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Chapter 366 I asked you

It was impossible for Victor to completely trust this woman, but he drew a fire spell written in blood on the back of the close-fitting linen lining of the opponent's armor, and there were more than one.

The blood marks have dried and soaked into the fabric of her clothes. It will probably be difficult to wash off.

With this, Victor can blow up this woman to death before she can act cruelly.

Therefore, in order to save her own life, Eredin did not need to take risks for Albert.

On top of this, Victor also kept a few meters away from Eredin. One was worried that she would launch a sneak attack while he was not prepared, and the other was to leave a safe distance for the explosion of the fire spell.

Eredin probably also knew what Victor was thinking, so it seemed like he was leading the way obediently.

They came down from the platform where the elevator stopped and walked along the elevated railway track. They relied on various facilities to hide their tracks, walked through bifurcated canals and the hard ground covered with coal, and a deeper burning sensation hit their faces.

That was the magma zone underground, and you could see how deep the elevator had brought them.

Victor was still following Eredin, walking along the path on the mountain wall. Below was the river where the lava gathered, and the wastewater formed by the canal through the production line would also be discharged into the lava.

On the other side, there was intensive sound of forging, and various facilities were very complex. The billowing hot steam, together with the heat wave of the lava, enveloped the second half of the space, making Victor feel that his clothes were about to burn.

Below are all living dead slaves without any clothes. They are the cheapest machines, working in groups to do delicate work that current machines cannot do.

Victor grabbed his collar to get some air. He was completely soaked, but the sweat would soon be evaporated. After it was evaporated, the sweat was still flowing like a spring.

"You wear so much, can't you feel the heat?"

Victor shouted to Eredin from behind.

Although the woman's helmet fell in the slave room, she still wore her breastplate.

Wearing such a heavy burden, her neck was covered with hot sweat, but she didn't say a word.

Hearing Victor's words, Eredin stopped for a moment and turned to look at him: "If I take off my clothes because of the heat, you might get even hotter."

Victor raised his left eyebrow, knowing what she meant, and he was a little disdainful.

"Haha, I'm not interested in a big and thick cow like you at all."

"Huh? Really? You've touched me, don't you know my figure?" Eredin sneered.

"Don't! You are slandering me! You are slandering me!" Victor waved his hands in disgust.

As a result, Eredin continued: "I fought hand-to-hand with you twice, and your body was almost touched all over, but a bastard like you just refuses to admit it, that's okay! I'll take off my clothes now..."

"Hehe! Are you trying to trick me into untying you? Sorry, I can't do it." Victor laughed evilly, and Eredin rolled her eyes at him, stopped talking, and continued to lead the way.

Unexpectedly, she just took two steps, and she groaned softly, and her left arm was accidentally cut open by the broken metal bracket on the left mountain.

Some blood flowed out and did not evaporate quickly. It seemed that the wound was not shallow. Eredin gritted her teeth and asked Victor to bandage it for her, but Victor ignored him and asked her to lead the way quickly and stop talking nonsense.

As he continued walking forward, it seemed that he was almost reaching the end of the industrial base. Victor felt that this place was a little remote, but the white-haired woman in front suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

"You should stop my bleeding, little agent."

Victor looked at the bright red blood that was still flowing out of her arm. This woman's physical fitness was indeed strong. The demon hunter who had been mutated by the potion showed no symptoms of blood loss even after bleeding so much.

Looking at her sly smile, Victor heard some familiar voices in his ears.

That's the flapping of wings!

Bat-Winged Demon!

They flew over smelling Eredin's blood!

"I didn't mean it." Eredin shrugged, "I begged you to help me stop the bleeding."

Victor looked at her coldly, and just raised his hand to activate the fire spell, but Eredin said again: "It doesn't make any difference. They came smelling my blood. Do you know what this means?"

What does it mean? Victor immediately understood that the bat-winged demons are bloodthirsty creatures. They are coming towards Eredin, which means that this guy is also within the attack range of the bat-winged demons and is the main target.

It turns out that Victor scattered Eredin's potion all over the floor during the battle in the slave room. He did not collect those bottles, so there is currently no potion on Eredin, which means that she cannot use the magic potion.

The medicine made the bat-winged demon think of her as one of its kind.

Sure enough, a large black shadow appeared from above the cave wall. There were too many of them, and they all rushed towards Victor and Eredin.

Victor's expression changed suddenly. There were at least hundreds of bat-winged demons, all hiding underground, probably in the caves hanging halfway up the mountain wall in front of them.

Their target is Eredin first, and the fastest one has already rushed towards her.

The first one descended from the sky and attacked Eredin. Just as its claws were about to cut her chest, the woman suddenly raised her hands and used the bat-winged demon's attack to cut off the hemp rope on her hands.

Her eyes became sharp, she dodged the attack from the side, and reached out to touch the pendant around her neck, but at this time, she was hit by the claws of another bat-winged demon behind her.

Fortunately, she was still wearing armor, and the armor was scratched with three hideous marks.

At this critical moment, Eredin finally got the pendant around her neck, took it off, opened the stopper and sprinkled it forward.

It turned out that she also hid some magic potion in the pendant, but it was not the kind of potion that could make the bat-winged demon treat her as a kindred spirit, but some powder that had a dispersing effect.

The magic potion was spilled out, and all the four or five bat-winged demons surrounding her were forced to retreat, making choking sounds.

Taking advantage of this moment, Eredin took a deep look at Victor.

The opponent was also entangled by several bat-winged demons and was throwing exploding flying cards to resist them.

He didn't take advantage of the chaos to detonate the "bomb" on himself, and he doesn't know why.

After Eredin thought about it, she also didn't know why. She didn't take the opportunity to attack Victor. Instead, she quickly took off her armor and linen lining, leaving her white bandage tube top, revealing her tight breasts.

And slim figure.

The bat-winged demons were still under the influence of the potion. The white-haired female demon hunter quickly jumped up the mountain wall, climbed up the abandoned metal structure, and soon slipped into some gap and disappeared.


Victor threw out a lot of the newly made fire spells, but there were too many bat-winged demons. After killing two or three of them, he felt that continuing like this was not an option.

The bat-winged devil can smell the smell, and it is difficult to hide if you are too close and use the invisibility spell.

He looked at the soulless living dead below. They were driven by a certain will to work repeatedly, as if nothing else could change their trajectory.

So, Victor cast a golden spell and a water spell on himself, and jumped into the pile of dead people in a state of invisibility!

This chapter has been completed!
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