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Chapter 410 Peeping into Dreams

"Can you explain it in detail?"

Mr. Doubt's words made Victor's heart flutter instantly, but in fact...

"I've said what needs to be said. If you still can't understand, then there's something wrong with your IQ."

After the words fell, Mr. Doubt pushed the wooden wheelchair and disappeared into the darkness.

Victor followed, but the other party had disappeared without a trace.

Gone again...

Victor frowned and didn't stay any longer. He took his belongings and left the construction site quickly.

He ran to a deserted beach, laid out Amanda's spine on the beach, and placed it among the messy pebbles.

"Seal the secret message into the relic?"

After holding his chin and thinking for a moment, Victor decided to try the suggestion given by Mr. Doubt.

Currently, the things he has in his hands that can be called relics are the demon doll that has been transformed into a secret magic crystal, and the other is the delusional stump obtained from Sullivan.

However, the golem was made by Daisy. Whether it is considered a relic is still open to question. In comparison, the delusional limbs have more of a mysterious relic feel.

As for the bronze key...

Victor always feels that it does not belong to this world...

Oh, and the coyote statue embedded in the back is even more useless.

Therefore, Victor took out the delusional stump from his pocket.

"Just try it on you!"

He placed his fingers on one side of the drawn ritual pattern, and then transferred the secret seal.

After a while, Amanda's dream phase three had entered the withered severed finger, and her spine had become an ordinary dead human bone.

Victor picked up the pebbles, smashed them section by section, and then threw them into the sea, where they were washed away by the sea water.

Back home, Victor fumbled with the severed finger, wondering how he could use it.

It is not used to counterattack the seers who attempt to divine themselves, but to use the ability of the inner dream secretly conveyed by the Sanzhu Dream Master.

According to Mr. Question, sealing the secret transmission in this way should be able to bring into play the ability of the secret transmission itself.

Even if you can't use all your abilities, you should at least use some of your abilities, right?

However, after groping for a long time, Victor didn't know how to activate the Dream Builder's invisible technique. Seeing that it was almost dawn, he started to feel sleepy again.

Then he took a brief nap, but in his confusion, he unexpectedly discovered how to use this power.

He was dreaming, but in the dream, he could feel that he was dreaming.

The first dream was of a train car, with people coming and going in the aisles. Victor looked out the window at the scenery flying behind him, knowing very well that he should be lying in his room sleeping.

"Interesting... is it because I have such a deep impression of the journey to the Land of the Dead? I still dream about taking a train."

Now that he realized that he was dreaming, Victor immediately thought, was this the influence the Dream Builder's secret transmission had on him?

He only briefly recalled his room in Xianxiang Mansion, and the scene around him changed instantly. He found himself sitting on a soft mattress, and the environment next to him was exactly the same as the bedroom in Xianxiang Mansion.

"Can I control the scenes in my dreams?"

Victor suddenly realized.

"It turns out that after sealing the Dream Builder in the relic, the method used was the same as that of the bronze key. I just don't know if I hold the two things at the same time and fall asleep. Will I fall into a normal dream or a secret sleep?


While talking to himself, Victor was filled with excitement, but at this moment, he discovered some strange phenomena.

Originally, the surrounding scene was simulated because he controlled his own dream, but what was very strange was that he seemed to be able to feel the breath of other people in the room through the walls of this scene.

No... it's not just as simple as sensing the breath. What he senses is not people, but people sleeping and dreaming.

He seems to be able to see the dreams of people around him!

It is an indescribable and wonderful experience, it is like being in a world, trapped in another world after another. This world is Victor's own dream, and those trapped are the dreams of others.

For example, Victor can sense Ms. Permis sleeping soundly downstairs. It is a positive world. Victor controls the space to pull himself closer to her, and finally enters someone else's dream, Permis's dream!

This is very different from the previous discovery of Siqin's dream. Siqin's dream is actually an illusion created by the wriggling protoplasm. The main body is in the secret place, and what Victor is entering now is the real dreamland of others.

"The fire in the stove is too low! You! Go and heat the hot water. I have to check it in ten minutes."

"You didn't cut the bread like this! Your hand holding the handle of the knife is wrong! What an idiot!"

"The shoe cabinet hasn't been wiped for several days! Before my husband accuses you, you still have to go through my accusation!"

"Did you forget to clean the pool in the yard? How did I teach you? You have to clean it every three days. What a bunch of freeloaders! If I were the master, I would definitely fire you all!"

Permis, with his hands on his hips, directed a large group of servants that even Victor had never seen in various places in the house.

She wore the costume of a head maid and exercised the power of a "king". The lower-level servants were called around by her, bowing their heads and not daring to resist.

Victor even saw strong "confidence" on Permis's face!

"Uh... So this is what you wanted..." Victor felt a little helpless.

He originally thought that as a servant, Permis should dream of becoming a high-class person and having others serve her, but it turned out that her wish was to become the leader of the servants, the tallest among the dwarfs...

Victor even began to doubt the so-called "Sports Dream".

Through the edge of other people's dreams, Victor heard gunfire and shelling again. He looked up and saw Mr. Conan straightening his back, standing in an orderly queue, and moving forward with the sound of the trumpet.

Taking a step forward, facing the enemy's rifle team, he and his comrades raised their rifles at the same time...

This is a backward tactic from earlier. Mr. Conan probably did not serve in the army of Cyprus, because Secred only fought against the Valentan people. Nor was it the eight-year war in the Western Continent, when Gordon and Gray

Bain no longer uses this tactic of lining up and shooting.

Maybe... it's a war between the northern countries of the Western Continent...

"It seems that he misses his military career very much..."

Victor murmured, then walked out of the battlefield and returned to his room.

"Interesting, I finally know how dream builders observe others in their dreams."

He found it very interesting and planned to do more research to first figure out how to activate it stably and how to exit it.

Just when he was changing the shape of the room according to his own will, suddenly, a dream below attracted his attention.

Will didn't go home tonight. Logically speaking, there should be no one else at home, so Victor almost forgot about that guy.

He stared into the past, observing the dream of the female witcher.

It was a stretch of snow-capped mountains surrounding a towering spire. Under the tower were rugged lakes and lush pine forests.

Victor went over curiously and entered the other party's dream.

But when he stepped into it, the sky was filled with flames that swallowed up everything. The white tower was riddled with holes in an instant, and countless corpses were lying all over the mountain.

A miscellaneous army led by fanatical religious elements swarmed into the mountains, burning, killing and looting under the tower.

A little girl with white hair was hugged by a sturdy middle-aged man and fought her way out of the siege, avoiding pursuing soldiers and religious fanatics along the way.

He rode his horse and ran into the mountains behind the tower, came to a dark cave, and pushed the little girl inside.

"Take off the crystal inside, and I will blow up the rock to seal the cave, so they can't get in."

"No..." the little girl hugged the man's thigh, "don't leave me! It's so dark inside! I'm scared!"

"Remember what I taught you. You are my apprentice. You can deal with darkness and beasts..." The man's expression was extremely serious. "Take off the crystal. It can protect you. One day I will come back to pick you up."

After the man finished speaking, he grabbed the girl's clothes and threw her directly in. Then he took out a bottle, bit open the cork, and threw it towards the rock wall above.

With an explosion, the rock instantly fell down, gradually sealing the entrance to the cave.

At the last moment, the only thing that could be heard was the heartbreaking cry of the little girl.

"Teacher! I don't want it! Teacher, save me! Teacher Eredin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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