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Chapter 55 Surrounding

 The ship is still in chaos, especially the commotion on the deck is becoming more and more intense.

At this time, a door on the side opened, and a boy ran in crying, dragging the man who had been assigned by Thomas to find his son.

The waiter who went out not long ago also followed them with a gloomy look.

Thomas hugged his son, raised his hand and slapped the man in the face.

"Where have you been? It's been so long since you sent Kandi here?"

The subordinate began to complain non-stop.

"First... Sir, Master Kandi always throws away my hand and runs around the boat. I finally caught him."

Upon hearing this, Thomas immediately saw the bruises on the boy's wrist, and the next moment he used the butt of his gun to hit the man's face until blood flowed everywhere.

"I asked you to do something, and you actually injured Kandi?" He scolded, then turned his gun and aimed it at this unlucky subordinate.

And his demon son is still adding fuel to the fire and crying.

"Dad! It hurts! It hurts, he was so hard just now..."

This kid's face was full of snot, and he was trying his best to pretend, but Victor felt like he was laughing with tears and snot in his face, and he could hardly continue acting.

The bastard had better die young... Victor cursed secretly in his mind again, shrank his body, and tried to stay as far away from the brat as possible, lest he would catch his eye later and come to trick him.

However, before Thomas could shoot, the subordinate let out a shrill scream, and a scorching flame burst out from his chest, and his whole body burned fiercely, just like the poor people who were burned to ashes before.
Thomas hugged his son and backed away, and everyone stayed away from the man who set himself on fire until he turned into ashes.

"We can't stay here, we have to get off this ship!" Josh shouted an order to his subordinates.

"Go to the front deck, the lifeboats are all tied over there." Thomas held his son's hand, and then glanced at the waiter who rushed back, "Look after Kandi for me, don't let anything happen to him, otherwise I will

I'll peel off your skin."

Victor glanced at the waiter with sympathetic eyes, and the waiter carefully held the little boy's hand.


Next, everyone rushed to the deck of the lifeboat. At this time, almost everyone on the ship gathered there. They wanted to escape, but they were stopped by agents from the Security and Inspection Bureau. There was a fierce conflict between the two sides.

Several corpses lay on the deck, shot several times.


Thomas used his gun to clear the way, scaring the group of gamblers and staff to get out of the way.

"Boss!" His thugs gathered there to guard the lifeboat for him to escape.

"Get the boat down into the water! Row back to Dandelion first!" Thomas instructed his subordinates to take action.

The gathered crowd saw that Thomas was about to put down the lifeboat and fled first. Their suppressed fear and desire to survive suddenly broke out collectively, violently impacting the defense line of the gambling ship's security and intelligence bureau agents, and swarmed in at gunpoint.

Go up.

The scene became even more chaotic.

Victor saw that Thomas and his gang were only working on one lifeboat, so he probably wouldn't care about the life and death of the police and himself.

"Let's get a boat ourselves!" Josh turned to Henry and other agents and said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the sound of dense steam suddenly came from the not-so-calm lake.

Even the unusual noise on the deck cannot cover up these noises.

That's the roar of a diesel engine!

Victor lay on the railing and looked over, and saw many moving light spots suddenly appearing on the lake. Dozens of small boats were driven by diesel engines and surrounded the Kaleidoscope. When they approached, the sound was like a continuous crackle of firecrackers.


And the dense bullets also shot at the people on the deck who were tinkering with the lifeboats.

Three of Thomas's men were killed in one encounter. Blood spattered. He immediately crawled down and used the cover of the lifeboat to fight back on the water.

Someone jumped into the sea, and they tried to swim back to the port by relying on their water skills, but without exception, they were all shot to death by the gunmen on the boat.

There were floating corpses everywhere on the lake. Victor hid behind the lifeboat, his heart pounding.

The gathered crowd was forced back into the cabin by the intensive bullets, and Thomas kept retreating under the cover of his men.

This includes people from the Inspection Bureau. If they stand on the deck too close to the lifeboats, they will be living targets for those small boats, and their firepower is completely different.

After paying a heavy price, most people retreated to the casino, and half of them were covered in blood.

Wails and cries kept echoing in Victor's ears. He was extremely nervous now, and even after several times of kneading, the result was not auspicious.

"Who are those guys? Why are they attacking us! Why? I don't want to die, Glow! Please protect me..." Pierce hugged a pillar, his legs trembling so much that he seemed unable to stand without holding anything.


"The Conor Gang! Augusta! It must be him!" Thomas fired two shots at the ceiling like crazy, scaring everyone so much that they covered their heads and hid, and his son started crying again.

Henry's face was quite ugly. He looked at his boss, who nodded silently.

"Really the Conor Gang?"

"I think so. Apart from them, I really can't think of anyone who would do such a terrible thing." Josh sighed.

"This is not normal. It is certainly impossible for the Conor Gang to launch an attack from the port of Dandelion, so they can only paddle across the lake. How did they know that Mr. Thomas was on the Kaleidoscope?"

Henry raised his own question, but Thomas was already blinded by anger. He answered confidently: "Those guys just want to destroy my business and don't care whether I am on the boat."

After he finished speaking, he found that his son was being dragged by the waiter and howling. He immediately scolded the waiter: "Let Kandi be quiet! Don't force me to throw you out to face the bullets of those gangsters.


The waiter was so frightened that he hurriedly tried his best to make Kandi happy.

Victor clutched his chest and felt his heart beating violently. He cautiously leaned against the window and looked at the unsettled lake.

Those boats turned off their diesel engines and floated around the Kaleidoscope. The people on top used sharp wooden sticks to stick the bodies floating on the water, and shot them if something was wrong.

Several other small boats were actually equipped with searchlights. They used the lights to sweep the corridors and decks of Kaleidoscope. When they saw someone who was not hiding, they shot him and forced him to hide in various hatches and rooms.


Another person set himself on fire in the gambling hall, and several gamblers were reduced to ashes in full view.

Under the threat of death from all sides, people gradually lose their reason and turn into madness.

Someone opened the door and jumped into the lake risking bullets, and was killed by the people on the boat. Another person came to grab Thomas's gun, but was shot in the head by Thomas.

"Strange, why didn't they board the ship?"

Victor observed the group of people and finally discovered something strange.

"Aren't they robbers? There are banknotes all over the floor of the casino. There is also Mr. Thomas's safe in the captain's office. Why don't they come up and take it away?"

This chapter has been completed!
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