was not limited to individuals, but had a great impact on the entire Purity Sect. Moreover, the Purity Sect was not welcomed in the Western Continent and was forced to form the July Flower sailing ship to sail across the ocean to India.

The reasons for the Eastern Continent.

It is impossible to explain clearly what happened before, but what is certain is that unless there is a special way, the bat-winged demon will generally succumb to the orders of the high-level blood descendants.

This means that if there is a bat-winged demon hiding in Turbulent Castle, there is probably also at least one high-level vampire hiding there!

In this castle, in addition to the tower connecting the banquet and the main building, there are several towers that are guarded, and there may be something hidden inside.

There were only three of Isabel and the others, so it would be difficult to turn this place upside down in one night, so they could only search the key points.

The group of female slaves in front were sneaky, and there must be something strange hidden in the tower. Isabel immediately decided to sneak in to see what the owner of the castle wanted to do.

She asked the two executors to wait behind her, and she held up the hem of her gray skirt and walked awkwardly towards the bottom of the tower.

"Sorry! I'm lost! Can you tell me how to get back to the banquet hall?"

Isabel is tall and has a very prominent image. The way she lifts her skirt makes people laugh. It is obvious that she is not used to dressing like this. If someone with sharp eyes takes a look, they will see through her disguise in an instant.

However, the two guards, like black mummies, turned a blind eye to Isabel, ignored her, and made no sound.

Isabel noticed the breath of death from their eyes. They seemed to have no pupils, only the terrifying whites of their eyes.

She frowned, pretended to have fallen, fell on a guard in front of her, and pulled off the guard's headscarf.

What came into view was a pale, bloodless face. Although the skin had not rotted away, the lack of body temperature and breath showed that he was a dead person!


Isabel's expression changed, and then the corpse howled at her, grabbed her and bit her neck.


Isabel squeezed hard with her hand, and the corpse instantly turned into ashes.

Another guard raised his gun and shot at Isabel, but Isabel easily dodged it by tilting his head.

Lamp Nature Secret Transmission 1: Warning One!

After dodging the attack, Isabel rushed to the guard, put her hand on his chest, and also beat him to ashes.

At this time, her executor subordinates ran over, their electrified whip weapons ready to go.

Looking at the scattered ashes, Isabel saw the living dead in the castle for the first time, and her face suddenly looked extremely solemn.

"Your Majesty Bishop, what are they?" the religious enforcer asked in surprise.

Isabel said nothing, turned around seriously, and put her hand on the entrance door of the tower.

With a slight tearing sound, the door cracked and scattered into powder.

"The situation here is more complicated than I imagined..." She said the first sentence when she stepped inside.

In front of him is a spiral staircase, going straight up to who knows where. The previous group of female slaves should have gone up from here.

The older executor picked up the rags on the ground and asked Isabel in surprise: "Are those two guys dead long ago?"

"Yes." Isabel did not rush upstairs, but observed carefully below.

"The invisible technique that can resurrect the dead..."

"The Secret of the Path of Death - The Undertaker can do it." Isabel replied calmly, and then added, "As far as I know."

"How many guys like that did we see along the way?" The younger executor looked at his two companions.

This question was also what Isabel was asking herself. Now she finally began to think about the rationality of all the construction and output on this land.

"The Undertaker can resurrect the people he killed and control them."

This is what Isabel learned from the classics in the Realm of Bright Light. But even so, the mourners she knew still have limitations. For example, it is impossible to resurrect the dead without limit. Although there is no exact record of the number,

There must be no more than a few dozen people.

I originally thought that only bat-winged demons and high blood descendants were hidden in Turbulent Castle, but now it seems that there is also a seer with asexual secret transmission here!

In other words, the seer of the third secret transmission is the high-level blood descendant?

Isabel felt heavy-hearted and confused because the situation was beyond her expectation.

But she finally decided to keep going up and see where the group of female slaves were sent.

"In the worst case, this castle will be demolished!" This was Isabel's idea.

As they went up, they suddenly entered a long corridor connecting the buildings on the other side.

The moonlight shines through the corridor and reflects on the ground inside, forming a variety of colors.

Isabel did not hesitate and entered the unknown building along the only passage.

The light inside is very dark, there are no electric lights but candles.

There was a very heavy door that was tightly closed. Isabel pushed it but did not open it. She wanted to use the method just now to blast the door open, but suddenly she heard a faint groan.

Therefore, she followed the sound, poked a small hole in the wall with her finger, and then observed what was going on inside.

It was a very strange and very wide room, round, like a small theater, surrounded by three-story stands. There were some rusty iron chains on the innermost stage, and the ends of the chains were tied with

A naked and skinny man.

That's where the moaning comes from...

This chapter has been completed!
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